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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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your man pardew has to shoulder a massive portion of the blame for that 1 - 1.5 years of nonsense from cheick mind


He does and he'll also take a large portion of the praise for his revival in that case :smug:


Players and manager need to share responsibility through good times and bad. Easy to place the blame on the managers door step, not as easy to place it solely on the player.


think you were pulled about this before no?  we sign a player who comes in and plays amazing, as you've just admitted pardew was complicit in his turn to ratshit, yet he deserves praise for getting him back to where he was before he ruined him?


you see how that doesn't quite work surely?


I just don't buy into that it's that clear cut as you make it out to be. Thinking like that is basically saying it's Pardew's fault Cisse is playing shit, but when he starts scoring again, it's Cisse who's turned himself around. Just a harsh view.


Reason why i believe Pardew was to blame with Tiote is he basically was given him too much do in times of crisis when likes of Cabaye was injured and we were stuck with Bigi/Jonas/Marv/Anita in the middle and the weight was all put on his shoulders to step up and he wasn't up to it. The ability wasn't there nor was the confidence. He's spun the confidence of the side back into his favour though, got a good run on the go and got Tiote back doing the basics well.

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lets look at the cisse example


scored goals his whole career, every type of goal in fact


comes to the toon and continues that form, in the meantime pards accommodates him by throwing ba out wide who stops scoring


start the next season and he puts ba back in the middle and cisse out wide, cleaning the bogs and such, and then ba gets sold...cisse never recovers his form after being moved back into the middle and being asked to play like ba


i don't know brett, i just don't know

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lets look at the cisse example


scored goals his whole career, every type of goal in fact


comes to the toon and continues that form, in the meantime pards accommodates him by throwing ba out wide who stops scoring


start the next season and he puts ba back in the middle and cisse out wide, cleaning the bogs and such, and then ba gets sold...cisse never recovers his form after being moved back into the middle and being asked to play like ba


i don't know brett, i just don't know


I agree he should never been put out wide, was an ill judgement and i've criticised Pardw for not having the balls to tell Ba to fuck off sooner with his demands to play centrally and giving in to them when the team should have came first. However because Cisse played a handful of games out wide, he was then put back in the centre and was given a long period of time there but the goals dried up and didn't look half the player. You see other strikers around the country going on wings then back through the middle and so forth but don't suddenly look like a striker who would struggle 3 divisions downwards. Mental to think it's  Pardew's fault when players go through bad spells, and let the player off with a large share of the criticism.

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lets look at the cisse example


scored goals his whole career, every type of goal in fact


comes to the toon and continues that form, in the meantime pards accommodates him by throwing ba out wide who stops scoring


start the next season and he puts ba back in the middle and cisse out wide, cleaning the bogs and such, and then ba gets sold...cisse never recovers his form after being moved back into the middle and being asked to play like ba


i don't know brett, i just don't know


I agree he should never been put out wide, was an ill judgement and i've criticised Pardw for not having the balls to tell Ba to fuck off sooner with his demands to play centrally and giving in to them when the team should have came first. However because Cisse played a handful of games out wide, he was then put back in the centre and was given a long period of time there but the goals dried up and didn't look half the player. You see other strikers around the country going on wings then back through the middle and so forth but don't suddenly look like a striker who would struggle 3 divisions downwards. Mental to think it's  Pardew's fault when players go through bad spells, and let the player off with a large share of the criticism.


Correct me if I'm wrong but it might be the worst spell of his career?

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To be fair to Pardew, he's always rated Tiote and usually tries to include him in every game possible. That's the good side. Unfortunately his whacky formations and bizarre idea that Cheick is the toon Yaya Toure has probaby had plenty to do with his erratic form last season. Tiote's a good player when he plays to his strengths, he just needs good management. Pardew's good management is usually random and arrived at by trial and error rather than tactical acumen so here we are.

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In also by far the hardest league he's played in i must add...


Jelavic was scoring goals for fun along with Cisse at a similar time but his dried up too and never really came back. Moyes fault? Martinez fault? Only so much blame can go to the manager before the player has to start taking responsibility.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best player out there today. Can't believe how well he kept his head through all the shit. Unlike Cabaye who completely lost it as usual and should have been off twice.


Yeah him and Anita bossed it up until the substitution.

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