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Shola Ameobi


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi




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A small part of me looks forward to the day when all our other strikers are unavailable for a game (and we've already won the league with a couple of games to spare) and we have to play Ranger up front... as THE LONE RANGER. Theme music and all.

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A small part of me looks forward to the day when all our other strikers are unavailable for a game (and we've already won the league with a couple of games to spare) and we have to play Ranger up front... as THE LONE RANGER. Theme music and all.

Cue everyone being baffled by The William Tell Overture being played as his name is announced. :lol:
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Guest scottishmag54

i didnt think he looked fit should never have started and agree he is better coming from the bench with the odd start as he loses hunger

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If he's playing with another injury, I can't think of many times he hasn't. If that's the case, the c*** just needs to give up and stop playing football. Getting beyond a joke.




Not sure how he can be blamed for being played when he's injured.  He's apparently done it in the past to the detriment of his own career as well.


I think its a little pathetic how as a soon as a player is not flavour of the month he's a c*** (not a personal attack on you wormy).  I'm glad Carroll didn't take most fans advice and fuck off to a League 1 club.


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I'm just a bit of a swearer tbh Frazzle. I don't genuinely think he's a cunt. Swearing's just kind of become second nature to me  :blush:


But it just makes me angry that this excuse of 'he's playing with an injury' gets trotted out everytime he gets the slightest run of games. If he's really injured as often as people say they think he are then he needs to stop playing football tbh. Or at least take a long break to try and get to the root of these injury problems.

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That's so wrong about his touch btw. First touch is shite - generally when Shola can actually get the ball under control he isn't too bad with it.


He was correctly replaced yesterday but nowhere near as bad as some are making out.

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