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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you / do you intend to pledge to the 1892 Pledge scheme orchestrated by the NUST?

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Would be superb if the Glazers decided to make next season's away kit green & yellow just to piss that group off.


Yeah, but who the fuck would choose horrible yellow for an away kit. :dontknow:


Quite like it meself, but then again...

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do the glazers sell those green and gold scarfs in the club shop out of curiosity?


That's like the NUFC clubshop selling 'Ashley Out' banners and 'Get out of our club' on CD.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest michaelfoster

Back in the journal this morning pushing their idea of buying the club. :undecided:


If they cant raise enough to buy it in the Championship, what makes them think they can raise enough to buy it in the PL when the club will have increased in value.


These lot probably couldnt push a shopping trolley tbf

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

You know, I was thinking they've been pretty quiet lately too. Suppose Ashley isn't doing anything worth shouting about so its only fair I guess.


Out of interest have NUST achieved anything they've set out to do yet? Other than form a group of people who like to pay money to hang out with each other every other month.


    * To strengthen the bonds and dialogue between Newcastle United and its supporters;

    * To encourage Newcastle United to take proper account of the interests of its supporters and the community it serves in its decisions and to honour the contribution made to the club by the community;

    * Ultimately, to promote the full, accountable democratic and constructive involvement of supporters in the running and direction of Newcastle United including the principle of supporter representation on the board of Newcastle United.


Guess not.  ???

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  • 4 months later...

So, seeing as how the Coalition thread has disappeared, did anyone reply with what this lot are up to?


They're evidently hard at work releasing bullet-points about their notable achievements, which amount to having raised a few grand for Sir Bobby's charity and getting 30,000 sigs on an anti-stadium-naming-rights petition.

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So, seeing as how the Coalition thread has disappeared, did anyone reply with what this lot are up to?


They're evidently hard at work releasing bullet-points about their notable achievements, which amount to having raised a few grand for Sir Bobby's charity and getting 30,000 sigs on an anti-stadium-naming-rights petition.


Maybe you should write to them with your advice on how to get the owner of the club to sell up by protesting and boycotting games?


The point of a campaign should be to weaken [the owner's] position before the next approach from [an interested buyer].


There should be banners and chants, things people will notice on television, stuff commentators and reporters will have to mention, so that the next time even someone as shameless as he is can't chunder on about "the people of Tyneside" or the importance of having someone "who understands the club". We will have made it very clear what he's supposed to "understand".


Declining attendances would also concentrate his mind wonderfully.

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So, seeing as how the Coalition thread has disappeared, did anyone reply with what this lot are up to?


You should probably repost that humorous yet telling manifesto in here; They could certainly take some pointers from it.




\from the more sensible policies to actually taking a joke if UV is reprasentative.

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So, seeing as how the Coalition thread has disappeared, did anyone reply with what this lot are up to?


You should probably repost that humorous yet telling manifesto in here; They could certainly take some pointers from it.




\from the more sensible policies to actually taking a joke if UV is reprasentative.


I'll have a look for the original email, why has it disappeared? NUST infiltration of the N-O admin?

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So, seeing as how the Coalition thread has disappeared, did anyone reply with what this lot are up to?


They're evidently hard at work releasing bullet-points about their notable achievements, which amount to having raised a few grand for Sir Bobby's charity and getting 30,000 sigs on an anti-stadium-naming-rights petition.




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For those who can't be arsed to look for themselves, here's the latest statement from the trust.




The Trust Moving Forward

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


The NUST (Newcastle United Supporters’ Trust) has had a short but very eventful existence so far. Following elections in March we have been re-organising and now have a new Board, which includes co-opted Newcastle Central MP Chi Onwurah, to drive the Trust forward.




Back in Sept/Oct 2009 an opportunity presented itself that could potentially offer supporters, together with local businesses and other financiers, the opportunity to purchase NUFC. This opportunity came along much earlier than anticipated and arose at a time when the NUST was in its infancy. However, it would have been foolish not to have pursued this opportunity when it presented itself to the Trust.


The Trust and its partners launched the ‘Yes we Can’ campaign and put together a very strong management team to try and secure the investment to put in place the model which would have potentially allowed supporters to invest in NUFC.


