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The Liverpool Thread


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If they buy well in January I think they might do it. Suarez is in ridiculous form and the likes of Sturridge have to come back. Having a player like Suarez scoring for fun in a top 6/7 team could well be enough to be a title winning side, especially with Man United out of the picture. Arsenal have just as much chance of collapsing as Liverpool, but for me it all boils down to what Man City can do. Man United fans must be shitting themselves about the top 4.

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This happened nearly every year before the Dalglish farce.


Liverpool start well, fight it out at the top before Christmas, the media start salivating and Liverpool fans start gloating, then they f*** it up by March and finish in an average position.


Rinse and repeat.


Prior to Dalglish/Hodgson farce, we were finishing in top 3/4 almost 80% of the time that decade in the league, and often went deep in European competitions.


If that's average position, then I'll take it right now.


I also have a question. What is it that Everton is nearly the second club of most Premier League fans? Maybe Neil can help me out with it. The only fans beside Liverpool fans, who can't stand Everton, are Man City ones. Everyone else seems to have a massive love-in for them. I believe when their "cuteness", "overachieving with limited budget" actually fruits tangible success, then people will go back to wanting them fail.


Anyways, this thread on Thursday 7:30PM. Either a Parky equalizer if Liverpool lose by 3 goals or more, or a Rodgers goal if we become the first team to take something away from Etihad.


Three goal loss is the only way I'd award myself a goal, you're expected to lose but a trouncing is the only way I'd even consider a goal. If you get a draw than a goal to Rodgers. Personally think it will be closer now Aguero is out. If you win and that isn't beyong the bounds of probability that will be the clarion call that a title challenge is on.

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If they buy well in January I think they might do it. Suarez is in ridiculous form and the likes of Sturridge have to come back. Having a player like Suarez scoring for fun in a top 6/7 team could well be enough to be a title winning side, especially with Man United out of the picture. Arsenal have just as much chance of collapsing as Liverpool, but for me it all boils down to what Man City can do. Man United fans must be shitting themselves about the top 4.


Yeah ManU, Everton and Liv will go to the wire for 4th. Chelsea, Arsenal and ManC will finish somewhere in the top 3.

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If Suarez stays fit and out of trouble, there is, unfortunately, no reason they cannot stick around at the top. The yardstick for a top PL striker was generally 1-in-2, but this season he's moved up into a league with Messi and Ronaldo, the type of players who almost guarantee at least one or two goals a game and who'll no doubt finish with more goals than games played (don't think that's ever been done in the PL before?).

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the type of players who almost guarantee at least one or two goals a game and who'll no doubt finish with more goals than games played (don't think that's ever been done in the PL before?).


If he plays in every other game this season it'll have to be 34 goals. On 19 now after missing the first 5 games so I'd say it's possible. The record for a 38-game season is 31 (Shearer & Ronaldo)

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Key thing for them (and any team playing well) is staying free from injuries, if they can do that, they've a good chance of going the distance.


Done well to maintain form with Sturridge and Gerrard's injuries imo so that bodes well for them. Hate that they're good again now.

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Flip it round - 2 points above 5th and are completely reliant on one man. 1-2 is fair.



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Suarez is a top 5 player in the world, but where is this completely reliant, one man team comes from ?

Our win % in PL without Suarez under Rodgers is 70%. 7 wins, 2 draws, 1 loss. Doesn't exactly scream one man team.

It's very unfair on likes of Coutinho, Henderson, Sturridge, and Sterling etc not to get any credit for the space they create for Suarez every game by their movement (and Suarez does the same for them of course). Suarez was still the same Suarez back in 2011-12 season where he scored only 11 league goals under Dalglish due to manager and personnel not being the type to get the best of his genius.


The role of managers and how they get the best out of their team/personnel is very under-rated these days. Not only in regards to Suarez and Liverpool, but other examples in other teams as well.

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It comes from me playing Devil's Advocate. O0


It'd certainly be interesting to see what happens if he were to get injured for a few games. His current form is phenomenal but you're a totally different side without him. i.e. he is without doubt the sole difference between you having a serious tilt at the title, and pushing for top 4.


Basically he's a wanker who needs to stop scoring.

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Without Suarez Sturridge seemed to be scoring about a goal a game.


Most good teams will have one exceptional player who you wonder what would happen if they were missing over a prolonged period but normally they have enough quality to cope, Liverpool have this Imo.


Suarez is fucking class though, wish he wasn't such a cunt because I would love to appreciate his football without wishing he would have a career/life ending injury every time I watched him play.

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I don't really think it's fair to blame the supporting cast for his 11 goal season, he was still getting/creating chances then, his finishing was just nowhere near what it is now. Either way, Liverpool have already showed they can play without him this season, as long as they have Sturridge and Coutinho fit I don't see a major collapse.

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They've spent a fair amount of cash and there would be serious questions about Rodgers if they weren't in the top 4. It's been a bit of a freak season in so much as some of the other title contenders have had bad patches/loss of form/ confidence...However this won't continue..Chelsea and Man C definitely have another gear to come and if Arsenal get a tier one striker they will be serious title contenders. I see Liverpool finishing fourth at best which is probably what their start of season target was.


The team I'm genuinely excited about however is Everton and how far they can go on little money and a small squad...The defence is rock and if they can add a tiny bit of quality it could get really interesting.

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Hmmm ... so Liverpool lack depth and are a one man team.


How many games did Suarez miss at the start of the season?


How long was Coutinho out for?


How long has Sturridge been gone for now?


Gerrard has missed the last few too, and they're still ticking along.


Hey, I understand people don't like to see them do well, but the fact is they are really good right now.


They will further strengthen in January too.


They'll be right there till the end.

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