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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)


Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)   

186 members have voted

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In September 2008, I was one of the many who came forward to try to do something to help the club we all love. I was privileged to be able to help and we commenced a popular campaign that grew in confidence and ability as it learned by experience. By September 2010, we had spoken to 3 Ministers, many MP's, the city council had approved unanimously a statement backing us, we were respected by the respected media, spoke to businessmen and financiers with credibility about the plan to fund a fans share in the club and, most importantly, had a huge and growing membership with whom we met via meetings, roadshows and other means.

In March 2010 we elected the new Board, the great majority who had been on the old Board,having previously formalised our supporters Trust - approved by the FSA and Supporters Direct.

However, instead of building on these advantages and opportunities, we have ceased to engage with our members properly. This website says that NUST will provide "regular updates to members through meetings, newsletters, emails and website" (See -"ABOUT US - MISSION STATEMENT") Our last members meeting was October 2009, our last Roadshow was March 2010. Clearly we do not do this and this lack of engagement - especially when the new Board has not yet met its members and electors - has concerned me for some time.

I will not release precise information about the discussions we have had at Board level but I can assure you that I (and some few others)have advocated a more inclusive, open and democratic approach with regular members meetings. Members can tell how successful my efforts have been by the absence of such events and, despite promises to the contrary, there is no mention of an opportunity for members to speak to the officers of the Board prior to the Comedy Evening on the 9th December. As this, very small, "concession" now seems to have been abandoned without notice or open discussion, I feel deceived and alienated.

At a recent training event, ran by James Mathie of Supporters Direct, he advocated regular members meetings, publication of Board agenda and minutes and a humble, listening attitude from the Board to our members. I completely agree, but others seem determined to avoid members questions describing some members as "rabble rousers".

I believed in, voted for and spent two years working for an open, democratic, approchable and competent Trust. Now I find that I am not invited to sub-group meetings, not told of Trust activities, am ignorant of the financial position of the Trust and when I "Ask the Trust" about something, my (month old) query is unanswered and unacknowleged.

Consequently, I have no alternative but to resign as a Board member with immediate effect. I am so sorry for my part in the failure of the Trust to communicate properly with its members and our electors. I believe that whatever we have done individually since March our manifest failure to communicate with our members invalidates all progress made. For that reason, in acknowledgement of my own responsibility, I will not put myself forward for election for any NUST post in future.

It's a shame because we have won all of the arguments put to us and we have the backing of the government, media and business. Unfortunately, we have neglected and forgotten our membership who, not surprisingly, have left in droves.

The Boards policy has in my opinion weakened the Trust.

As a result I can no longer remain a member of this Board although I treasure and continue my membership of NUST.

I recommend that, at the forthcoming AGM in January 2011, (which will be 15 months since the last members meeting!), members ensure that they take steps to ensure that proper communication including regular members meetings are made mandatory for all Board members to attend.

If we can do this we can regain the position we had last year and, by working with all in the NUFC family from the club to all fanzines, forums, media, communities, politics and business can complete the task that we set ourselves in 2008. But first, the Board needs to meet its members, financial supporters and electors...that's you lot! The members own this organisation, you have a right to be consulted and considered. Make sure that you hold your Board to account.


All the best,


Bill Corcoran


Oh dear.

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Sadly ironic they seemed to have became the very monster they formed to oppose, alienating their membership......

I knew they would from the start. What would be the difference between Ashley running the club and not consulting with the fans and theseguys running the club and not consulting the fans? I tell you what, people would hvae paid their pension, remortgaged their home, and even their savings in getting these guys in.
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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

You need a supporter's group that's willing to work with Ashley, not against him every step of the way. He'll never listen to anything they have to feedback on, if they're sticking two fingers up at every thing he does. A group that works as the voice of the fans, and concentrates on the fans, not the inner workings of the club, not the management, no the transfers.


They need to be the one voice of fan feedback - Fans are staying away due to high seat prices. Fans are concerned about the lack of atmosphere. We've done a quick survey and found that 60% of parents would bring their kids along if they were offered cheaper child/season tickets for them, etc.

