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The other games today - 2010/11


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just turned it on and in about 5-10 mins of watching it beckham's already proved he would probably of been far more useful to united in the last few seasons compared to owen. despite being a fair bit older. Honestly could easily see him slotting into the team, if they can find room for old men scholes and giggs i think they could have carried beckham for this twilight years aswell.

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Guest palnese

Love Beckham.


Lost all respect from me when he moved to a micky mouse league for the money when he could still cut it at a top level.


Doubt he needed the money like. I think Posh decided that move.

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Love Beckham.


Lost all respect from me when he moved to a micky mouse league for the money when he could still cut it at a top level.

Doubt he needed the money like. I think Posh decided that move.


He may not of needed it but he wanted that & to become a FACE in the USofA

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Our lot should be f***ing embarrassed watching this crossing from Beckham.


Reckon we could hire him as Jonas and Joey's personal coach? :lol:


Probs just as quick as joey to be fair

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