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The other games today - 2010/11


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I said this last season, Ancelotti overachieved with that squad. The Russian prick would be a fool to sack him.


He didn't overachieve.

Arsenal and Liverpool were both awful last year and Man Utd couldn't field a decent back 4 for two months.

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Guest Heneage

Their squad is at the wrong ends of the age spectrum. A lot of the better players are close or well past 30 and they don't have the next generation coming through something they should have been looking at from the moment they began spending big money. Add to that their failed experiment with bringing through their own players such as Bruma and Van Aanholt who just aren't ready to play first team football this could easily be the beginning of a few bad years for Chelsea.


They had no depth in young players which meant if Kalou and Mikel bombed they were all but fucked. Ramires screams panic buy as he was never earth shattering for Benfica in Portugal, a good athlete but he wouldn't get you goals like Lampard or break up play like Essien. I did expect an Arsenal win seeing as it was at the Emirates.

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