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Different strokes for different folks, but I’ve never liked Caulkin’s writing style - I don’t like sickly sweet sentimentality in sports writing.  This constant desire to make something super emotional - and the Athletic pod when I’ve listened to it has a lot of that.


I quite like Waugh‘s journalistic writings, and the fact that they attempt to take the piss out of him on that pod for being like a football tactics rain man figure tells me all I need to know about it.  It’s Caulkin they should take the piss out of - ‘go on George, tell me how about your latest article where you’re attempting to tie Newcastle losing to your rabbit dying when you were eight years old to try and make the reader bubble’

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I think All with smiling faces podcast on GS has the best mix of serious discussion and humour. They come across well and it’d a good dynamic. I still listen to TF as I subscribed but I agree it’s gone downhill. The lad who says “like”’all the time I think is Kyle but he doesn’t really annoy me because I think he talks a fair bit of sense. That Charlotte lass if becoming intolerable with “ermmm” all the time. To be fair Si Campbell talks a fair amount of sense. The loss of Norman Reilly was a real shame, he was quality. Corby is class but rarely on. I don’t listen nearly as much now, it used to be much better.

Pod in Tyne has the worst fake humour. I actually like Caulkin but I get why some people would get bored of his over emotional angles. Chris Waugh is spot on with his analysis and stats. Taylor Payne, givesy.


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13 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Different strokes for different folks, but I’ve never liked Caulkin’s writing style - I don’t like sickly sweet sentimentality in sports writing.  This constant desire to make something super emotional - and the Athletic pod when I’ve listened to it has a lot of that.


I quite like Waugh‘s journalistic writings, and the fact that they attempt to take the piss out of him on that pod for being like a football tactics rain man figure tells me all I need to know about it.  It’s Caulkin they should take the piss out of - ‘go on George, tell me how about your latest article where you’re attempting to tie Newcastle losing to your rabbit dying when you were eight years old to try and make the reader bubble’


I used to really love Caulkin like. Him 'getting us' was a huge deal in the Ashley years.


I don't know whether he just stood out more back then because sports journalism was worse, whether I was influenced by him being on our side, my tastes have changed, he's got worse, or a combination of all, but I do find his style quite saccharine and overly dramatic now.


Maybe it's just the context of the godawful world that he's writing in now, where the idea of football being anything along the lines of his ghost-written "What is football in any case?" quote seem naive and out-of-touch. I dunno.


I still like him like, he seems like a sound bloke. Albeit his virtue signally (and I normally hate that expression) over the takeover while simultaneously putting out an imo woe-is-me article about our fans' seige mentality over it rubbed me the wrong way.

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2 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:


I used to really love Caulkin like. Him 'getting us' was a huge deal in the Ashley years.


I don't know whether he just stood out more back then because sports journalism was worse, whether I was influenced by him being on our side, my tastes have changed, he's got worse, or a combination of all, but I do find his style quite saccharine and overly dramatic now.


Maybe it's just the context of the godawful world that he's writing in now, where the idea of football being anything along the lines of his ghost-written "What is football in any case?" quote seem naive and out-of-touch. I dunno.


I still like him like, he seems like a sound bloke. Albeit his virtue signally (and I normally hate that expression) over the takeover while simultaneously putting out an imo woe-is-me article about our fans' seige mentality over it rubbed me the wrong way.


Have made this point before but the big change with Caulkin is the publication. We all liked him when he worked for The Times because he was unique among his peers in being pro-NUFC (or specifically anti-Ashley). But The Athletic is basically just a fanzine where everything (certainly that he writes) is fundamentally 'pro'. That was incredibly frustrating in the Bruce era and mostly tedious now. 

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I think Caulkin is a very good writer but less impressive in terms of having a lot of sources that aren't just the club itself, hence why he was led up the garden path by staverley's optimism originally when should have been a bit more skeptical even though she was proven right in the end. Equally he can't churn out spine tingling prose every week, it quickly becomes somewhat contrived. I do think him and the lot are too close to the club, which results in good in depth articles close up but equally leads to them being essentially symbiotic with the club's own pr. I remember the 'controversy' last season when the press corps clapped Howe, that bit was nonsense and quite natural nothing wrong there, but then howe said he saw the press as "part of the team". 


