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Relegation was good for us - Discuss

Guest HGB1892

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Relegation is rarely good for a club. As well as playing a league with less quality, you lose out financially, your better players move on and your reputation as an established Premier League club disappears. Most stay there too unless they have a significant amount of cash or simply get lucky as we did.


Positives have come from the relegation. We've developed an excellent team spirit getting rid of many of the wasters on high wages in the process but you can't seriously tell me you need the unnecessary torture that is relegation to achieve both of those objectives? Looks at sides like Everton who, in my opinion, have an excellent team spirit and a low wage bill. Did they need relegation or just a bit of common sense in the board room?


Which to brings us to how we were relegated. Numerous errors by the board, multiple managers, an under-performing team devoid of any confidence, fan protests, the list goes on. Was it worth it? It could of been so easily avoided with a bit an ounce of sense from the leaders of the club but instead we had to endure possibly the most painful seasons in living memory, not to mention the subsequent year playing our trade in the Championship.


So aye positives came out of our relegation but it shouldn't off been required for them to come about. The biggest thing that will hopefully come from our relegation is learning from our mistakes because next time we might not be so lucky with an instant return. This season is far too young to be handing our premature pats on the back.

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Guest BooBoo

We didnt get lucky last year, we pretty much steamrollered our way to the title. Hard graft and a bit of skill got us up, not luck.

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Relegation is rarely good for a club. As well as playing a league with less quality, you lose out financially, your better players move on and your reputation as an established Premier League club disappears. Most stay there too unless they have a significant amount of cash or simply get lucky as we did.


Positives have come from the relegation. We've developed an excellent team spirit getting rid of many of the wasters on high wages in the process but you can't seriously tell me you need the unnecessary torture that is relegation to achieve both of those objectives? Looks at sides like Everton who, in my opinion, have an excellent team spirit and a low wage bill. Did they need relegation or just a bit of common sense in the board room?


Which to brings us to how we were relegated. Numerous errors by the board, multiple managers, an under-performing team devoid of any confidence, fan protests, the list goes on. Was it worth it? It could of been so easily avoided with a bit an ounce of sense from the leaders of the club but instead we had to endure possibly the most painful seasons in living memory, not to mention the subsequent year playing our trade in the Championship.


So aye positives came out of our relegation but it shouldn't off been required for them to come about. The biggest thing that will hopefully come from our relegation is learning from our mistakes because next time we might not be so lucky with an instant return. This season is far too young to be handing our premature pats on the back.


*Thread ends*

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Guest neesy111

Relegation acted as the kick up the arse that all the players and management of the club needed to sort things out.


It helped, but it shouldn't have been needed.


This, the first team was rotten to the core (thanks to Allardyce and Dennis Wise mainly) and needed a clear out.  But should never ever need relegation for it to be sorted.

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Guest malandro

A relegation can never be a good thing in the short term.


In the long term it can be a positive as it cleared a lot of the malingering s**** (Duff, Viduka, Oba, OWEN) away from the club. Instead of hiring some billy big bollocks manager with an obsession of spending as much cash (that we didnt have) as possible, we've fortuantely got ourselves a manager who has helped drag the club off its knees with a minimum of fuss and fanfare. Overpaid and undercaring wasters have been replaced with players (mainly) on the up curve of their careers, complimenting a core of grafters who genuinely seem to give a s*** about how we do. I have to go back to the days of Keegan when i genuinely liked the players who pulled on our shirt as much. Too many times since then, our lot seemed blaze about the club. "As long as i'm pocketing my 60k a week off these mugs, now where's the treatment room?" was the prevalent attitude.


Ashley's nonsensical idea of pairing KK (wonderful in the 90s but a dreadful appointment following Allardyce) with his stooges was a recipe for disaster and subsequent f*** ups, like that moron Kinnear, cost us dear. I think it's in Ashleys naive misunderstanding of football that some further mistakes will be inevitable but as long as they become few and far between and he keeps supporting the manager with a sensible level of investment, then there is no reason why we cant re-establish oursleves as a top ten side in the Premier League.







