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Are we on the up, as a club?

Guest Howaythetoon

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Guest malandro

I guess it's stopped us from buying players for their names instead of their quality. Financially the club is getting better and within 5 years or so should be atleast breaking even. Team wise we are only 3 games into the season and can't really say anything on that front. Relegation may of done us well, infact I'd go as far as recommending it to Sunderland, multiple times.

You don’t need to be in debt to do that and in operating terms the club will probably be breaking even this season. Another debate about Ashley is a waste of time. I was only pointing out we owe him a lot of money and Lambias isn’t the only possible cloud on the horizon.

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I guess it's stopped us from buying players for their names instead of their quality. Financially the club is getting better and within 5 years or so should be atleast breaking even. Team wise we are only 3 games into the season and can't really say anything on that front. Relegation may of done us well, infact I'd go as far as recommending it to Sunderland, multiple times.

You don’t need to be in debt to do that and in operating terms the club will probably be breaking even this season. Another debate about Ashley is a waste of time. I was only pointing out we owe him a lot of money and Lambias isn’t the only possible cloud on the horizon.

My point was we wern't buying players for their name but buying players in positions where we need them and so far ones that look of adecent quality.
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Guest antz1uk

Slightly OT: anyone else think Ashley has been waiting till near the window closes to bring in his more expensive targets? Make out we've got no money to spend then suddenly we've blown £10m on 3 players? Hope so.



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The last 3-4 years when people were saying, "I'd take relegation to get rid of the deadwood and start again", I couldn't understand or believe people actually thought that. We were lucky...very lucky, but it looks like it's possible that's happened by hook or by crook.


We've got a good togetherness, a manager who just gets on with it, and an owner and chairman who appear to be finally doing what an owner of chairman should do. A bit early to judge yet, but it's looking promising again.


A similar thought has been going through my head.


We needed a couple of people to take their chance and (much as I hate using a baseballism) "step up". Hughton and Carroll both seem to be doing that. We needed to be phenomenally tricky in the transfer market. We appear to be pulling that off.


Against all the odds, even with plenty of people still looking for things to moan about, there's a note of hard-win optimism and confidence in the air. A couple of crap results could change all that -- and there will be plenty of the usual moaners just gagging to pounce on them -- but right now, compared to 18 months ago? Yes, we are definitely on the up.

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Its amazing what a 6-0 humpng will do.


We all know it's unlikely to be repeated, but it was definitely good for morale. Reminded the team, and the club, what it's capable of.



Just a thought. How might the 6-0 scoreline change the approah taken by other clubs when they play us?

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Its amazing what a 6-0 humpng will do.


We all know it's unlikely to be repeated, but it was definitely good for morale. Reminded the team, and the club, what it's capable of.



Just a thought. How might the 6-0 scoreline change the approah taken by other clubs when they play us?


They may or May not try and defend better than Villa.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The Villa result reminded me of KK's first Newcastle team coming into the then new Premier League, a team not filled with stars or big egos but one with determined players, happy players who look like they enjoy going out there and trying to play as well as they can against whoever they face, a group of players on a roll if you like. I don't know whether we are a club on the up or not, statistics and form suggest we are but this is Newcastle United, famous for fucking things up. But things feel pretty good at the moment and everyone seems ready and up for things, fans included. I want to believe. Fingers crossed eh.

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The Ben Arfa deal plus the Robbie Keane stuff has me believing definitely, because now Ashley's come to the party by backing his manager I feel very optimistic we can have a good season. Adding a touch of flair is exactly what the doctor ordered and fans can look forward to going to watch matches live again.

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Team morale and confidence seems to be brilliant at the minute.  It's clear all the players have massive respect for Hughton and desperately want to do well not only for him, but us, the fans.  Compare that to 2 years ago when our team was full of mercenaries just wanting to pick up their pay cheque.  Think the 2 new lads will also improve our squad no end.


Think away form will be crucial because tbh, other than Chelsea, Man Utd, Arsenal and City, we have no one to fear at home.


Hopefully in the next few days we can get another good loan signing in and really push on.

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Guest Brummiemag

The last 3-4 years when people were saying, "I'd take relegation to get rid of the deadwood and start again", I couldn't understand or believe people actually thought that. We were lucky...very lucky, but it looks like it's possible that's happened by hook or by crook.


We've got a good togetherness, a manager who just gets on with it, and an owner and chairman who appear to be finally doing what an owner of chairman should do. A bit early to judge yet, but it's looking promising again.


A similar thought has been going through my head.


We needed a couple of people to take their chance and (much as I hate using a baseballism) "step up". Hughton and Carroll both seem to be doing that. We needed to be phenomenally tricky in the transfer market. We appear to be pulling that off.


Against all the odds, even with plenty of people still looking for things to moan about, there's a note of hard-win optimism and confidence in the air. A couple of crap results could change all that -- and there will be plenty of the usual moaners just gagging to pounce on them -- but right now, compared to 18 months ago? Yes, we are definitely on the up.


Yes and for once Ossie I agree with you. up to a point We have a quietly effective manager and a few players who have demonstated promise and potential.


Despite that I honestly believe we will achieve nothing more than mid table mediocrity in the next few years unless we have an owner who is prepared to invest significant amounts of money on players - Ashley had the chance to do that this season and has failed to do it. He still has the chance to do that but he won't.


With our support we should be one of the powerhouses of the Premier League and Europe but until we have an owner who realises the massive potential of the Club then we will be destined to be one of the also rans, a Wigan or a Stoke if we are lucky     

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