Hmmmm no the press shouldn't be part of the team. They should be the publics eyes and ears as close to the club as possible, yes there is a mutal beneficial nature to a close working relationship but there is definitely a feel with the athletic it is churning out puff pieces and everyone is happy. From the journos I would like


1) some soul stirring stuff getting a feel of the club as is and wants to be

2) knowledgeable analysis of what the goals of the club are i.e. transfer targets, ground changes etc

3) analysis of squad and tactics

4) holding club to account as to are they doing what is promised?

5) explanations of the business side as well as sponsorships etc. 

6) A reasonable look at all attitudes and opinions about the ethical side of ownership, including yes criticism where warranted


What the journos shouldn't be doing is uncritically regurgitating the clubs own marketing. The Athletic does 1 2 and 3, there isn't a great deal to hold the club to account for that is not around the ethical side which they do cover, but caulkin himself basically only does 1. They have done some excellent interviews too. 



Edited by Tiresias

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6 hours ago, Kid Icarus said:


I used to really love Caulkin like. Him 'getting us' was a huge deal in the Ashley years.


I don't know whether he just stood out more back then because sports journalism was worse, whether I was influenced by him being on our side, my tastes have changed, he's got worse, or a combination of all, but I do find his style quite saccharine and overly dramatic now.


Maybe it's just the context of the godawful world that he's writing in now, where the idea of football being anything along the lines of his ghost-written "What is football in any case?" quote seem naive and out-of-touch. I dunno.


I still like him like, he seems like a sound bloke. Albeit his virtue signally (and I normally hate that expression) over the takeover while simultaneously putting out an imo woe-is-me article about our fans' seige mentality over it rubbed me the wrong way.

Re. The last paragraph. What was the the general gist of the ‘woe-is-me’ article? 

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22 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

Re. The last paragraph. What was the the general gist of the ‘woe-is-me’ article? 


I'd link it so you could judge for yourself but it's behind a pay wall.


IIRC a couple of days after Caulkin had put out an article about his deep-seated concerns over our ownership, where he said amongst other things that he was losing sleep over it, he put out another article with Alex Hurst and our very own Greg, where the tone was very different imo. The article is called 'How it feels to be a Newcastle fan now everyone hates them' which was very much a piece about a seige mentality and about fans being unfairly criticised.


At the time it seemed really crass and tone deaf imo. Even if it was true that Newcastle fans were being unfairly criticised (which I don't think we were for the most part) , he knew the gravity of the situation with Saudi Arabian human rights abuses, so would know that football fans receiving criticism is nothing, it's a drop in the ocean in the grand scheme of things. It just seemed off to me, like he was undermining his own previous article, I didn't like that. 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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  • 2 weeks later...

The banter levels reached radioactive on this week's POTT.


Mad, cos I was gonna come in here and say, fair play, it's been good this week (first half just discussing the ManU game), but wew. :lol: Proper accidental Brent stuff thereafter. 

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The Brazilian woman they have on the totally football show,  I'm not sure she adds anything to the discussion other than how nice the Brazilian players are when she's interviewed them



Edited by joeyt

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16 minutes ago, joeyt said:

The Brazilian woman they have on the totally football show,  I'm not sure she adds anything to the discussion other than how nice the Brazilian players are when she's interviewed them




I’m probably imagining things but it seems like Richardson is starting to get a bit weary of it all. He cut off the Russian guy as he tried to do a humorous thing this week, seems like he is increasingly on his guard against deathly unfunny detours.

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1 minute ago, Hovagod said:

I’m probably imagining things but it seems like Richardson is starting to get a bit weary of it all. He cut off the Russian guy as he tried to do a humorous thing this week, seems like he is increasingly on his guard against deathly unfunny detours.

The Russian guy just seemed to be there this week to read out the remaining fixtures of every team :lol:

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Just now, joeyt said:

The Russian guy just seemed to be there this week to read out the remaining fixtures of every team :lol:

Lots of great content about De Gea too. His name was on the lips of everybody who watched the game on Sunday, so it made sense to focus the bulk of their coverage on him. 

