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Alan Pardew


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Silence is deafening from SJP today, don't expect anything from the Owner and his side kick but Pardew usually does a bit of yapping. I wonder if something is up.

Yeah Pardew shitting himself for the press conference so waiting for it all to calm down imho or scouting a forward for the January transfer window with the up and coming Internationals  ;D
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Does it really matter what he says? He has zero contol, he knew that coming in, he isn't suddenly come out and have a go at them, he was lucky to get the job, but now i feel we are quite lucky to even have him.


He put his reputation on the line with recent comments about being certain he'll have a striker before the window closes, it'll be very interesting to hear what he has to say, no one is denying he has no control of things but if you don't have control you  shouldn't be stupid enough to put out statements like that, especially when those that do have power are who they are.


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Does it really matter what he says? He has zero contol, he knew that coming in, he isn't suddenly come out and have a go at them, he was lucky to get the job, but now i feel we are quite lucky to even have him.


He put his reputation on the line with recent comments about being certain he'll have a striker before the window closes, it'll be very interesting to hear what he has to say, no one is denying he has no control of things but if you don't have control you  shouldn't be stupid enough to put out statements like that, especially when those that do have power are who they are.



We already know one of the main reasons he came in was to tell us everything the board wanted us to hear. He is a puppet, he is so please to just be in a job he will say whatever he is told.

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Does it really matter what he says? He has zero contol, he knew that coming in, he isn't suddenly come out and have a go at them, he was lucky to get the job, but now i feel we are quite lucky to even have him.


He put his reputation on the line with recent comments about being certain he'll have a striker before the window closes, it'll be very interesting to hear what he has to say, no one is denying he has no control of things but if you don't have control you  shouldn't be stupid enough to put out statements like that, especially when those that do have power are who they are.



We already know one of the main reasons he came in was to tell us everything the board wanted us to hear. He is a puppet, he is so please to just be in a job he will say whatever he is told.


What point are you trying to make ? We know he's not in control, no one is saying that we believe he is, what I'm saying is I still would be interested in hearing what he has to say, it's odd for a manager not to comment on post transfer window business.

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Does it really matter what he says? He has zero contol, he knew that coming in, he isn't suddenly come out and have a go at them, he was lucky to get the job, but now i feel we are quite lucky to even have him.


He put his reputation on the line with recent comments about being certain he'll have a striker before the window closes, it'll be very interesting to hear what he has to say, no one is denying he has no control of things but if you don't have control you  shouldn't be stupid enough to put out statements like that, especially when those that do have power are who they are.



We already know one of the main reasons he came in was to tell us everything the board wanted us to hear. He is a puppet, he is so please to just be in a job he will say whatever he is told.


What point are you trying to make ? We know he's not in control, no one is saying that we believe he is, what I'm saying is I still would be interested in hearing what he has to say, it's odd for a manager not to comment on post transfer window business.

Gagging order
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He may be a 'puppet' manager but as puppets go he's doing a pretty good job with the team so far. Pardew can be blamed for his quotes regarding transfers raising hopes but he probably thought what he said was true at the time. He's been burned a few times now so we'll see if he changes the quotes he comes out with in January.


True Faith and NUFC.COM seem to be aiming some barbs at Pardew. I doubt we could get a better manager to work under this regime. Until someone buys NUFC off Mike Ashley I'd rather we stick with a manager who is willing to work within the strict confines of Mike Ashley's policies than one who won't.

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Expect some words from him in tomorrows Journal and Chron?


I expect he'll do the usual "talk so much and say so little."  It'll all be about frustrations, not being held to ransom, tried hard.  It won't be "I wanted to buy this guy and Mike wouldn't put up enough money to get him."

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They'll still be thinking of an excuse to give us as to why they broke yet another promise. They'll probably wait until after the international break and creep it into the pre-match build-up with QPR, something along the lines of "We tried our best but we'll just have to get on with it". To be fair to Pards, while he is a puppet manager, no doubt he'll be frustrated with the board for making him look like a twunt in front of the media and fans. He is doing a decent job with what he has available, so my gripe isn't fully aimed at him.


I think the day we get a new owner at the club will be celebrated more than us potentially winning a trophy now :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

I was told by a West Ham fan that his patter would not only piss fans off (tick), the media (ticking) but also the players too. That's what worries me. I think his authority will start to wane soon. Once we go through a rough patch I think that will be it for Pardew with the players who will look at him as a liar, a patter merchant, someone will will say things like "Carroll will not be sold", "every penny will be reinvested", "I want Joey to stay", "we've offered Kevin a great deal", players will see through it all just like we have. That was his downfall at West Ham with the players according to this Hammers fan I'm referring to. They stopped believing and trusting him. He'd say one thing and do another or guarantee this or that and not deliver.

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Maybe we need a director of football to handle the transfer business while Pardew gets on working with the team.


I think Carr fulfils this role only not in name. Pardew will have some imput but I imagine it would be minimal.


I don't think Carr does that job. He's a scout whose job is to put together a list of possible signings, Pardew would then discuss them with Carr, maybe have a look at the ones he doesn't know and then put names forward to Llambias in order of preference. Imo it is at this stage that the real problem lies. I don't think DL is competent or experienced enough to do this job properly.


he's obviously ok at bringing in free transfers, activating release clauses and acquiring players generally discarded by their club, basically anything easy. looks like negotiations aren't his strong point though. for an ambitious owner, the above might be a problem worth fixing.


Totally agree. Replacing Llambias with someone who knows what he's doing would cure most of the sh*t that goes on at the club imo.

He is too pally with Ashley so that wont happen and a cosy set up with the odd press release ,pretty surprised they know how to sign a player in all honesty .


More chance of bringing in someone along side him rather than replacing him I'd have though. Won't happen unless Mike has a pal in football though. Dekka runs financials, day to day fucking off the fans, t'other bloke deals with football matters.

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Its almost pointless listening to Pardew now, as long as the people who really make the decisions, the people who have their puppet dangling on the strings are saying nowt. 

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Guest Rainforest

Aye, I can see him losing the dressing room rather quickly if this goes on.

He says one thing, club does another thing, become a joke like

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Pardew gets way more stick than he deserves. He can do nowt. All we can do is hope he hangs in there despite of broken promises from the board. We all know that far too much he says is lies, but it's all Ashley and Dekka. People should realize that by now.  People need to calm down the whinging about Pardew.

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Guest Rainforest

Pardew gets way more stick than he deserves. He can do nowt. All we can do is hope he hangs in there despite of broken promises from the board. We all know that far too much he says is lies, but it's all Ashley and Dekka. People should realize that by now.  People need to calm down the whinging about Pardew.


I sort of agree but will players see it that way?

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I was told by a West Ham fan that his patter would not only p*ss fans off (tick), the media (ticking) but also the players too. That's what worries me. I think his authority will start to wane soon. Once we go through a rough patch I think that will be it for Pardew with the players who will look at him as a liar, a patter merchant, someone will will say things like "Carroll will not be sold", "every penny will be reinvested", "I want Joey to stay", "we've offered Kevin a great deal", players will see through it all just like we have. That was his downfall at West Ham with the players according to this Hammers fan I'm referring to. They stopped believing and trusting him. He'd say one thing and do another or guarantee this or that and not deliver.


You were told by a West Ham fan, aye?


I can't see it have any affect on the players tbh. They are surely aware that it's got nothing to do with Pardew, and tbf, Pardew seems a good man. I can't see this giving him problems with our current lot, at all. In contrary to our, the fans', situation, the players will also have the opportunity to talk to him personally, without being under pressure from those above.

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