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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest schmuck

Some Ben Arfa quotes that don't seem to be in the other translations, unless I missed them here (including a bit about Hughton):

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Guest geordienorway

Some Ben Arfa quotes that don't seem to be in the other translations, unless I missed them here (including a bit about Hughton):


Fucking hell. If this comes of, Hughton has done a masterstroke.

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No way you spastic, you're a mentalist!


I think we all want him now just because of how mental he is.


It reminds me of when you're a kid, and run away to your Nanas with a bag of wotsits, a twix and a football, because your mam wouldn't let you do something.


Cant say ive ever done that before.

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Ben Arfa: "If I had any doubt I would have dropped Newcastle from the beginning. I know the coach thinks about me. He understands who I am..


Certainly sounds like he has spoken with Hughton (previous to flying over obviously) and Hughton has promised him what he wants, - a regular start (in the middle/PM?) and a stadium full of Geordies that will adore him and sing his name.

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Ben Arfa: "If I had any doubt I would have dropped Newcastle from the beginning. I know the coach thinks about me. He understands who I am..


Certainly sounds like he has spoken with Hughton (previous to flying over obviously) and Hughton has promised him what he wants, - a regular start (in the middle/PM?) and a stadium full of Geordies that will adore him and sing his name.


And living in the second biggest party capital in europe?

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No way you spastic, you're a mentalist!


I think we all want him now just because of how mental he is.


It reminds me of when you're a kid, and run away to your Nanas with a bag of wotsits, a twix and a football, because your mam wife wouldn't let you do something.

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This is going to end like the Robinhio transfer. OM will accept someone else's bid just to spite us and Ben Arfa will go there because he's burned his bridges. I expect the headline tomorrow 'Arfa Signs for Wigan'


this will happen, been thinkin this for a few days now.

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I am not a box of washing powder.


I should think not. Who's ever seen a box of washing powder ping one in from 30 yards? I mean, i used to be partial to acid, on the odd occasion. But not at football matches. Err, aye.

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This kid is class, love him already. :lol: I worry that if he does sign, there'll be an interview appearing in the French press along the lines of "Hughton said he had lots of belief in me and was supposed to be the leader but this fat guy called Kevin keeps telling me he's the boss instead. I tell him to lay off the Burger King and next thing I know I do not get picked!"

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Guest Pedro_de_geordieo

Was just all over SSN saying that he will never play for OM again and he wants to move to Newcastle, that we have agreed the loan deal.

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