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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest secteur2010

I remember the Deportivo president seeming like a right cock during the Luque and Coloccini deals but we got there in the end.



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Dassier seems like a cunt, why say anything you cunting cunt.


Because he wants us to up our offer, and is putting pressure on Ashley to do so by ridiculing the current offer in public (IMO).

Ashley told DIC to fuck off though, if he's doing that he ain't gonna come.


Did he?

He did when we were in the prem after we'd sacked Keegan was due to meet them he wanted 300 or 400m they offered half that or something so spent the night getting pissed with Mort in a bar in Dubai apparently.

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Means nothing really, it's just reiterating what we already knew - they don't like our bid.



Hmmmm, they classify our "bid" as "non existant".. Aye, we are really reaping the rewards of our new "transfer policy", aren't we..?  :banghead:


It existed on Saturday, man :lol:


It's brinkmanship - they've now got an asset who has just said "he will never return." This saga is far from over.

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Dassier seems like a cunt, why say anything you cunting cunt.


Because he wants us to up our offer, and is putting pressure on Ashley to do so by ridiculing the current offer in public (IMO).

Ashley told DIC to fuck off though, if he's doing that he ain't gonna come.


Did he?

He did when we were in the prem after we'd sacked Keegan was due to meet them he wanted 300 or 400m they offered half that or something so spent the night getting pissed with Mort in a bar in Dubai apparently.


That wasn't DIC, it was Zabeel Investments. They later bid for Charlton and turned out to be right jokers, in all honesty we probably dodged a bullet there.

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Reading between the lines, I think the lad will come here but it might take a while yet. Marseilles have mucked Ben Arfa about so you can't blame him for digging his heels in. Just hope we don't lose out on the lad due to Ashley being a tightarse.

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Means nothing really, it's just reiterating what we already knew - they don't like our bid.



Hmmmm, they classify our "bid" as "non existant".. Aye, we are really reaping the rewards of our new "transfer policy", aren't we..?  :banghead:


It existed on Saturday, man :lol:


It's brinkmanship - they've now got an asset who has just said "he will never return." This saga is far from over.


I don't think the non-existant was meant to be taken literally like...  :crazy2:

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He will come imo, OM are just playing hardball atm. Let's not forget there's plenty of time left in the window, why would they let him go on loan when someone may come in with a sufficient bid over the next 2 weeks? Ben Arfa's only going to accept an offer from a Premier League or La Liga team imo so unless a someone from either of those leagues comes in with a bid, he's ours. OM wouldn't be stupid enough to pay all his wages when he's just not even going to play and if he does, he won't even try. I don't think anyone will bid for him fwiw, he's just too much of a risk for most teams with the new 25 man rule.

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I remember the Deportivo president seeming like a right cock during the Luque and Coloccini deals but we got there in the end.


And Ashley loved him so much he went back and got Xisco the same transfer window.




"You're a c***...I like that. Who else are you trying to get rid of?"


"It will cost you one manager"

"So I don't even have to pay anything? Cha-ching!"

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More articles coming out now.


He cancelled the press conference and they caught up with him in the parking lot or some nonsense.


Just said "The offer is non-existent because Newcastle subject to the approval of the management of sports clubs. Ben Arfa is the OM, it will remain at Marseille,"

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La tension est montée d'un cran ce jeudi après-midi à Marseille, où le contexte qui entoure le marché des transferts est explosif. De retour du match de l'équipe de France mercredi soir à Oslo (1-2), Hatem Ben Arfa n'est pas resté longtemps au centre d'entraînement Robert Louis-Dreyfus. Avant la séance, le buteur tricolore, accompagné de son conseiller et de son acvocat, s'est entretenu avec Jean-Claude Dassier.

La discussion a été assez vive. Le président du club lui a fait savoir qu'il n'était pas question qu'il quitte l'OM alors que le joueur n'attend qu'une chose : le feu vert pour rejoindre Newcastle. « Hatem ne partira pas, a expliqué Dassier. Il est sous contrat et restera donc çà l'OM.» Vexé, l'ancien Lyonnais a pris ses affaires et a quitté les lieux en lâchant : «Je ne reviendrai plus !»

Quant à Didier Deschamps, il compte sur son meneur de jeu samedi à Valenciennes. «Hatem est toujours un joueur de l'OM et j'ai l'habitude de compter sur les joueurs qui sont là pour le prochain match», a-t-il indiqué ce jeudi lors de sa conférence de presse qui a eu lieu avant l'entraînement. Comme l'OM est sur le point de se séparer de Niang, en partance vers Fenerbahçe, le club phocéen aurait décidé de conserver Ben Arfa, histoire de ne pas déplumer son côté gauche... (avec H.F., à Marseille)


This is from L'Equipe with incidentally HBA looking like a right dickhead in the photo. It's too long to translate but basically HBA went to training accompanied by his adviser and lawyer to talk to Dassier. The conversation ended very quickly with Dassier saying he's not leaving and is under contract, with HBA waiting to be given the green light to go to Newcastle. HBA packed his bags and left and said "and I'm not coming back"


Deschamps is however counting on the player for Saturdays game against Valenciennes. As Niang is about to leave for Turkey Marseille have decided not to further weaken the left side of the attack.


Bloody hell it's getting better by the minute.

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«Il n’y a pas d’offre solide et sérieuse de Newcastle»


«Il n’y a pas d’offre solide et sérieuse de Newcastle à l’heure actuelle, lançait-il alors, cette offre modeste que nous avons reçue est même soumise à l’accord de la direction sportive et je ne crois pas que l’entraîneur (de Newcastle) soit en phase avec ses dirigeants si on en croit ses déclarations sur Sky. C’est quand même étrange, nous sommes dans une situation plutôt délirante. Il va falloir que Didier (Deschamps) et Ben Arfa se reparlent mais le joueur fait partie de l’effectif olympien et le restera.»


"There is not solid and serious offer of Newcastle"


"There is not solid and serious offer of current Newcastle per hour, it launched then, this modest offer that we received even is subjected to the agreement of the athletic direction and I do not believe that the trainer (of Newcastle) is in phase with its leaders if one believes its declarations on Sky. This is nonetheless strange, we are in a rather being deliriousing position. It will be necessary that Didier (Deschamps) and Well Arfa repair themselves but the player is part of the effective Olympian one and will remain it."


Soz if this was already posted.



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