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Italian Serie A - 10/11


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yes, that was what i meant, Zlatan should have been of as well

f***ing karate De Jong tackle ffs


Well for once I'll defend him, he was after the ball and he tried to avoid the challenge. It was a yellow.

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I`m mad  :lol:


To be fair this would have ended differently if Inter had a full team to display.

I just f***ing hate that Benitez, it is just so bloody hard.


I feel your pain. If Moyes went tomorrow I would rather we gave the job to Les fucking Reed than that utter cunt Benitez.


Must be especially bad for you since he replaced Mourinho, who is probably the ideal manager.

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I'm in need of a good laugh... time to see what the high priests of the Cult of Rafa have to say on RAWK.


Nope, he's fallen out with every owner who refused to share his dream of actually winning silverware... The flack he gets on here is criminal, borderline perverse, and certainly encroaching on xenophobic.


Laugh Achieved.

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I'm in need of a good laugh... time to see what the high priests of the Cult of Rafa have to say on RAWK.


Nope, he's fallen out with every owner who refused to share his dream of actually winning silverware... The flack he gets on here is criminal, borderline perverse, and certainly encroaching on xenophobic.


Laugh Achieved.


:lol: That is a genius viewpoint of Benitez. Unbelievable anyone could believe or write such a thing.

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