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For the second time tonight, we've just posted exactly the same thing without each other knowing. Posted one a page or 2 back, exactly the same only with "Carling Cup Run". :lol:

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For the second time tonight, we've just posted exactly the same thing without each other knowing. Posted one a page or 2 back, exactly the same only with "Carling Cup Run". :lol:


:shifty: :lol:

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Banned from RTG






:lol: what for?


Started a thread along the lines of 'we have Champions League medals, but no Carling Cup medals'.  Probably the last straw tonight.

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Bruce's summer signings


Westwood - another keeper

Wickham - unproven Championship kid

Wong Ji - unproven korean

Brown - perma crock

O'Shea - had injury problems too

Vaughan - part of team who got relegated

Larsson - part of team who got relegated

Gardner - part of team who got relegated

Deacon - just a kid




Shocking signings. Larsson is decent, but absolute dross otherwise.

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Bruce's summer signings


Westwood - another keeper

Wickham - unproven Championship kid

Wong Ji - unproven korean

Brown - perma crock

O'Shea - had injury problems too

Vaughan - part of team who got relegated

Larsson - part of team who got relegated

Gardner - part of team who got relegated

Deacon - just a kid




Shocking signings. Larsson is okay, but absolute dross otherwise.


What on earth does Bruce expect? You sign mediocrity, your team is mediocre. Apparently Steve hasn't worked this one out.

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Gardner's not a bad signing tbf, got a good tally last season.


He's a decent signing for them but nothing more. Also, last year was the first time he'd managed more than 3 in a season. Very possibly a one season wonder in terms of goals.

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