The overwhelmingly positive response to the ‘Yes We Can’ (YWC) campaign proved the hunger for such a model amongst supporters.. However, as time went on it became clear that while the idea was undoubtedly along the right lines, certain parts of the overall structure needed to be re-thought and possibly taken in a different direction in order to ensure that the outcome worked in the interests of NUST’s members and the wider fan base.


The board of NUST firmly believes that the only way for NUFC to have a long term stable financial future, and success on the pitch, is for the fans organised with the help of the Trust to try to arrange the finance to place the club permanently in an ownership model which involves fans as essential stakeholders. The NUST board is currently considering a number of ideas that we believe will help to achieve this aim. We hope to be able to announce more details in the coming months.




Newcastle United Football Club was formed from within the community to represent the City of Newcastle and surrounding areas. As every fan knows we have supported the club in large numbers but we have yet to see the club reach its full potential. We think there is a need to place it back in the community, and to develop it as a community resource that we can be proud of, not something that can be bought and sold at the whim of any rich individual.


NUST is committed to developing our links with the community and we intend to continue this process by developing awareness, and building membership, by arranging events and meetings to strengthen the influence of the Trust. We want to build on the successes we have already achieved which include:


    * NUST has already helped to raise considerable amounts for local charities, including over £7,500 for the ‘Sir Bobby Robson Foundation’.


    * The ongoing formation of a ‘Junior Trust’ which through coaching and other various events will help to connect young people in the north east with their football club and hopefully assist in guaranteeing the future support of Newcastle United.


    * The Trust’s ‘Local Achievers’ initiative has already rewarded numerous people in the local community by providing them with tickets for a wide range of ‘good citizen’ activities. This scheme will continue and help many fans, including many from disadvantaged parts of society, to see their team at St.James’ Park.


    * NUST is most definitely not a ‘protest’ group but it will seek to give representation to supporters where it is felt necessary. In the past this has led to a petition collecting almost 30,000 signatures against the renaming of St.James’ Park. The Trust has also made representations to various organisations when it has been felt the good name of Newcastle United fans has been unfairly brought into disrepute.


    * Most recently, NUST has made clear the need for our Club to take advantage of away ticket allocations to help the team in what is sure to be a challenging return to the Premier League.




The Trust has been exploring various ways to enable the NUST Board to keep in touch and interact with the members in a more effective way. There has recently been an ‘Ask The Trust’ section added to the website and more importantly, a new communications system will be launched very shortly which will allow NUST to provide members with updates on a regular basis. Other initiatives are being looked at which would compliment these progressive moves.




Throughout the world football is at a crossroads, nowhere more so than in England. In the lead-up to the recent general election, the two main parties included fan ownership/stakeholding in their manifestoes. NUST board members initiated and took part in a public debate with a number of parliamentary hopefuls from all three major parties.


Following the election representations were made to the new Sports Minister, Hugh Robertson, and he has agreed to meet an NUST delegation led by co-opted board member, Chi Onwurah. This will present a chance to put forward the Trust’s viewpoint on behalf of our members to a government which has committed itself to football club ownership reform.


As well as making inroads into the political arena, NUST is in the process of forging closer links with other Supporters’ Trusts around the country. This will enable the Trust to share ideas and move forward in a mutually beneficial way.


Closer to home the Trust is continuing to work towards identifying individuals and businesses who would be interested in a buyout.




The overriding aim of NUST is to move forward by interacting with all parts of the local community and work towards a common goal of helping Newcastle United to be successful, both on and off the field.


Only by increasing membership and influence can the Trust hope to move forward, with your help we can all look forward to a bright future.

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Guest malandro

NUST have been all over the place. When they should have been organising protests they didn’t, but got branded as a protest group anyway. Then they launched the ludicrously ambitious yes we can campaign, which was always doomed to fail. Hopefully now they’ll settle down and focus on achievable goals.


The negative views about NUST on here are depressingly predictable. Sure they’ve made a few mistakes but their heart is in the right place and a strong supporters’ organisation can only be a good thing. It’s strange that people will forgive Ashley but can’t bring themselves to give an organisation that genuinely cares about the long term future of NUFC a second chance.


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