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The other games today - 2010/11


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We will win Liverpool at home . Looks like Caragher and Gerrard will be out for it.


That'd be a bonus for them, not us.  Carragher's been awful for the last 3 years.


He's not as bad as people make out. Liverpool have fell apart since he's went off.


He went off 2 or 3 years ago. Before that he was decent but nowt special.

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Guest kingdawson

Lennon, so rubbish yet again.


Does that take him up to one for the season now?


Certified hater alert.


Lennon's been in good form lately but sadly he has to play infront of an idiot that doesn't know when to attack or defend (altough he was good today tbf). When Corluka is back in the team i'm sure he'll start tearing players apart as per usual.

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Carragher isn't what he used to be, but he's inspirational on the pitch for Liverpool and his absence can only be a good thing for us.

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They have a particularly poor roster of CBs imo.


Agger is the only one I remotely rate as an actually talented player these days, and even he hasn't looked good in a while.


Wonder when Wilson will force his way into the first team picture?

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