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NUFC transfer rumours in the press


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Local press linking us, Fulham, Palermo, and a few Spanish teams to South Korean central defender Cho Yong-Hyung.


Well, he'll be our first choice CB at the World Cup... But that's not saying much.

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Guest Brazilianbob

Nothing will happen until July as players contracts don't expire until the end of june, so any frees will not sign until July at earliest.

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Local press linking us, Fulham, Palermo, and a few Spanish teams to South Korean central defender Cho Yong-Hyung.


Well, he'll be our first choice CB at the World Cup... But that's not saying much.


He looks very slight build similar to Rozenhal. Might struggle with the physical nature of the premiership.


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Local press linking us, Fulham, Palermo, and a few Spanish teams to South Korean central defender Cho Yong-Hyung.


Well, he'll be our first choice CB at the World Cup... But that's not saying much.


He looks very slight build similar to Rozenhal. Might struggle with the physical nature of the premiership.


I honestly think that Rozenhal would've been very good in a settled team even in the premiership.
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You on crack?

If that was aimed at me I still think he'd come good. He was a ball-playing cb much in the same vein as Colo. With a brute next to him he would've been good. Not in a Big Sam team though, but in a team where the tactics consists of more than soaking up pressure from the opponents and then kicking long punts forward.
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You on crack?

If that was aimed at me I still think he'd come good. He was a ball-playing cb much in the same vein as Colo. With a brute next to him he would've been good. Not in a Big Sam team though, but in a team where the tactics consists of more than soaking up pressure from the opponents and then kicking long punts forward.


I think you've got a point, he never looked that bad to me.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

SSN fanny flapping that Birmingham are going to bid £4.4m for Carroll, but face competition from Stoke.

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Local press linking us, Fulham, Palermo, and a few Spanish teams to South Korean central defender Cho Yong-Hyung.


Well, he'll be our first choice CB at the World Cup... But that's not saying much.


He looks very slight build similar to Rozenhal. Might struggle with the physical nature of the premiership.


I honestly think that Rozenhal would've been very good in a settled team even in the premiership.


He was at a push the size of one of my legs, why on earth Allardyce (of all people) brought him in i'll never know.

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Why would Birmingham want him, they've just spent £5m on a target man!


And similarly, why would we entertain the notion of selling him. I'd lose any of the remaining faith I have in our current set up if that happened.

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Why would Birmingham want him, they've just spent £5m on a target man!


And similarly, why would we entertain the notion of selling him. I'd lose any of the remaining faith I have in our current set up if that happened.


It would directly contravene the club statement - building up using our own academy, as well.

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Local press linking us, Fulham, Palermo, and a few Spanish teams to South Korean central defender Cho Yong-Hyung.


Well, he'll be our first choice CB at the World Cup... But that's not saying much.


I would prefer we went for kwak Tae hwi - huge loss for us.  Jeju united isn't the beat team. Having said that, I agree that Most Korean/Asian  CBs are all quite lightweight. If we go for a Korean, wingbacks or wingers are probably most suitable in the premier league (ObvioUsly!). 


chrissy- please get Get Jong dae se!!!


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We aren't going to hear a peep about any potential signings until they are done/nearly done and are leaked by the selling club. The press have nothing to write so they're either harping on about us having no money or linking us to randomers. They haven't got a scooby who we're after.

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Local press linking us, Fulham, Palermo, and a few Spanish teams to South Korean central defender Cho Yong-Hyung.Nah, neither suitable for us. However, I would be interested in that full back, Who Flung Dung. Heard he has a mean throw in.


Well, he'll be our first choice CB at the World Cup... But that's not saying much.


I would prefer we went for kwak Tae hwi - huge loss for us.  Jeju united isn't the beat team. Having said that, I agree that Most Korean/Asian  CBs are all quite lightweight. If we go for a Korean, wingbacks or wingers are probably most suitable in the premier league (ObvioUsly!).  


chrissy- please get Get Jong dae se!!!


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mcmackems at it saying athletico want jonas for 7m citing the 110m we owe ashley (which in the 2nd statement said he isnt looking back for) as a reason for selling.



in news of the world we're apparently after sol campbell


and liam lawerence


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Guest Pedro_de_geordieo

Would like to see Campbell, I hear he married a girl from up here.


As for Gutierrez I just can't see him leaving. He came here to play premiership football and after working his bollocks off in the lower league I can't see him walking away.

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Guest Pedro_de_geordieo

Sol Campbell. :lol:


Won't happen, and thank christ.


Not sure I follow?

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