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The Liverpool Thread


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He'll fall in love with the place, don't worry. That's just Mourinho's ectoplasm he's getting rid of.


Meanwhile, smart arses - if you don't like RAWK, feel free to bugger off somewhere else if you don't have anything constructive to add.


Locked for a bit cos it's Bank Holiday and you should all be off slagging the site on twitter or whatever else you do with your spare time.



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Sigurdsson good player though he is doesn't seem much of a solution to their midfield. They need guile and patience in there not another direct player who will shoot more often than not.


They also need wide players more than they need that kind of player.





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It's been what, 10 hours since Liverpool last made themselves look like complete and utter idiots..?  Oh wait no, they've delivered again:


Daniel Pacheco ‏@dani37pacheco

@glen_johnson good luck negrito !!!!



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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

It's been what, 10 hours since Liverpool last made themselves look like complete and utter idiots..?  Oh wait no, they've delivered again:


Daniel Pacheco ‏@dani37pacheco

@glen_johnson good luck negrito !!!!





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:lol: It's like when you teased someone to the breaking point at school and started feeling a bit bad for the person in which everyone starts the "oh don't be sad. we do this to eveyone. Look John, you are a turd face, HAHA!" John: "Haha, yes I am. Tom, you are a turd face too!" Tom:" You see Jim. We do it to everyone, don't be sad. HAHA!"
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