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Who do you want to win the league? (Within reason)

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Who do you want to win the league, out of those that could realistically win it? Obviously we'd all love Newcastle to, but that's not too realistic now is it? :razz:


Personally I'd like to see Arsenal win it, if nothing else to silence all the moron critics that are saying Wenger isn't a top manager because they haven't won anything in a while. They always seem to play 'beautiful' football and it'd be nice to see their policy on bringing youth through bear fruit, if nothing else just to prove that you don't have to buy success.

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Arsenal are pretty much the only "top" side I can stand these day, purely down to the way they play football and don't have too many OTT cunt supporters. Which is why I'd like to see them win it. Also because they focus more on bringing through youth stars than buying massive names, albeit they have their days of signing big names, it's just not as often as the other cunt clubs.

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Arsenal too for me, though of the realistic clubs they are the most unlikely, them and Liverpool are pretty close to being unrealistic now. I think only Manure, ManShitty and Chelsea are really realistic, Arsenal and Liverpool are kind of like we were under Robson, will be there or there abouts maybe even challenge for a while but won't be able to sustain it.

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From the realistic candidates, which for me only are Chelsea, Man Utd and Man City, I'd choose Man Utd to win the league.


Hate Chelsea and Man City (only where they are because of mega-rich owners). Also hate Man Utd but they at least have been that good for the last 20 years or so.


Don't think Arsenal have a realistic chance to win the title.

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Arsenal would be best, just because of the way they play and the bullshit criticism they get for it.


Wouldn't mind Liverpool TBH, I like Hodgson and Joe Cole and Torres is class. Will never happen, but would certainly be better than Man City winning it.

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Arsenal, for the way they play and the emphasis on blooding their own youngsters.


If they have better luck with injuries this time round, they've got a decent chance. I don't consider them outsiders.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Everybody who is with in a shot has twats for players and twats for fans so I really couldn't care.


Give it to Man City and show us how the game is really fucked.

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