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Alan Pardew


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Went to the talk in, and I was very pleased in the way he answered the questions and I truly believe he can take us forward. This maybe a slightly drunken view! But he really did seem to ensure the fans of the future he wants to take.

Feel free to ask questions but expect a mumbled drunk response!

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not so much a pardew quote or something but i'm convinced the mackem bitch fancies pardew judging by recent positive coverage from her on him including this



Seemed more about Ashleys direction for the club rather that focusing on Pardew. Either way, a positive enough piece coming from her. :thup:

just in general, her recent pieces have been alarmingly positive, its just not like her

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Alan Pardew: Signing a top striker is priority


by Lee Ryder, Evening Chronicle

Apr 30 2011

ALAN PARDEW’S summer transfer quest will be dominated by his search for a striker at Newcastle United.


And Pardew says that the Magpies will be competing with the best in Europe in order to bring in a centre-forward worthy of donning the black-and-white shirt this summer.


Pardew’s backroom team have been scouring the Continent this spring in order to line up a replacement for the departed former No 9 Andy Carroll.


Pardew – who has also confirmed he will reassess the Stephen Ireland situation after the summer break – said today: “Our pool of strikers needs boosting – there is no doubt about that.


“That will be high on the agenda.


“You go about it like you do any other time, there’s always a situation where a club needs a new striker.


“You just find the best possible striker for your football club and that’s what we’ll do.


“I don’t want to talk too much because we have four games left.


“The players here have been brilliant, so I’m concentrating on them at the moment.


“Derek Llambias and our scouting team are concentrating on bringing players in.”


The Chronicle understands that early July is when the first signs of major movement will get underway at St James’ Park, and Pardew admitted the mission to bring in new faces won’t be easy.


He said: “Getting signings over the line is one of the toughest parts of the game.


“We want to be convincing players that the future is bright here, which I think it is.


“Attracting players should not be a problem.


“Hopefully the financial side of it we can find. We’re competing against Champions League sides and foreign teams and it won’t be done quickly.


“But hopefully they will be done.”


And he is confident that he will be backed by Toon tycoon Mike Ashley.


He added: “Myself and Derek are under the guidance of Mike. He is the owner of the club and he says yes or no.


“We’d like to think we can bring a few very good players here.”

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Don't think he got owt wrong today. We were never winning this game, not in a million years. We're finishing the game with Kuqi and Ranger upfront, as opposed to their Carroll and Suarez.

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Don't think he got owt wrong today. We were never winning this game, not in a million years. We're finishing the game with Kuqi and Ranger upfront, as opposed to their Carroll and Suarez.


If your strikeforce is toothless, then surely put 1 shit striker up front instead of 2, and stick another body in midfield?

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Don't think he got owt wrong today. We were never winning this game, not in a million years. We're finishing the game with Kuqi and Ranger upfront, as opposed to their Carroll and Suarez.


If your strikeforce is toothless, then surely put 1 shit striker up front instead of 2, and stick another body in midfield?

unless we're counting raylor as a footballer then we don't have a spare body in midfield at present

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Don't think he got owt wrong today. We were never winning this game, not in a million years. We're finishing the game with Kuqi and Ranger upfront, as opposed to their Carroll and Suarez.


If your strikeforce is toothless, then surely put 1 s*** striker up front instead of 2, and stick another body in midfield?


There's no one available.

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Don't think he got owt wrong today. We were never winning this game, not in a million years. We're finishing the game with Kuqi and Ranger upfront, as opposed to their Carroll and Suarez.


If your strikeforce is toothless, then surely put 1 shit striker up front instead of 2, and stick another body in midfield?

unless we're counting raylor as a footballer then we don't have a spare body in midfield at present




Stick Jonas in behind a striker? I dunno, try something different. You've got little to lose, but you were asking for that with 2 "strikers" up front.

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Difference between the two managers:


- At HT, Dalglish switched his weaker fullback to the side where we weren't attacking and stuck the more experienced head up against our only threat.


- We made our first sub, bringing on a 20-year-old striker on with 15 minutes to go, when we were already 3-0 down.

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Spineless performance. Again.


It is the predictability of the defeat that I've issue with. Don't mind us getting beat when we have a go but that was terrible, from start to finish.

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Pardew got everything right today, the players were clearly fired up and Pardew is starting to win me over.  If he got anything wrong it was probably making the changes a little too early as our forwards had been causing Liverpool problems all game.  I've got to put my hands up and say that he wasn't my choice as manager but I've been proven wrong.  Not just today but by the way we used the last transfer window to strengthen the squad.  We might have been a lot worse today if we hadn't done that.


I suppose it would be unfair to not mention points per game, it was 1.1875 before he arrived and 1.1667 after today, another big hand for Pardew and the way he's turned us around since the upgrade.

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Spineless performance. Again.


It is the predictability of the defeat that I've issue with. Don't mind us getting beat when we have a go but that was terrible, from start to finish.


Reminds me of the Souness and Kinnear days. Just going to these places, expecting defeat and hoping it's under 5-0.


Can't see anything changing either. I fully expect 2 or 3 decent new players in the summer but it wont matter with a poor manager.

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Pardew got everything right today, the players were clearly fired up and Pardew is starting to win me over.  If he got anything wrong it was probably making the changes a little too early as our forwards had been causing Liverpool problems all game.  I've got to put my hands up and say that he wasn't my choice as manager but I've been proven wrong.  Not just today but by the way we used the last transfer window to strengthen the squad.  We might have been a lot worse today if we hadn't done that.


I suppose it would be unfair to not mention points per game, it was 1.1875 before he arrived and 1.1667 after today, another big hand for Pardew and the way he's turned us around since the upgrade.


Someone needs to explain sarcasm to these Yanks, and you're the man to do it.

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Spineless performance. Again.


It is the predictability of the defeat that I've issue with. Don't mind us getting beat when we have a go but that was terrible, from start to finish.




The players were 'fired up' for the grand total of about 45 seconds at the start of the second half.


The rest of the time, they just looked like they were there to get paid. No chance we were ever going to give it a go today.

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Pardew got everything right today, the players were clearly fired up and Pardew is starting to win me over.  If he got anything wrong it was probably making the changes a little too early as our forwards had been causing Liverpool problems all game.  I've got to put my hands up and say that he wasn't my choice as manager but I've been proven wrong.  Not just today but by the way we used the last transfer window to strengthen the squad.  We might have been a lot worse today if we hadn't done that.


I suppose it would be unfair to not mention points per game, it was 1.1875 before he arrived and 1.1667 after today, another big hand for Pardew and the way he's turned us around since the upgrade.




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