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Come on guys - we can raise the £250 plus VAT for the fixture list license!

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Guest pricedoutoftoon

OK, I don't know if Admin will be up for this or not but it turns out the fixture list license fee is around £250 plus VAT per season (I initially thought it was 2.5K - bad and quick Google search :blush:).


So I've been coming here for over 2 years and have just recently started posting regularly. This place is one of the biggest laughs online and it's not too much to ask for us to chip in a tenner to raise the funds...no?


The regulars alone could cover the cost and being able to post the fixtures would be an added bonus to this place.


£10 is not much to be fair. I'm in.


-----A quick search has this following info (I spent just a minute or so on the official site but I'll search it properly later)-----








I suppose the payment organisation could be a little bit of hassle but if we all paid via, say PayPal (and we cover fees), that could be one solution.


I'll prepare to be shot down but I see no reason why we can't help this place a little.


Just to clarify:


1: I know the fixtures can be found elsewhere. It's just an idea so they can be posted here. Simple idea really :rolleyes:


2: I know we could all donate to a charity instead. But it's an idea for a football forum. You can do both you know!


3: This is in no way suggesting there should be an obligatory fee of £10 from everyone ffs! So calm down angry mob :razz: :lol: It's just to see if there was a bunch who could muster the total amount.


4: Don't panic! I know there's now a topic started by a non-regular but you're safe. No harm will come to you! :shifty:


Put more eloquently:


  On 23/09/2010 at 20:59, LucaAltieri said:

It's not about the actual information, it's about having the ability to openly discuss a run of games in the place we all come to talk about football...


Apologies to the admin if I've potentially caused a headache. Lock and I'd not be offended :)

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I just don't really see the need as the fixtures are on so many other sites, and we all pretty much already know who we're facing over the next few weeks already. We've done good on here without them, don't see what difference having them would really make. Would rather just give a tenner to charity.


Feel free to make me change my mind though. Sell me it, why do we need it? What difference would this make in my N-O life?

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  On 23/09/2010 at 20:09, Kaizero said:

I just don't really see the need as the fixtures are on so many other sites, and we all pretty much already know who we're facing over the next few weeks already. We've done good on here without them, don't see what difference having them would really make. Would rather just give a tenner to charity.


Feel free to make me change my mind though. Sell me it, why do we need it?


It will save the admins' valuable time as they won't have so many people to ban which means they can start doing name changes again.

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You want me to spend my hard earned currency to feed the ever expanding ego of "The Greatest League in the World"?! Rubbish!


Please, man. I can get all sort of obscure statistical data on the internet free of charge, yet I'm supposed to pay for something that is generally common knowledge. Anyone who pays for this is a fool really. Not worth it at all.

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  On 23/09/2010 at 20:18, Dave said:

Like we don't need people's goodwill and kind donations just to run the fucking server in the first place. The fixtures are one click away, get over it.


Just take the contributions and don't buy the fixtures, job done.

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In a nicer way, I'll echo Dave's sentiments. :lol: It's nice that people would be willing to contribute towards helping us purchase things such as the rights to print fixture lists, but if you really want to help the site, save your tenner for when we come crawling for server donations.

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  On 23/09/2010 at 20:27, LucaAltieri said:

We don't care about servers, we care about fixture lists. If you need more computing power I've got an old Windows 98 machine you can have. Must be an upgrade on the box we're currently running if last night is anything to go by.


The problems when it gets busy are nothing to do with the server and everything to do with our crocked database and forum software.

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  On 23/09/2010 at 20:18, Dave said:

Like we don't need people's goodwill and kind donations just to run the fucking server in the first place. The fixtures are one click away, get over it.



in that case can we have a button that links to them?

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  On 23/09/2010 at 20:28, pricedoutoftoon said:

How much is your server? This place goes down a lot when a goal is scored (kidding) so maybe just change to a dedicated. Hostgator are very good for the money. Their semi-dedicated can be as little as £30 per month and they're solid. 15 years of hosting experience and these are the only guys I've been with for over a year (4 years now).


It is a dedicated server. See above.

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  On 23/09/2010 at 20:16, je85 said:

But then the evil fixture list owner people have won.


£250 per year = £20.83 per month.


£5 a month will only give them a portion of fish & chips to feed their families. £20.83 per month allows them to repair their fishing nets so they can feed their families for a lifetime. Look at this kid's face. Have a heart.





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