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On 26/03/2023 at 13:58, Yorkie said:


Have made this point before but the big change with Caulkin is the publication. We all liked him when he worked for The Times because he was unique among his peers in being pro-NUFC (or specifically anti-Ashley). But The Athletic is basically just a fanzine where everything (certainly that he writes) is fundamentally 'pro'. That was incredibly frustrating in the Bruce era and mostly tedious now. 


Wonder how good the editing is at The Athletic. Did they make high profile editing hires or have they just hired well-thought-of writers and let them basically get on with it?

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2 minutes ago, Wullie said:


Wonder how good the editing is at The Athletic. Did they make high profile editing hires or have they just hired well-thought-of writers and let them basically get on with it?


I've thought that myself and have come to just assume that it's the latter. 

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7 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

Lots of great content about De Gea too. His name was on the lips of everybody who watched the game on Sunday, so it made sense to focus the bulk of their coverage on him. 


Aye, seemed absolutely desperate to say that de Gea has been the best keeper in the Prem this season. Richardson said well what about Nick Pope and he didn't want anything to do with it :lol:

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Wilson on his pod joking about being on the bench this week was good craic, after rinsing Antonio for it all season.


22 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

I’m probably imagining things but it seems like Richardson is starting to get a bit weary of it all. He cut off the Russian guy as he tried to do a humorous thing this week, seems like he is increasingly on his guard against deathly unfunny detours.


I think he needs a bigger gig, should be on TV really.

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27 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

I’m probably imagining things but it seems like Richardson is starting to get a bit weary of it all. He cut off the Russian guy as he tried to do a humorous thing this week, seems like he is increasingly on his guard against deathly unfunny detours.

I don't think you will be like. I don't listen to TFS anymore, but he often seemed like he couldn't be arsed with their shit patter. Tifo and TFS should merge really, they're essentially the same show with the same craic for whoever it is that enjoys it.

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Latest Overlap teaser is on YT. Fucking Keane, bloke can't help himself, absolutely hates us the box-headed, limp wristed twat. When asked for his top 4 he goes "City, Arsenal, United and either Newcastle or Spurs...I really hope it's Spurs". Insufferable keep-the-status-quo misery guts cunt. Don't know if it's his run-ins with Shearer or the fact he managed the scruffs, that leads to him feeling like he has to hate us. At least Carra goes for us. 


Honestly, even if we weren't in the mix, and it was someone like Brighton or Villa going for that spot over bloody Spurs, i'd be all for it. Who the hell, outside of North London could ever want those pricks getting top 4, especially with how miserable a watch they've been?

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3 hours ago, Wullie said:


Wonder how good the editing is at The Athletic. Did they make high profile editing hires or have they just hired well-thought-of writers and let them basically get on with it?

They definitely hired editors. That James Maw is one and he was at FourFourTwo and there’s a couple of others I can’t remember as well. Their written content isn’t a patch on their audio content IMO.

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17 hours ago, Yorkie said:

The banter levels reached radioactive on this week's POTT.


Mad, cos I was gonna come in here and say, fair play, it's been good this week (first half just discussing the ManU game), but wew. :lol: Proper accidental Brent stuff thereafter. 

I don’t listen these days - but I’ll take a guess:

Waugh - ‘X team was playing catenaccio football’

Caulkin - ‘isn’t that a type of pasta?  Eh?’

Taylor - ‘hohoho captain Waffles is a right football nerd’

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18 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

I don’t listen these days - but I’ll take a guess:

Waugh - ‘X team was playing catenaccio football’

Caulkin - ‘isn’t that a type of pasta?  Eh?’

Taylor - ‘hohoho captain Waffles is a right football nerd’

Not sure if bringing that die hard Everton fan onto the pod has helped either mind. The bloke is a charisma vacuum.

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1 minute ago, Andybiotics said:

Not sure if bringing that die hard Everton fan onto the pod has helped either mind. The bloke is a charisma vacuum.

Christ, there’s more of them on it?


Every hack out there seems to be on a YouTube pod or whatever these days.  They aren’t self-aware enough to realise how dull most of them are. 

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21 minutes ago, Andybiotics said:

Not sure if bringing that die hard Everton fan onto the pod has helped either mind. The bloke is a charisma vacuum.


Think he's been a good addition because he doesn't remotely fit their 'yer dad' patter. :lol:

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