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Can't wait till he gets home and see's this reply:






Playing the long game? :lol:


'You couldn't wire a three pin plug.'


Added that last bit in after, the kernt.  :lol:


Aye, figured you were on about the first bit with their little beef. But cracked me up. Another excuse for their mediocrity? Short's planned it ffs :lol:

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This is my favourite post of the nightof the whole thread. Uber critical, rascist and insulting (egg face?) " O'Shea - wank. Saw him for ten mins V Swansea, knew he wouldn't work. Bloody paddy bastard. Go and support the Nazi's again, egg face."

I think this stands out in a quite unbeleivable thread!




Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=631296&page=20#ixzz1Z6RIoJ8W

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Might be being thick but I don't understand the nazi stuff, if it was just one poster then it could be written off as a mong.


3 or 4 from what i've seen tonight, but he's the worst.




Again. Can't help think of you when he posts  :blush: due to the avatar, how dare he.  :lol:


Tbf I did geniunely get confused myself :lol: :blush:


Ah ok so Ireland were 'Nazi sympathisers' during the war and this is how they choose to vent their anger at their Irish contingent :lol:


Any word on this wearside? To be honest, despite what he is I do feel sympathy for Randy Savage, he seems a canny Mackem and this sort of shit must be very cringeworthy.

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They really are daft as fuck:


Not libel - it's fact. Ireland during WWII = nazi sympathisers. If you're not against them, you're with them.


The IRA at the time sympathised with the Nazis, but the Irish government arrested both IRA and Nazi's during the war, so how the fuck does that make Ireland as a whole Nazi sympathisers?! :lol: They also fail to see the irony in their anti-Irish posts, they would mourn the day Quinn leaves them.

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Interesting to see Brown and OShea getting some stick. If they go the same way as Smith and Butt then I can't see much positive in that team at all.


Larsson is technically quite good and Vaughan is neat and tidy, but that wasnt enough for Blackpool or Birmingham.


Up front I don't think Bendtner will provide enough, and Sessegnon wont get many goals for them.


The rest of their team looks utter shite - they havent even got a left side

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