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Jonás Gutiérrez (now managing Club Almagro)

Crumpy Gunt

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I'd have been surprised if they did it any other way tbh.  Par for the course.

Par for the course for this club or all clubs. Think its a scummy way to let go pros at a club one of which has been with us since 2008 the other 2009.



This club.  I think most clubs would have sat down with them, explained their decision and thanked them for their efforts.

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I doubt many players have been at a club for 7 years and been told their contract isn't being renewed by having a phone passed to them by their mate like :lol:


At the very least - if they absolutely had to tell them over the phone - try and catch them in private.

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He's not the manager though. He's the head coach. He has no influence over contracts.


Yes he does.


He's part of a 3-man team that identify players. Charnley, Carr and Carver. That's how it worked with Pardew, that's how it'll work now and that's how it'll work going forward. The head coach WILL have a say, maybe not the biggest say, but he'll have a say on who comes in, who goes out and who is retained.


No way Alan Pardew wanted rid of Nolan & Barton. No way Carver wanted rid of these two either.

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Only debate is whether phone call is adequate. Probably not- but wouldn't be surprised if it's common practice.


Carver completely to blame for the nonsense with the phone being passed to Jonas. What an absolute imbecile.


Probably only gets free calls to Ryan Taylor's network.

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tbh, every captain in the country will have spiel put out written by the pr guys with their name added to it.  can't see the massive deal here

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Guest taps01

tbh, every captain in the country will have spiel put out written by the pr guys with their name added to it.  can't see the massive deal here



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Guest firetotheworks

Pretty innocuous comments that only praise him, bizarre.


It just highlights how casually they'll lie about the most inconsequential things. Absolute scumbags.

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The club's PR is so f***ing poor, man. It's like NVQ levels of marketing. Everything they do has huge holes in it. So much so they don't even need much effort to see through.


Really rank stuff :lol:



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I guess the issue is the possibility that Colo was genuinely pissed about the situation and wouldn't have been prepared to back such a statement.

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Pretty innocuous comments that only praise him, bizarre.


Not sure on the timing but it seems like a pretty obvious and cynical attempt to reply to the comments he's made about how NUFC didn't appreciate what he gave to the club.


If it's a bunch of made up shite then he's within his rights to point that out.

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Colo and Jonás are really close, and those comments are really impersonal. Doesn't surprise me Jonás asked him about it.


I mean, if I'm pissed about how I've been treated and my mate joins in the hollow pageantry dished out by the club, I would ask him about it.

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tbh, every captain in the country will have spiel put out written by the pr guys with their name added to it.  can't see the massive deal here


Well after years and years of following many different sports religiously, this is the first time I'm hearing about such behaviour. Do you mean by the captain's own PR guys, or in your mind has it always been the case of the club or national team writing out Shakespearean prose and signing it off as the Cap'n?


A rather confusing comment about yet another situation that highlights how the current club regime is like North Korea and continue to lie to us at every opportunity.

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