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You need a supporter's group that's willing to work with Ashley, not against him every step of the way. He'll never listen to anything they have to feedback on, if they're sticking two fingers up at every thing he does. A group that works as the voice of the fans, and concentrates on the fans, not the inner workings of the club, not the management, no the transfers.


They need to be the one voice of fan feedback - Fans are staying away due to high seat prices. Fans are concerned about the lack of atmosphere. We've done a quick survey and found that 60% of parents would bring their kids along if they were offered cheaper child/season tickets for them, etc.


That's been the problem from day one.  Too much interest in points scoring, & not enough in doing anything constructive.


Even when they first got to attend the fans liason meetings (or whatever they are called) they were too interested in outdoing the other people who'd been going for a long time, and attempting to ambush the club.  Apparently it was comical to watch. 


Seem to remember them saying something along the lines of the other supporters where there just for the nice sandwiches, or something like that.

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Guest michaelfoster

You need a supporter's group that's willing to work with Ashley, not against him every step of the way. He'll never listen to anything they have to feedback on, if they're sticking two fingers up at every thing he does. A group that works as the voice of the fans, and concentrates on the fans, not the inner workings of the club, not the management, no the transfers.


Yup which is why ive always said it would fail from day 1

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I can understand why you liked the idea. I did too, they began at a time which wasn't a great period in our club and lots of people felt angry that  Ashley had done what he done with regards to Keegan and despite the fans protests, he didn't listen so people naturally felt that NUST was a way to gain control of the club and be listened to but now the NUST seem to be the same they don't listen, they from what i can gather are secretive and perhaps even undemocratic. They have thrown accusations at the club(Ashley and Llambias) and branded them as conniving, manipulitive and not willing to listen to ideas of their fans/members st holders. Now they atleast to me seem to be the same.

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Guest Heneage

Was never a fan of this from moment one. They seemed delusional to think fans could raise enough cash to buy the club. If they'd had any sense they'd have tried to work with the owners instead of overpowering a billionaire.

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Was never a fan of this from moment one. They seemed delusional to think fans could raise enough cash to buy the club. If they'd had any sense they'd have tried to work with the owners instead of overpowering a billionaire.

I was never a fan of it because I knew they couldn't ever gain control of the club, and I knew that they knew it aswell. It was always just a con, yes a few people might have believed it at first, but they have shown that they are just like armchair fans. They always know whats right and won't listen to other supporters, if they stick their hands over their ears and shout "La la la, I'm not listening" for long enough then they tend to believe their own crap as fact.


That is why supporters should never own their football club, yes they should have say and be consulted, but they should never ever be the ones to make the decisions.


Oh and btw, what kind of twat believes a bunch of guys who drink in an Irish social club could at any point be successfull in running a multi millions pound business?

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It's a bit concerning that a Board member is 'ignorant of the financial position of the Trust'.


I don't believe that the organisation is corrupt, but they were incredibly naive in the way they were trying to get people to part with their money. There was all this talk about support that was waiting in the wings - all designed to encourage people to join up. The details of the support would all be revealed at such and such a date, but the magic date never seemed to arise.


If you're going to be responsible for people's money, there are certain standards of openness and accountability. It was all a bit gung-ho, and I doubt whether those standards have been met.

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Was never a fan of this from moment one. They seemed delusional to think fans could raise enough cash to buy the club. If they'd had any sense they'd have tried to work with the owners instead of overpowering a billionaire.

I was never a fan of it because I knew they couldn't ever gain control of the club, and I knew that they knew it aswell. It was always just a con, yes a few people might have believed it at first, but they have shown that they are just like armchair fans. They always know whats right and won't listen to other supporters, if they stick their hands over their ears and shout "La la la, I'm not listening" for long enough then they tend to believe their own crap as fact.


That is why supporters should never own their football club, yes they should have say and be consulted, but they should never ever be the ones to make the decisions.


Oh and btw, what kind of t*** believes a bunch of guys who drink in an Irish social club could at any point be successfull in running a multi millions pound business?


That's why I think the Spanish model is the least bad (a bit like democracy). Makes the board accountable to the fans but ultimately they run the club.

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