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Shola Ameobi


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He's effective when not required to play every week. I actually think he's a decent, intellignet enough player. He's just f***ed in every game if played in sucession. Physical wreck.


Its motivation with him, he is supposed to have a soft personality which goes out of the window when we play the mackems, he’s like us, he hates them.

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Guest Recoba

I was fuming when he didn't step up and take the pen.  Best penalty taker I have ever seen.  Even against Partizan Belgrade when everyone else was missing Shola stayed cool.


For a 20 minute burst, Shola can be class.  His cameo's have been full of impact a few times this season.  He dosn't have the fitness to play a full game, his body must be nackered after playing through numerous injuries.  I love a bit of Shola on in the 70th minute though.

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Shola Ameobi, Hammer of the Mackems :lol:


After he dies we need to carry his bleached bones at the head of the team when they come out onto the pitch for derbies.

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The Living Legend aka Hammer of the Mackems aka The Derby Destroyer aka The Big Sho aka The Flawless Penalty aka The Mackem Slayer aka The Ball Trapper Supreme aka The 20 Minute Wonder aka Saint Shola.


When's the testimonial? I'm there.

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