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Roy Hodgson appointed new England manager


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Guest Chubby Jason

Who cares what the moron Merson thinks? The man can't even string a sentence together, he's an absolute imbecile.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

I shouldn't be surprised the sporting press have turned into complete mongoloids already, yet here I am - surprised. Poorly thought out opinion piece after opinion piece, which no one asked for. Stupid questions aimed at the same targets time and time again, painting a picture of a person before they've even managed a game. Tired of all their crap. I for one have banned them all from any and all future press conferences I may hold. Except Nixon, he may attend if he brings food.

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Guest Phil K

Er....the Southern rags (our most determined attackers, remember) are the ones who wanted Redknapp - NOT "the whole country"

The journo wankers like Martin Samuel and Mick Dennis wanted him, therefore they conclude, if they do, we all do

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Guest palnese

Roy Hodgson has said he will not choose a black player to be the new England captain, as he confirmed:


"I am looking for the white man for the job."



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Guest Phil K

Awful air of negativity in the press conference like. :lol:

Yeah. There was a distinct "We're digging out our old turnip pictures for Photoshop" spiteful air about the tossers, wasn't there ?

I mean - the FA DIDN'T do as the rags told them.....no wonder they're p****d off - just like any petulant creeps.

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Roy Hodgson has said he will not choose a black player to be the new England captain, as he confirmed:


"I am looking for the white man for the job."




;D That's why the South Africa question arose.



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'Arry would have gone to South Africa in the 70s and ended apartheid single-handedly if 'er indoor was willing to move from the south coast.




Apartheid?  Triffic player but you'll have to ask the chairman.

:lol: :lol:


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Guest firetotheworks

Howeh man. Of course Redknapp was the people's choice. Probably because there was little choice. We were still the minority that didn't want him, but most of us know by now that 'the people', as in the majority, are severely f***ing stupid, and it probably includes the people who will have an opinion on it because it's on the front page instead of the back one and know nothing about football.


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Aye because those that know about football were literally screaming out for Woy to be appointed. Was at least 4 of them across the whole country.


'always-Woys, there are literally dozens of us'

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Poll on F365 has fans preferring Hodgson at 62% to Redknapp's 38% and a couple of other online polls I've seen have similar results - why are the media choosing to ignore this?


Rhetorical question obviously, but no less annoying. Twats.

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The English press is nothing but a collective of thick as pig-shit mongs who have ZERO interest in seeing England do well.


Those who understand football will see the long term benefit of installing Hodgson as England manager, as long as he is allowed to also run St George's park. He knows and understands what the game lacks at grassroots and I hope he will lay the foundations to improve what is a pathetic third rate infrastructure compared to how other associations operate.


Stick it to them all Roy old boy!

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Howeh man. Of course Redknapp was the people's choice. Probably because there was little choice. We were still the minority that didn't want him, but most of us know by now that 'the people', as in the majority, are severely f***ing stupid, and it probably includes the people who will have an opinion on it because it's on the front page instead of the back one and know nothing about football.



This pretty much sums it up.

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A big factor that is being ignored is that Hodgson boasts varied international management experience and has managed in different countries - Redknapp has not. The experience you gain in other leagues/countries of the world is massive, as the different cultures/styles of play etc ensure you have a much wider view of how to coach etc.


Of course, it's just being dismissed as "yeah but winning titles in Scandinavia means NOTHING" by the press, tossers.

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He's adored by shit journos because he is very willing to talk all the time, wouldn't surprise me if Redknapp, presumably furious behind closed doors, has told journos if they ever want a favour out of him again they should give Hodgson a hard time.


Pathetic though, it's the pretense that they are some kind of voice of the people, journalists are the eyes and ears of the public (as I have been taught on my journo course lol) not the voice.

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It seems that the main argument against Roy (from what I've seen on Facebook anyway) is that he failed at Liverpool. Bullshit argument if you ask me.


Daily Mail's take was something along the lines of 'FA choose Liverpool flop' as a main headline. Whilst Martin Samuel cunted on in that article posted many pages back.


Followed by this self-congratulatory bullshit today: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2137536/Martin-Samuel-Roy-Hodgson--him.html

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