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The other games today - 2010/11


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aye fair play league after fulham almost seemed to deliberately fuck it up today

could be wrong mind

Geoff Stelling joked that it appeared that Gera wa sent on just to get deliberately sent off :lol:

it does make you wonder

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A bit downbeat because of our match/Wigan staying up, but those 2 hours were fucking marvellous. It lived up to the hype and it was a fascinating, dramatic afternoon. But to finish 12th is such a shame (although finishing above Bolton and Stoke is crazy).


Nice to see Brum gone, bad for Blackpool and I just wish Wigan would get lost.

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Apparently Venkys (Blackburns owners) didn't know you could get relegated from the Premier League before today. :lol:


you what? :lol: surely that's a joke? :lol:


It's not, they thought the PL was a franchise thing like in US sports. :lol:

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Apparently Venkys (Blackburns owners) didn't know you could get relegated from the Premier League before today. :lol:


you what? :lol: surely that's a joke? :lol:


It's not, they thought the PL was a franchise thing like in US sports. :lol:


:lol: They should stick to cricket.

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Some initial thoughts of how teams have done, it's all relative of course. Ratings are probably haphazard:


1. Man Utd - hats off. They keep going and were simply the best in the league, albeit the challenge they had from others was at times feeble. 9/10 - 10 if they win next week.


2. Chelsea - disappointing. Cue media wankfest after they beat the shite in this league heavily in the first few games, but they imploded in the middle. Ancelotti is a top, top manager but I don't think he'll be there next year. 7/10


3. Man City - very good season overall. Seemed to get stronger as the season reached the business end and Mancini has proven himself as a success in this league. Will he manage the players right - and the money he gets - in order for them to push on and mount a strong title challenge? 9/10


4. Arsenal - yawn - 6/10


5. Tottenham - bit up and down in the league, coupled with an excellent CL campaign. Would have raised the profile of the club - but can they add to the squad as opposed to standing still? There's also the possibility of losing a key player, e.g. Modric. Interesting summer for Spurs. 7.5/10


6. Liverpool - sadly can see them being strong next season and making a real push for the CL places. Dalglish has really got them playing but the real question is why didn't the same players work for Hodgson as they have for Kenny? Some different management techniques? The inspiration of King Kenny? Or, an unprofessional attitude getting rid of someone they didn't really like? 7/10


7. Everton - same old. Relegation form 1st half, then CL 2nd. No money. Standard. 7/10


8. Fulham - easy to forget they flirted rather a lot with the bottom earlier in the season so Hughes can both be criticised and praised in equal measure. Ultimately they've finished well so it's been a good year for them. I just wonder if they'll keep their key players, i.e. Hangeland, Dempsey, Zamora etc. 7.5/10


9. Villa - disappointing, but it could have been a whole lot worse. The signing of Bent finally got their season going. They've had some fair old injuries to contend with but some players drastically underperformed. In the end, not an awful season but not a good one. - 6/10


10. Sunderland - up and down. Flying high in December, then it went to pot. They would've taken top 10 at the start of the season so in that respect it's progress, but I find it hard to say they've had a particularly successful season considering how badly they've played for the past few months. Big, big summer for Sunderland. They could be in trouble next year. 6.5/10


11. West Brom - very good season. A controversial managerial change in the middle but it's worked out well. Now the onus is on progressing with a few additions in the summer and making sure there is no 2nd season syndrome. 8/10


12. Newcastle - exactly the same.


13. Stoke - admirable in one way, horrible in the other. Cup final raised their profile a bit but I don't really see where Stoke go from here. They've got some good players but unlike a team like Newcastle who have the potential to make big leaps forward, how do Stoke progress? Decent enough year, though. 6.5/10


14. Bolton - odd. Didn't frankly notice them sliding down the table so much but at the end of the day, it's been disappointing. So solidly in the top 7/8 for most of the year, it has to be classed as such to finish so low down. No Sturridge or Elmander next year and how much more can Davies give? 6/10


15. Blackburn - interesting to see what happens with this supposed cash injection from "the chicken people" as Motson so eloquently described them. That money might just save them from being relegated next year. But who wants to come to Blackburn? 5.5/10


16. Wigan - shite for the most part but pulled it out when they needed it. Martinez is trying to develop some sort of footballing philosophy there but I see little to suggest they won't be down there again this year. And I can't really see CNZ and Rodallega staying. 7/10 - they survived, which I guess is success.


17. Wolves - no problem beating the big teams at home but too many poor performances to stay away from trouble. Pleased they stayed up purely for McCarthy's sake - he comes out with some absolute crackers. 7/10


18. Birmingham - glad to see them gone. Generally negative and dour, there's only so far trying to keep clean sheets will get you. The loss of Dann proved pivotal IMO and when the goals dried up at the other end, there were all the signs of big trouble, and so it proved. (no real point giving ratings for relegated sides).


19. Blackpool - like most people, gutted to see them go. They ultimately deserved to because of their inability to, well, er, defend. But they really were a breath of fresh air and Holloway should be praised for building such an attacking mentality into his squad.


20. West Ham - mismanagement, shite ownership, shite performances. Inevitable.

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Dunno if they've overtaken Fulham, but they were next in line and Fulham did get a player sent off.


Blackpool had one booking, Fulham had two and a red. Before today they were equal top on cards (fuck knows on that other bollocks about attitude to refs etc).

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Nice that Owen scored, wasn't it? The little cunt slotted away a goal to crown a title winning season with alarming ease, bit of a shame that he couldn't be arsed to score that identical chance at home to Portsmouth to keep us up. The odious little fuck.

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He scored a meaningless goal (Man U were already winning) in a meaningless game (title already sewn up) against one of the worst defences in the league.


No doubt the prick will be celebrating like he's won the World Cup. He's probably forgotten they've won the league. "YEY! I SCORED! GO ME!"

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