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Can't believe Jordan Henderson gets a game ahead of Sahin


Might as well play your own players ahead of those you don't own. Seems to defeat the purpose of the loan I admit though.

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Was always uncomfortable with the mocking of Rodgers on here in the summer.


Clearly a far better manager than the imbercile in charge of Newcastle at the minute.


I look at our players against Liverpools, and can't for th elife of me understand how they are 11 points clear of our team.





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Rodgers is so clever man, he even plays his strikers upfront. If fucking abnormal groundbreaking stuff. Bet he wrote a 20 page document on why strikers should play upfront. How he fuck is Pardew supposed to compete with that kind of planning and forward thinking?



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Was always uncomfortable with the mocking of Rodgers on here in the summer.


Clearly a far better manager than the imbercile in charge of Newcastle at the minute.


I look at our players against Liverpools, and can't for th elife of me understand how they are 11 points clear of our team.




He's not that good, because he's better than Pardew don't mean hes worthy of praise.

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Was always uncomfortable with the mocking of Rodgers on here in the summer.


Clearly a far better manager than the imbercile in charge of Newcastle at the minute.


I look at our players against Liverpools, and can't for th elife of me understand how they are 11 points clear of our team.




He's not that good, because he's better than Pardew don't mean hes worthy of praise.


The guy is good.


Completely transformed a Liverpool team that was playing some putrid football under Dalglish.


His main signing Joe Allen, has been a huge part of it too. Liverpool's talented youngsters, previously buried in the reserves, are also playing with confidence under him.


Could really see Sturridge being brilliant for Liverpool. Rodgers will just let him play with freedom.

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Don't get the Rodgers hate tbh. I dislike Liverpool and most things they stand for but he seems alright enough & tries to get his teams playing in an alright manner, especially compared to that cretin Dalglish who is an utter cunt.

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He's doing better than I thought in some ways but he's got some top notch players there. Still think he's an arrogant prick, comes across as someone who thinks he's shit hot when in reality he's not done that much.

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He's doing better than I thought in some ways but he's got some top notch players there. Still think he's an arrogant prick, comes across as someone who thinks he's s*** hot when in reality he's not done that much.


Exactly why i don't like him :thup:

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He's doing better than I thought in some ways but he's got some top notch players there. Still think he's an arrogant prick, comes across as someone who thinks he's s*** hot when in reality he's not done that much.


Exactly why i don't like him :thup:


Gone from being a nobody to getting a small promoted to managing one of the biggest clubs (whether you like or not) in the world. It's not endearing but I'd say he's a small right to being a bit arrogant.

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Transformed Liverpool :lol:


Before they beat Sunderland and QPR they was in bottom half and have been all season :lol:


He's had a good couple of results but lets not jerk that knee too hard yeah?


Yes, completely transformed the way they play for sure.


Did you watch Dalglish's team last season?


How can you even dispute it? They were terrible. It was an absolute joke.


No surprise Suarez is looking even better this season, as they get the ball to him in far better areas, because they actually pass it more.


You won't be laughing for much longer I assure you. They're definitely on the up.

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They pass it more but they're not zooming up the table or anything. Seem on a nice run atm and they're alright atm. Rodgers isn't a terrible coach, just an annoying one.


It's just an awful awful club who the media lick arse so much makes me want to vomit.


Also their backing of Suarez last season was still completely disgusting. Imagine if a coworker racially abused someone and your company backed them like Liverpool did? Would you still want to work there?

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They pass it more but they're not zooming up the table or anything. Seem on a nice run atm and they're alright atm. Rodgers isn't a terrible coach, just an annoying one.


It's just an awful awful club who the media lick arse so much makes me want to vomit.


Also their backing of Suarez last season was still completely disgusting. Imagine if a coworker racially abused someone and your company backed them like Liverpool did? Would you still want to work there?


well, the bit in bold really helped your case against how good rogers is or isn't :lol:


look at what rogers was backed with in the summer; he spent heavily only on 2 players iirc and took sahin on loan, but was also down to one striker after letting carrol go without a replacement...despite that he's managed to impose his style on the team and they're making steady progress imo


it's not like he spunked 50-100m and is unable to scare up a point...can't say that anyone with an ounce of sense could have expected them to be challenging for the title or even CL, was always going to take time


i get the impression kaka is fishing but they'll be alright under rogers imo, it'll be an evolutionary thing rather than an overnight turnaround

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