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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

they'll get o'neill i reckon.


Not overly bothered if he took the job. He's another Brucey backseat coach. Doesn't do any coach and relies on the coaching staff around him. Manages via a cheque book.

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They'll get O'Neil then he'll walk out, then they'll get Mark Hughes, then he'll walk out, then hire Bruce again


Hope they get O'Neill, he just wastes money replacing shit players with shitter players then walks out when his spending is curbed.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Liverpool fans:


Sunderland (if the can afford him and he fancies it) should hire Benitez. He'd do as good a job as Pardew's doing this season with the Toon. Top 8 guarenteed, maybe better with support. Don't know if he'd fancy the drive really though, and Rafa's said he wants to join a 'project' club with Champions League ambitions. Is Ellis Short really willing to inject the cash needed to make that happen?


So Sunderland sack Bruce at last......


Well there is some fat Spanish waiter looking for a job in the Premiership who apparently is a pretty good manger to boot.



But seriously - Offer the job to Benitez. The man is a class act and would do well with the good set up Sunderland have.

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Football_Agent9 Football Agent

Hughes has been contacted. O'Neil not interested from what I've been told #safc.



skydovaston iandovaston -


My source says Sunderland chairman Ellis Short will talk with fellow American Aston Villa boss Randy Lerner about his experience of O'Neill.


Well-connected Sunderland source tells me he thinks Martin O'Neill will be very interested in the now vacant job at the Stadium of Light.

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Guest bimpy474

Owen Coyle, imo. Things are going to shit at Bolton and he might well want to jump ship.


I reckon they'll go for Lambert but will be rebuffed by Norwich/the man himself.



Hmmmm Norwich or Scumderland.....tough one :D

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Frankly, it's no conincidence they've been particularly shit since Bent left. Despite playing shite football they could rely on "DB" to get them a goal, and that's exactly what they did - far too much. Since he's left they've been fully exposed for what they are. Sunderland don't have the appeal nor does Steve Bruce have the skills, to turn around what was and still is a sinking ship.


His last throw of the dice was to buy a large collection of mediocre players in the blind hope they'd magically work together. Guess what? They didn't.

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Frankly, it's no conincidence they've been particularly s*** since Bent left. Despite playing s**** football they could rely on "DB" to get them a goal, and that's exactly what they did - far too much. Since he's left they've been fully exposed for what they are. Sunderland don't have the appeal nor does Steve Bruce have the skills, to turn around what was and still is a sinking ship.


His last throw of the dice was to buy a large collection of mediocre players in the blind hope they'd magically work together. Guess what? They didn't.


Good call tbh, they were a one man team for yonks and Bent pulled them out the shite time and time again.

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