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Er, what will their fans say now?


My guess is they'll ignore their sublime fuckwittery and astounding defence of him, and scream that this apology shows what a good bloke Suarez really is. The point will be missed, they'll be ridiculed, they'll claim everyone's out to get them. Rinse and repeat.

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Fucking hell, some of the posts


After that statement LFC is done. We are going to be midtable at best now. We're done. We'll spend the rest of our existence grovelling and begging at the table of the FA and Manchester United. Fucking disgusting.



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Guest neesy111

Fucking hell, some of the posts


After that statement LFC is done. We are going to be midtable at best now. We're done. We'll spend the rest of our existence grovelling and begging at the table of the FA and Manchester United. Fucking disgusting.




I hope this post comes true tbh.

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Really, really want to go on there and do some of the easiest trolling known to man; however a) it appears they're not accepting any new users currently and b) I'd probably be banned within 2 and a half minutes, possibly for not having the name 'Kenny' put into every single sentence I write.

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Liverpool Managing Director Ian Ayre has today released the following statement.


"We are extremely disappointed Luis Suarez did not shake hands with Patrice Evra before yesterday's game. The player had told us beforehand that he would, but then chose not to do so.


"He was wrong to mislead us and wrong not to offer his hand to Patrice Evra. He has not only let himself down, but also Kenny Dalglish, his teammates and the Club. It has been made absolutely clear to Luis Suarez that his behaviour was not acceptable.


"Luis Suarez has now apologised for his actions which was the right thing to do. However, all of us have a duty to behave in a responsible manner and we hope that he now understands what is expected of anyone representing Liverpool Football Club."


They're fucking furious with their club over this one :lol:





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Ah, yes. The man who thought Liverpool should get their own TV deal because they're so big and so-called smaller clubs don't matter.


It's quite unique, I must say, to have a club which is so pathetic from bottom to top. The fans, the players, the manager, those above him. All arseholes. It's something special, you have to admit. Maybe that's what they mean when we're told Liverpool FC is a unique club.

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Fucking hell, some of the posts


After that statement LFC is done. We are going to be midtable at best now. We're done. We'll spend the rest of our existence grovelling and begging at the table of the FA and Manchester United. Fucking disgusting.





fkin hell

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Guest Howaythetoon

Their apology is even worse because its false, it comes on the back of widespread outside condemnation, horrible horrible club.

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Guest Howaythetoon

It must piss Everton fans off royally sharing a city with Liverpool because whenever LFC fans get stick its always "scouse tramps" etc. and Everton fans get tarred with that brush. In fairness, most Everton fans I've met and indeed Liverpool fans have been sound, scousers in general in fact.

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