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Oh right. Thought you had your tongue firmly in your cheek.


They have a decent manager in charge who's put some belief back into the players, and they're riding that mix of renewed enthusiasm and fortune you often get with a new manager. They however are still 13th, you make it sound like they're likely to finish in the top 8 this year.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Oh right. Thought you had your tongue firmly in your cheek.


They have a decent manager in charge who's put some belief back into the players, and they're riding that mix of renewed enthusiasm and fortune you often get with a new manager. They however are still 13th, you make it sound like they're likely to finish in the top 8 this year.


The way the league is going they could well finish 8th. Look at Stoke, when we beat them they were in free fall and near the bottom. Now they are breathing down our necks and while that says a lot more about our own poor form than their good form, it says even more about just how unpredictable this season is and just how up for grabs most of those spots are, even the top spot itself.

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For all people say Short backs his managers healthily and they've got loads of money to spend it's a bit of a myth. All the money they spent in the summer came from the sales of Henderson and Bent. They still sell their best players when the offer is good. Hell they were willing to loan out their best striker because they got an offer that was financially unprecidented for a loan deal.


They haven't made sunk cost investment on players since they got promoted and gave Keane loads to spend to settle them in the league. Since then they've been ran as a business and they've tightened ship even more recently. Their wage costs are a huge percentage of the turnover and they're having to trim accordingly.

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Oh right. Thought you had your tongue firmly in your cheek.


They have a decent manager in charge who's put some belief back into the players, and they're riding that mix of renewed enthusiasm and fortune you often get with a new manager. They however are still 13th, you make it sound like they're likely to finish in the top 8 this year.


The way the league is going they could well finish 8th. Look at Stoke, when we beat them they were in free fall and near the bottom. Now they are breathing down our necks and while that says a lot more about our own poor form than their good form, it says even more about just how unpredictable this season is and just how up for grabs most of those spots are, even the top spot itself.


I agree about there being numerous teams who could finish in any such order, but personally I don't think Sunderland will finish any higher than 10th.

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It's the same drama every year man, this is the start of the inevitable delusion leading up to the game before we dick them and shatter their dreams.


They could have Mourinho in charge and they'd still shit themselves at St James' every season. That said, a soak up and hit on the break gameplan's probably the best way to play us considering Swansea and WBA.

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For all people say Short backs his managers healthily and they've got loads of money to spend it's a bit of a myth. All the money they spent in the summer came from the sales of Henderson and Bent. They still sell their best players when the offer is good. Hell they were willing to loan out their best striker because they got an offer that was financially unprecidented for a loan deal.


They haven't made sunk cost investment on players since they got promoted and gave Keane loads to spend to settle them in the league. Since then they've been ran as a business and they've tightened ship even more recently. Their wage costs are a huge percentage of the turnover and they're having to trim accordingly.


Selling their best players and then spending the money? That's not the way to do it. Tut.

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I'm nervous about playing them already.

:nope: Steady on.

I agree it's stupidly and overly pessimistic.

It's just that their sudden upsurge in fortunes, coupled with our drop in form, unsettles me.


Well, the mackems were bound to go on a good run of form when O'Neill was appointed but I'm not worried as such. I'm pretty confident we can turn it around too (probably not against Man U mind).

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Have to say though, every week Sesspit impresses me. Does he play for an African Nation? Would like to see him piss off for a month if I'm being honest.


Benin's national football team was dissolved.

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Have to say though, every week Sesspit impresses me. Does he play for an African Nation? Would like to see him piss off for a month if I'm being honest.


Benin's national football team was dissolved.


FFS How fucking spawny can a team get????????

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On another day Man City would have hammered them given their shots ratio and possession but results like that and the manner it came in can only serve to aid sunderland under the stewardship of their new manager. They will become an extremely difficult side to beat and these scraped 1-0 wins will become the norm, especially away from home. Mind, they will have to attack sides at their own ground and that's where they will probably come unstuck because they'll become a typical O'Neill side, set up to defend and then counter during transitional play.


I'm not really worried about them but the gap that existed between the two sides a month or so back will only get shorter and I wouldn't rule out the notion of them finishing above us. If O'Neill had started the season there they would probably be either level or above us at this point. Lets not forget he is a really good manager, arguably the best outside of Fergie, Moyes, Redknapp, Mancini and Wenger.


He'll be backed significantly too you feel whereas we all know Pardew whoever happens to be our manager will get f*** all from the twats in control of our club.


These are good times to be a sunderland fan and although we are above them and have had a reasonable season thus far with an especially good start, concerns grow and grow about the future direction of our club and will always be so as long as Ashley and co pull the strings.




Of course they are man, they have a really good manager in charge for arguably the first time in decades and are now winning games.


This may just be the first ever time a team has got a new lease of life after a new manager comes in.  They are destined for great things.

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Guest Haris Vuckic


So what would have happened if the two correct decisions against Blackburn were blown and today's goal was correctly given offside?


Is he still a messiah?

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Have to say though, every week Sesspit impresses me. Does he play for an African Nation? Would like to see him piss off for a month if I'm being honest.


Read in the paper today, with quotes from O'Neill, that Sessegnon's wife and kids can't settle and have moved back to France, and as a result Sessegnon may be going back to France with them. O'Neill quotes were something like "it'll be difficult for him to stay" - hopefully he goes back to Ligue 1 because he is a good player, there's no getting away from that.

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Guest BooBoo

Imagine if we'd played like they did today and lost 1-0 (as they easily could have when Richards hit the bar in the 88th minute).


Pardew would be getting destroyed for it.


Very true. In fact even if we'd beaten Man City under similar circumstances, the Doomies would dismiss it as good fortune. There would no mention of good game plans or other such tosh.

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Have to say though, every week Sesspit impresses me. Does he play for an African Nation? Would like to see him piss off for a month if I'm being honest.


Read in the paper today, with quotes from O'Neill, that Sessegnon's wife and kids can't settle and have moved back to France, and as a result Sessegnon may be going back to France with them. O'Neill quotes were something like "it'll be difficult for him to stay" - hopefully he goes back to Ligue 1 because he is a good player, there's no getting away from that.


Hope it's true...as you say he's a very good player.

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Sessegnon is quality, no doubt about it.


If only our exciting, french attacker got starting games to show what he is capable of.


Obertans brilliant, we get it Messi  :snod:

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