There isn’t anything that happened post relegation that couldn’t have been achieved if we’d stayed up. The only difference is relegation cost the club £50m.

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It was only good in the fact it extinguished an inevitability. I'm not gonna repeat what the likes of Otter and Prophet have so eloquently outlined - but i'll certainly concur with them. It's never a good thing in general due to the things that you lose, but we've needed an excuse for a fresh start and that's what it provided.


Kingpins remain - in all factions of the club - but it's a different Newcastle United to two years ago. It's provided us with the opportunity to look forward as underdogs, rather than feel as if we're simply the perennial underachievers delaying the worst. In that discript, it is something of a blessing. We need to take advantage of it though.


Another relegation would be a catastrophe.

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There isnt anything that happened post relegation that couldnt have been achieved if wed stayed up. The only difference is relegation cost the club £50m.


A whole lot less than M owen  !!

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NUFC were trending downhill - and I suspect that relegation might well have come in a season to two anyway with the way that we were playing and being run.  So perhaps we are now ahead of the cycle and on the way back up a year or two ahead of the other reality.


For me - relegation was necessary to re-set the mindset of the fans that we are not going to spend wads of cash here/there/everywhere on has-been players or trophy signings. The idea that we have 50K crowds and can afford to compete with big-4 clubs for players etc was a big problem.  Think about the reaction to Saylor's contract....now we are telling him to accept it or leave and fans are happy with that, whereas two years ago it would have been "just pay him the £60K....we had 50K in the ground and can afford him".


Personally, I think we are ahead of where we might have been.

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Relegation is never a good thing but in our case by some weird twist of fate it aided our recovery. I think we got lucky, the Championship was poor and we had some low expectations given the shit we went through in the Premiership.


Our transfer dealings seem good and I am slightly optimistic about the season ahead, just waiting for it to come crashing down probably when Carroll goes to jail in October. Hope not.

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I think if we had stayed up it was just going to delay the inevitable future relegation.


Although it was bad when we got relegated, it was a good time, as we had the right personnel for the promotion year, a lower standard of opposition than in some years, and it was the right moment to develop certain individuals and experiment with different tactics.

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Relegation is rarely good for a club. As well as playing a league with less quality, you lose out financially, your better players move on and your reputation as an established Premier League club disappears. Most stay there too unless they have a significant amount of cash or simply get lucky as we did.


Positives have come from the relegation. We've developed an excellent team spirit getting rid of many of the wasters on high wages in the process but you can't seriously tell me you need the unnecessary torture that is relegation to achieve both of those objectives? Looks at sides like Everton who, in my opinion, have an excellent team spirit and a low wage bill. Did they need relegation or just a bit of common sense in the board room?


Which to brings us to how we were relegated. Numerous errors by the board, multiple managers, an under-performing team devoid of any confidence, fan protests, the list goes on. Was it worth it? It could of been so easily avoided with a bit an ounce of sense from the leaders of the club but instead we had to endure possibly the most painful seasons in living memory, not to mention the subsequent year playing our trade in the Championship.


So aye positives came out of our relegation but it shouldn't off been required for them to come about. The biggest thing that will hopefully come from our relegation is learning from our mistakes because next time we might not be so lucky with an instant return. This season is far too young to be handing our premature pats on the back.



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I think it was good, we all got a really fun season, loved it tbf, brought the wage bill close to sensible levels and got rid of alot of the deadwood and players on too much money.  If we had stayed up we'd have either gone down last season or still be in the same boat we were before we went down, shit players on crazy money. (I FUCKING KNOW SOME OF THE PLAYERS ARE STILL ON BIG MONEY BEFORE YOU START)

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Guest BooBoo

This has been discussed a hundred times, some good came from it, but overall no it wasn't a good thing, certainly not financially.


Yup. Almost makes ya miss the new board vs old board threads.


Knock yourself out.................... http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=28157 :thup:


I see that daft prick is still peddling his tired old drivel time after time.

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