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Jonás Gutiérrez (now managing Club Almagro)

Crumpy Gunt

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The whole thing stinks to high heaven, he has clearly been treated like absolute shit by the club and has been very pissed off about it since.


Wouldn't be surprised if the club were the ones spreading the rumours that another appearance would incur an additional fee to Mallorca, when one pre-season saw him go from first name on the team sheet (wrongly, but that's by the by here) to nowhere near the first team picture.


There is absolutely no precedent that would allow you to give the club the benefit of the doubt on anything now, they're arseholes and this will end up being yet another example of it.

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Guest firetotheworks

The whole thing stinks to high heaven, he has clearly been treated like absolute shit by the club and has been very pissed off about it since.


Wouldn't be surprised if the club were the ones spreading the rumours that another appearance would incur an additional fee to Mallorca, when one pre-season saw him go from first name on the team sheet (wrongly, but that's by the by here) to nowhere near the first team picture.


There is absolutely no precedent that would allow you to give the club the benefit of the doubt on anything now, they're arseholes and this will end up being yet another example of it.



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The whole thing stinks to high heaven, he has clearly been treated like absolute shit by the club and has been very pissed off about it since.


Wouldn't be surprised if the club were the ones spreading the rumours that another appearance would incur an additional fee to Mallorca, when one pre-season saw him go from first name on the team sheet (wrongly, but that's by the by here) to nowhere near the first team picture.


There is absolutely no precedent that would allow you to give the club the benefit of the doubt on anything now, they're arseholes and this will end up being yet another example of it.


Oh yeah, they obviously treated him badly, they should have looked after him like a loyal employee and done everything they could. Just be interesting to see exactly what the details of the claim are.

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How can we expect the players to play for the club after the way it treated Jonas?


The captain's apparent best mate as well. Why would Colo give a shit about the club after all of this?


Because he's just signed an extension to his contract for a start. But yeah it does say a lot about the club and no surprise that it's hard to raise team morale with such a callous attitude towards the employees.

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Guest Howaythetoon

The way people at the club treated Jonas is nothing short of disgusting and sullies Newcastle's great name which will continue to haunt the club until Ashley and his cronies leave.


Even if he was a shit player and did fuck all for us, no-one deserves to be treat with utter contempt. I considered Ryan Taylor a shit footballer and hated seeing him start for us, but he didn't deserve to be treated the way he was either.


For Ashley, he sees the players as mere employees, akin to those who pack shelves and work the tills at SD, there to be used and taken advantage of and always dispensable.


That's why Shearer was treated the way he was, KK, Hughton and Jonas. He doesn't value them as fucking people let alone footballers.


I honestly hope the cunt has an aneurysm.

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I've just been challenged by a lawyer mate on Facebook asking so what's his actual "case". Actually, on a point of law, do any of us actually know what his 'case' is? Is there a substantive legal case or is it just a matter of us all being (rightly) indignant about the disrespectful, disgraceful way the club treated him when he was battling cancer? I suppose there would only be a 'case' if he could prove there's been discrimination against him on the basis of disability - but given every single player is required to be in the prime of fitness, and if they get ill or injured, they're insured. So, what is his 'case'?

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I searched for "Jonas Gutierrez porn" to find a picture of something looking like him banging the club. Quite interesting result.


Where? All I could find was these:







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I've just been challenged by a lawyer mate on Facebook asking so what's his actual "case". Actually, on a point of law, do any of us actually know what his 'case' is? Is there a substantive legal case or is it just a matter of us all being (rightly) indignant about the disrespectful, disgraceful way the club treated him when he was battling cancer? I suppose there would only be a 'case' if he could prove there's been discrimination against him on the basis of disability - but given every single player is required to be in the prime of fitness, and if they get ill or injured, they're insured. So, what is his 'case'?


From The Mail:


Sportsmail understands he has made a claim under the 2010 Equality Act, which relates to discrimination against employees because of mental or physical disability.

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I've just been challenged by a lawyer mate on Facebook asking so what's his actual "case". Actually, on a point of law, do any of us actually know what his 'case' is? Is there a substantive legal case or is it just a matter of us all being (rightly) indignant about the disrespectful, disgraceful way the club treated him when he was battling cancer? I suppose there would only be a 'case' if he could prove there's been discrimination against him on the basis of disability - but given every single player is required to be in the prime of fitness, and if they get ill or injured, they're insured. So, what is his 'case'?


From The Mail:


Sportsmail understands he has made a claim under the 2010 Equality Act, which relates to discrimination against employees because of mental or physical disability.


If that's all we've got to go on then this should be quite an interesting case - most probably of the 'open and shut/GTF out of here' variety, I'd guess.


Or it could be as significant as Bosman...

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