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Relegation was good for us - Discuss

Guest HGB1892

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Guest HGB1892

Imagine if we'd stayed up 2 seasons ago, where would we be now? I reckon we'd be starting this season in the Championship and managerless once again.  Regardless of the circumstances of the relegation it was a long time coming due to mismanagement from the very top since before the sacking of SBR. We've a load of shite off the wage bill, we have a manager who goes about his business with a quiet dignity and every addition to the squad improves it.


Obviously Ashley is still a fucknut but he appears to be starting to get the business part right and it's a shame that every right thing he does is compounded by something daft (Sports Direct signs?? howay man).

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Blessing in disguise and all that.


The one major aspect of having gone into the Championship and come back out that gets overlooked is that, while it was depressing at first, has brought a real "feel good" factor back to the club.  Not only do lots of other club's fans keeping saying it's great to have us back "where we belong" but also for us personally it felt good to have a season where we were winning almost all of our matches - there's a real confidence in the squad and amongst the squad. 


We also got rid of a lot of the dead weight helping us balance our books and giving us a better chance at the future.

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As much as it hurt like hell going down I really enjoyed our season in the Championship.

Would rather that we had stayed up in the first place mind.


What's best?

being top dog in a shit league or a struggler in a top league

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A lot of positives to come from relegation, but I wish it never happened.


Relegation again would kill us off, I don't think it would be as straightforward as our CCC season was if it happened again.


Overall relegation has done us more good than harm.

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I'm sick of discussing it, we have all said on other threads how it maybe the best thing to have happend to our club in recent years, we have also all said how it is still early days to even concluding that it is indeed the case.

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As long as we never ever ever have to go through such a horrible painful season again.


The season wasn't painful.  The last season in the Premiership was so much worse.


That's what i meant. 2008/2009 started with so much promise and it was like a dagger in the heart at VP

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In hindsight, its turned out ok so far but at the time there was a real danger we'd drop even further. Now we're slightly saner financially and the team spirit has transformed the club. Hughton has blossomed, whereas I doubt he'd be manager if we survived. On 'The Game' podcast, Caulkin said some of Ashley's ideas were arguably ok, its just he picked the wrong personnel for them (Wise, Kinnear etc.). No doubt Ashley has made a howler of things, but as he fades into the background the club seems to benefit. So yes, in hindsight, relegation was good for us. The club has been cleansed.

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Guest BooBoo

A relegation can never be a good thing in the short term.


In the long term it can be a positive as it cleared a lot of the malingering shite (Duff, Viduka, Oba, OWEN) away from the club. Instead of hiring some billy big bollocks manager with an obsession of spending as much cash (that we didnt have) as possible, we've fortuantely got ourselves a manager who has helped drag the club off its knees with a minimum of fuss and fanfare. Overpaid and undercaring wasters have been replaced with players (mainly) on the up curve of their careers, complimenting a core of grafters who genuinely seem to give a shit about how we do. I have to go back to the days of Keegan when i genuinely liked the players who pulled on our shirt as much. Too many times since then, our lot seemed blaze about the club. "As long as i'm pocketing my 60k a week off these mugs, now where's the treatment room?" was the prevalent attitude.


Ashley's nonsensical idea of pairing KK (wonderful in the 90s but a dreadful appointment following Allardyce) with his stooges was a recipe for disaster and subsequent fuck ups, like that moron Kinnear, cost us dear. I think it's in Ashleys naive misunderstanding of football that some further mistakes will be inevitable but as long as they become few and far between and he keeps supporting the manager with a sensible level of investment, then there is no reason why we cant re-establish oursleves as a top ten side in the Premier League.



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A relegation can never be a good thing in the short term.


In the long term it can be a positive as it cleared a lot of the malingering s**** (Duff, Viduka, Oba, OWEN) away from the club. Instead of hiring some billy big bollocks manager with an obsession of spending as much cash (that we didnt have) as possible, we've fortuantely got ourselves a manager who has helped drag the club off its knees with a minimum of fuss and fanfare. Overpaid and undercaring wasters have been replaced with players (mainly) on the up curve of their careers, complimenting a core of grafters who genuinely seem to give a s*** about how we do. I have to go back to the days of Keegan when i genuinely liked the players who pulled on our shirt as much. Too many times since then, our lot seemed blaze about the club. "As long as i'm pocketing my 60k a week off these mugs, now where's the treatment room?" was the prevalent attitude.


Ashley's nonsensical idea of pairing KK (wonderful in the 90s but a dreadful appointment following Allardyce) with his stooges was a recipe for disaster and subsequent f*** ups, like that moron Kinnear, cost us dear. I think it's in Ashleys naive misunderstanding of football that some further mistakes will be inevitable but as long as they become few and far between and he keeps supporting the manager with a sensible level of investment, then there is no reason why we cant re-establish oursleves as a top ten side in the Premier League.





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Guest neesy111

Relegation was awful.


But like so many things in life, sometimes you need to take a step back to move forward overall.

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A relegation can never be a good thing in the short term.


In the long term it can be a positive as it cleared a lot of the malingering s**** (Duff, Viduka, Oba, OWEN) away from the club. Instead of hiring some billy big bollocks manager with an obsession of spending as much cash (that we didnt have) as possible, we've fortuantely got ourselves a manager who has helped drag the club off its knees with a minimum of fuss and fanfare. Overpaid and undercaring wasters have been replaced with players (mainly) on the up curve of their careers, complimenting a core of grafters who genuinely seem to give a s*** about how we do. I have to go back to the days of Keegan when i genuinely liked the players who pulled on our shirt as much. Too many times since then, our lot seemed blaze about the club. "As long as i'm pocketing my 60k a week off these mugs, now where's the treatment room?" was the prevalent attitude.


Ashley's nonsensical idea of pairing KK (wonderful in the 90s but a dreadful appointment following Allardyce) with his stooges was a recipe for disaster and subsequent f*** ups, like that moron Kinnear, cost us dear. I think it's in Ashleys naive misunderstanding of football that some further mistakes will be inevitable but as long as they become few and far between and he keeps supporting the manager with a sensible level of investment, then there is no reason why we cant re-establish oursleves as a top ten side in the Premier League.






Owen and Viduka would have gone even if we'd stayed up, Bassong and Beye might not have though.

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