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Just for the record, looks like he's been linked to Hamburg and Schalke today too and their fans are talking about £6M+ in terms of a price (not sure if there's any real substance there).


Maybe just be his agent getting his name about?

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I'll take either one as long as they're in before Saturday and we don't have to witness the holocaust that is Ryan Taylor at left back.


No, you demand both.


Anything less and I'll rip up my season ticket. :troll:

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Xisco ficha por el Deportivo y afrontará su tercera etapa de blanquiazul

Xisco signed for Deportivo and will face its third stage of blue and white

(Galicia) DEPORTES,FUTBOL | > AREA: Deporte (Galicia) SPORTS, FOOTBALL |> AREA: Sports

11-08-2011 / 1:40: h 08.11.2011 / 1:40: pm

El conjunto coruñés ha confirmado esta madrugada que el atacante aterrizará hoy jueves a primera hora de la mañana en el aeropuerto de Alvedro y, a continuación, pasará reconocimiento médico en un hospital coruñés. The group has confirmed this morning coruñés the attacker will land early Thursday morning at the airport Alvedro and then pass a medical examination in hospital Coruña.


El delantero afrontará así su tercera etapa en el Deportivo, club en el que se formó como futbolista y con el que debutó en Primera División en la temporada 2004-05 de la mano de Javier Irureta en su última temporada como técnico del club. The striker will face his third stage in the Deportivo, the club was formed as a player and he made his debut in First Division in the 2004-05 season at the hands of Javier Irureta in his final season as coach of the club.


Después, con Joaquín Caparrós en el banquillo deportivista, Xisco se quedó en el primer equipo en la temporada 2005-06 y fue cedido al Vecindario, de Segunda División, en la 2006-07. Then, Joaquin Caparros at Deportivo bench, Xisco was left in the first team in the 2005-06 season and was loaned to the Neighborhood, Second Division in 2006-07.


Con Miguel Ángel Lotina al frente de la plantilla, Xisco volvió a tener protagonismo y sus números en la temporada 2007-08 despertaron el interés del Newcastle, que le fichó por 5.675.000 euros. Miguel Angel Lotina in front of staff, Xisco returned to take a leading role and his numbers in the 2007-08 season attracted the interest of Newcastle, who signed him for 5,675,000 euros.


Con los ingleses perdió la categoría en el curso 2008-09, fue cedido al Racing de Santander en la temporada 2009-10 y el curso pasado regresó al Deportivo para disputar los últimos meses de competición. With the British lost the category in the academic year 2008-09, he was loaned to Racing Santander in the 2009-10 season and returned to the sport last year to contest the final months of competition.


El equipo coruñés descendió a Segunda después de veinte temporadas consecutivas en Primera y Xisco volvió al Newcastle, del que ahora regresa nuevamente al Deportivo. The team fell to second Coruña after twenty seasons in the First and Xisco returned to Newcastle, which now returns again to Deportivo. EFE 1010152 EFE 1010152


Well that didnt work well...


Anyhow, roughly translated, he's off to Depor and has a medical today.

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werent they saying last week or summit that we've exhausted our list of continental strikers and were turning our attentions to home-based options or even loans?


its a joke to be fair, the amount of time we've had to find one and it just doesnt seem to be happening for us

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Guest Roger Kint

Damn right we cant sign another striker until one leaves.. you know the policy.


So many true negatives stories to post and you invent one, well done....

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