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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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I somehow keep missing these posts where HBA is written off.


Seems to be loads complaining about him being written off yet none actually writing him off.


Bizarre really :-)


Deary me.


You don't have to look further than the last page.


From HTT - "I personally don't think it will ever quite happen for Ben Arfa at Newcastle. "


Its only one view, which in fairness is pretty well argued, and doesn't equate to loads of people writing him off.


Being the player he was / is, he is obviously going to get debated but that doesnt always have to meet with the "Blasphemer" war cry.


Its probably fair to say that performances on the pitch (where it matters) have shifted a lot of peoples perspectives on HBA. Where it once was being a matter of time before he claimed what was rightfully his, people are now looking at injuries to others as a route back in. This will of course, given his past, lead to discussions about whether he is happy to warm the bench. Time will tell.


This is what maddens me about the reserves (not just for HBA) as when the moment comes for any of the squad to step up, I want them to be as close to A1 as possible.


I think most seem agreed that neither Best or Ba deserve to be dropped yet so his chance could be some time coming.


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From the glimpses i've seen this season HBA Seems to prefer the mazy dribble to the simple pass and i agree with HTT that he may not really fit into our team play at all as he appears to want his own ball to play with.


Gerrin, the ujpest doza kiss of death, expect a Ba-like turn around imminently. O0

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Seems a lot of fans on here, on my FB and at the matches have written off HBA.  Pretty f***ing laughable like.


Lots of fans wrote off Enrique and Coloccini early on as well, while others insisted the quality was there and it would show through. Who was right in the end?



I wrote off Colo, have no problem holding my hands up, that was after quite a few games mind.  Me old man is an Arsenal fan, likes his old school defenders, always thought he was a bit prehistoric in that sense, but he told me I was mental and Colo was class, fair play to the old bastad  :lol:


Always said Enrique would be quality though, mismanaged and kept out of the team by N'Zogbia.  Got one right at least!


My point about HBA is, he played about what a total of around 160-170 minutes last season.  Came back from a massive injury, got injured again in pre season and has played about 200 odd minutes after a year out.  Still trying to adapt to the English game and still trying to get his sharpness back after a horrific leg break.


I've heard/seen comments like 'he's a liability, he'll cost us points' 'what's the obssession with Ben Arfa, he's a luxury player' 'he's like a young Dyer, will never make it here' 'won't adapt to our game' etc  ???


So despite being touted as one of the best young prospects in Europe, showing glimpses of class for us and doing the business at the top level from a very early age, fans are happy to write him after about 4 or 5 games of playing time.  Fucking clueless.

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From the glimpses i've seen this season HBA Seems to prefer the mazy dribble to the simple pass and i agree with HTT that he may not really fit into our team play at all as he appears to want his own ball to play with.


Well you were spot on with Ba so I guess it's curtains for Hatem.

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He needs to be subbed on for obertan on the wing until he gets up to speed and given the more free one of the wingers with jonas being the more defensive of the two just like last night. If Obertan had taken people on last night and lost it on the wing no one would have cared because that was he role. Stoke isnt an ideal game for HBA, but that sort of match where we leave him best and ba upfront to counter attack i think he can be just as useful as obertan and once he gains fitness/confidence may then go on to replace him in the starting 11

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From the glimpses i've seen this season HBA Seems to prefer the mazy dribble to the simple pass and i agree with HTT that he may not really fit into our team play at all as he appears to want his own ball to play with.


Gerrin, the ujpest doza kiss of death, expect a Ba-like turn around imminently. O0

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Guest Howaythetoon

By the way I'm not writing Ben Arfa off, I just get a hunch feeling that he like many others over the years, despite being talented and more than good enough to not only feature regularly but actually shine too, will somehow just not do it be it through injury or multiple injuries, loss of form or the team dynamic changing while the player in question is out of the team to the point where it can function brilliantly without such a talent and to some extent even function better without that player.


Of course I'd love to see him in our team playing to the potential he has because he's an exciting player who can open up a defence, score, create goals and generally get fans off their seats. I think his time if you like was last season though and not this one. It will take something significant for Ben Arfa to now get into this side and stay there.


As for the comment about going out on loan or kicking up a fuss being OTT, perhaps so but he does need games and if we cannot guarantee him a start every week we could well look to loan him out. Likewise if he's still stuck on the bench in Jan he may well kick up a fuss. He did so at Marseille, that's why we got him in the first place. Its hardly OTT to consider this could happen nor the idea of sending him out on loan.

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Guest Howaythetoon

By the way this place is getting worse by the day in that if you offer a different oppinion about a player that goes against the grain you somehow either don't rate the player, don't appreciate such players or are just being contrary for the sake of it. Or worse still a WUM.

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By the way I'm not writing Ben Arfa off, I just get a hunch feeling that he like many others over the years, despite being talented and more than good enough to not only feature regularly but actually shine too, will somehow just not do it be it through injury or multiple injuries, loss of form or the team dynamic changing while the player in question is out of the team to the point where it can function brilliantly without such a talent and to some extent even function better without that player.


Of course I'd love to see him in our team playing to the potential he has because he's an exciting player who can open up a defence, score, create goals and generally get fans off their seats. I think his time if you like was last season though and not this one. It will take something significant for Ben Arfa to now get into this side and stay there.


As for the comment about going out on loan or kicking up a fuss being OTT, perhaps so but he does need games and if we cannot guarantee him a start every week we could well look to loan him out. Likewise if he's still stuck on the bench in Jan he may well kick up a fuss. He did so at Marseille, that's why we got him in the first place. Its hardly OTT to consider this could happen nor the idea of sending him out on loan.


Excellent post tbf

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I will hold my judgment until HBA gets several more chances.

Like how people draw conclusions after the few minutes we have seen him in the Nufc shirt. That being good and bad.


The guy is very talented, but it reminds to see if he can hit top form, and is willing to put down a shift for the team.



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Funny how people find the loan thing so funny bearing in mind it's how we got him a year ago!  :-)


Staggeringly retarded logic. Maybe we should give Demba Ba away on a free transfer in that case, clever lad.

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Funny how people find the loan thing so funny bearing in mind it's how we got him a year ago!  :-)


Staggeringly retarded logic. Maybe we should give Demba Ba away on a free transfer in that case, clever lad.



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By the way I'm not writing Ben Arfa off, I just get a hunch feeling that he like many others over the years, despite being talented and more than good enough to not only feature regularly but actually shine too, will somehow just not do it be it through injury or multiple injuries, loss of form or the team dynamic changing while the player in question is out of the team to the point where it can function brilliantly without such a talent and to some extent even function better without that player.


Of course I'd love to see him in our team playing to the potential he has because he's an exciting player who can open up a defence, score, create goals and generally get fans off their seats. I think his time if you like was last season though and not this one. It will take something significant for Ben Arfa to now get into this side and stay there.


As for the comment about going out on loan or kicking up a fuss being OTT, perhaps so but he does need games and if we cannot guarantee him a start every week we could well look to loan him out. Likewise if he's still stuck on the bench in Jan he may well kick up a fuss. He did so at Marseille, that's why we got him in the first place. Its hardly OTT to consider this could happen nor the idea of sending him out on loan.


Mother of Fuck. What the hell is a matter with you?

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Funny how people find the loan thing so funny bearing in mind it's how we got him a year ago!  :-)


Staggeringly retarded logic. Maybe we should give Demba Ba away on a free transfer in that case, clever lad.



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