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If anyone thought that the Swansealona stuff in the press was bad last year, just watch what happens this year it'll be unbearable if the first fe results go his way.


Agree with this. I don't mind Rodgers as a bloke but he strikes me very much as someone who has been seduced by his own hype, and its hype I dont think is justified. He did well keeping Swansea in the division but the press went completley over the top when it came to praising the brand of football he adopts.


He did an interview with the MOTD lot and it was painful to watch. If he hits the ground running at Liverpool we'll be scrambling for the sick buckets. If we weren't already mind, anything to do with Liverpool has my stomach doing somersaults.

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just seen the SSN yellow ticker - "Liverpool confirm that Rodgers was first choice for manager's job and was the only one offered the position"


So why did they bother meeting Martinez then?  :lol:


Mr. Rodgers is not the second choice!

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Guest Haris Vuckic


First choice :lol:


They've been courting people for weeks. They probably just though 'he'll do'.


I suppose the fans weren't calling for Mourinho or Pep either?

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Linked with Joe Allen already.


Gentleman's agreement that Rodgers wouldn't go for any Swansea players for 12 months.


What like Redknapp's not to play Saha v Everton. Unless it's contracted which I doubt as surely its restriction of trade then I wouldn't write it off.



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just seen the SSN yellow ticker - "Liverpool confirm that Rodgers was first choice for manager's job and was the only one offered the position"


So why did they bother meeting Martinez then?  :lol:


Mr. Rodgers is not the second choice!



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Guest je85

I would love to be a fly on the wall when Rodgers tells Adam and Gerrard to play short passes and no Hollywood balls.


Thinking about it he'll be desperate for Lucas to return to fitness ASAP for that clever ball recycling/interception role in CM.

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Guest bimpy474

I detest Liverpool with entire being, every part of my soul, all of me. Now i detest Rodgers the flat nosed midget, and i will continue to detest him while he is manager of that detestable club.


If he gets sacked, hey i'll continue my indifference about him.

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Guest mercules

Is might just be me who thinks this but I thought Martinez started Swansea playing pretty football, Rodgers came in and has done well but got far too much credit for just continuing a system that was already there.

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Is might just be me who thinks this but I thought Martinez started Swansea playing pretty football, Rodgers came in and has done well but got far too much credit for just continuing a system that was already there.


He did. No doubt about it Martinez got them playing the attractive stuff, had some end product to go with it aswell. Paulo Sousa also took the passing game very seriously and just recently Brendan Rodgers seems to taking all the credit for it, as if it has been him who has instilled it. Rodgers has taken it to the extreme imo, when they played us at the Liberty is was laughable how they went about it.

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Guest pintofscottsellers

Is might just be me who thinks this but I thought Martinez started Swansea playing pretty football, Rodgers came in and has done well but got far too much credit for just continuing a system that was already there.


He did. No doubt about it Martinez got them playing the attractive stuff, had some end product to go with it aswell. Paulo Sousa also took the passing game very seriously and just recently Brendan Rodgers seems to taking all the credit for it, as if it has been him who has instilled it. Rodgers has taken it to the extreme imo, when they played us at the Liberty is was laughable how they went about it.


Passed the ball all game when they played us at the Liberty but done fuck all in the final third really, whereas we had a ruthless devastating finisher, who finished both his chances.

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The game in the championship was quite similar aswell. One chance one goal. What the hell are you supposed to do if you cant get the ball. They harp on about dominating games but its the dullest form of it in football.

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Proper happy they didn't get Martinez, I really like him.  If I was a Liverpool fan I'd be concerned somewhat about the fact Rodgers thought Swansea were still dominating sides in that bad run they had towards the end of the season.  Dominating possession is not equal to dominating the opposition, look at us for example, looked really comfortable apart from the odd Sigurdsson long shot.


Looking at Liverpool's squad though I'm not impressed.  Jonjo Shelvey and Jay Spearing in midfield man :lol: and word is they have £30mil to improve, not enough unless they cut their losses on some of the duds.  Still can't believe they p*ssed away so much money last summer.  Wonder where the board are expecting him to finish in the league.

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Linked with Joe Allen already.


Gentleman's agreement that Rodgers wouldn't go for any Swansea players for 12 months.


:lol: can't wait til GG sees this, 'gentleman's agreement'! he'll explode

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John Henry: "Brendan's comprehensive football philosophy is perfectly aligned with those at the club and those soon to join the club". I hope this shout means the rumours that the former Barcelona Director of Football Txiki Begiristain is coming in, are true!
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