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Alan Pardew


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It's a one man campaign like.


About 4 actually, maybe 3 now as Deadmau seems to have died off, or at least gone back to where he came from after the weekend.

FWIW I think Pardew should be given the freedom of the city for what he's done during the last 15 months or so.

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It's a one man campaign like.


About 4 actually, maybe 3 now as Deadmau seems to have died off, or at least gone back to where he came from after the weekend.

FWIW I think Pardew should be given the freedom of the city for what he's done during the last 15 months or so.


The main vocal detractors were HTT, Wullie, Mick, Tron, HawK, myself and a few others. Most weren't saying they wanted him out but that he needed to show signs that he could change the way we were playing as for three-four months we'd been progessively playing worse football. I don't think it's unreasonable that many were asking for changes to this and saying that if we didn't see improvements by Christmas then we'd have a case for looking for someone who could better utilise the players.


WBA was a massive improvement and has renewed some of my faith in him. I think many were frustrated by the fact that what he was saying in the press didn't match up to what was happening on the pitch and felt short-sold. More of the WBA stuff and you won't find anyone complaining, HTT included

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It's a one man campaign like.


About 4 actually, maybe 3 now as Deadmau seems to have died off, or at least gone back to where he came from after the weekend.

FWIW I think Pardew should be given the freedom of the city for what he's done during the last 15 months or so.


The main vocal detractors were HTT, Wullie, Mick, Tron, HawK, myself and a few others. Most weren't saying they wanted him out but that he needed to show signs that he could change the way we were playing as for three-four months we'd been progessively playing worse football. I don't think it's unreasonable that many were asking for changes to this and saying that if we didn't see improvements by Christmas then we'd have a case for looking for someone who could better utilise the players.


WBA was a massive improvement and has renewed some of my faith in him. I think many were frustrated by the fact that what he was saying in the press didn't match up to what was happening on the pitch and felt short-sold. More of the WBA stuff and you won't find anyone complaining, HTT included



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It's a one man campaign like.


About 4 actually, maybe 3 now as Deadmau seems to have died off, or at least gone back to where he came from after the weekend.

FWIW I think Pardew should be given the freedom of the city for what he's done during the last 15 months or so.


The main vocal detractors were HTT, Wullie, Mick, Tron, HawK, myself and a few others. Most weren't saying they wanted him out but that he needed to show signs that he could change the way we were playing as for three-four months we'd been progessively playing worse football. I don't think it's unreasonable that many were asking for changes to this and saying that if we didn't see improvements by Christmas then we'd have a case for looking for someone who could better utilise the players.


WBA was a massive improvement and has renewed some of my faith in him. I think many were frustrated by the fact that what he was saying in the press didn't match up to what was happening on the pitch and felt short-sold. More of the WBA stuff and you won't find anyone complaining, HTT included


Like you said there are a just hand full of Pardew detractors but a lot more, myself included, who have not enjoyed the visual spectacle of us nervously hanging on to narrow leads and stumbling across the line when we win.

WBA was a great win and an excellent display in two contexts, a half of fast, accurate, attacking football and a half of watching a team made up largely of squad players fighting determinedly for the cause. Both very satisfying in different ways.

However I don't think the WBA game, or any individual game for that matter, should have too much read into it, managers, football clubs and business in general needs to be judged over a longer term period, a minimum of one season for a manager I would say.

In the context of what Pardew has done in the last 15 months and indeed this season so far, I think he has been excellent in all respects. Concerning the media, whereas some don't like his style, I see an intelligent diplomat who has bridged the gap between the club's ownership and the fans admirably.

Being Newcastle we'll get some disappointing performances along the way and we'll get a few epics too, but overall I'm pretty happy about where we are, cautiously optimistic about our future and deliriously happy when I think back to where we were just three years ago.

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It's a one man campaign like.


About 4 actually, maybe 3 now as Deadmau seems to have died off, or at least gone back to where he came from after the weekend.

FWIW I think Pardew should be given the freedom of the city for what he's done during the last 15 months or so.


The main vocal detractors were HTT, Wullie, Mick, Tron, HawK, myself and a few others. Most weren't saying they wanted him out but that he needed to show signs that he could change the way we were playing as for three-four months we'd been progessively playing worse football. I don't think it's unreasonable that many were asking for changes to this and saying that if we didn't see improvements by Christmas then we'd have a case for looking for someone who could better utilise the players.


WBA was a massive improvement and has renewed some of my faith in him. I think many were frustrated by the fact that what he was saying in the press didn't match up to what was happening on the pitch and felt short-sold. More of the WBA stuff and you won't find anyone complaining, HTT included


Like you said there are a just hand full of Pardew detractors but a lot more, myself included, who have not enjoyed the visual spectacle of us nervously hanging on to narrow leads and stumbling across the line when we win.

WBA was a great win and an excellent display in two contexts, a half of fast, accurate, attacking football and a half of watching a team made up largely of squad players fighting determinedly for the cause. Both very satisfying in different ways.

However I don't think the WBA game, or any individual game for that matter, should have too much read into it, managers, football clubs and business in general needs to be judged over a longer term period, a minimum of one season for a manager I would say.

In the context of what Pardew has done in the last 15 months and indeed this season so far, I think he has been excellent in all respects. Concerning the media, whereas some don't like his style, I see him an intelligent diplomat who has bridged the gap between the club's ownership and the fans admirably.

Being Newcastle we'll get some disappointing performances along the way and we'll get a few epics too, but overall I'm pretty happy about where we are, cautiously optimistic about our future and deliriously happy when I think back to where we were just three years ago.


Absolutely spot on. :thup:

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but overall I'm pretty happy about where we are, cautiously optimistic about our future and deliriously happy when I think back to where we were just three years ago.


Agreed in regards to how far we've come. Before the season began, I thought we had the players to do well, much better than most predicted but I would never have guessed we could be here at this stage. I can only see us progressing at the moment because all the right signs are there, we just need to finish the season positively to send out a message to our players and anyone potentially joining in the summer.


And in regards to bottledog, HTT only feels that way because of a conviction that Ashley/Pardew can't bring us success. If they do bring us success, then he can't be anything other than happy about where the club is, he's only out for the club's best interests as he sees them

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I didn't enjoy the football either, but we still should have been refraining from the more extreme Pardew bashing IMO. We had played 2/3 of the season, you don't stay around the top 6 that long if you don't deserve it. And as for the style of football, we only had the luxury of worrying about that because the league position was so good.


Doesn't matter now like, fingers crossed we keep going like against WBA.

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I think the Pardew bashing was totally understandable tbh. Before Sunday I had real concerns as to whether he had any idea how to set the team up to make the best use of the individual players. The 4-3-3 formation is something that many here have felt would be the best for midfielders like Cabaye and a forward like Ben Arfa. More importantly we showed we can pass the ball and looked much better for it rather than the constant hoofing we've watched in many games this season.


I'm sure we'll have more poor performances before the end of the season but the main thing is at least we now know what we are capable of, and hopefully this will give the players the confidence to continue knocking the ball around.

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Some of it was way over the top, but I can understand the criticism of the style to an extent.


I just wish people would also factor in the fact that he had got a formula that was collecting us points on a regular basis, and maybe didn't want to risk it until we had cemented our position.

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who called him a cunt? :lol:


remember some right ott stuff mind, still here's hoping he saw the light on sunday...to be honest how could he not, watching us huff and puff in the games vs. sunderland and wolves and scrape results was like watching something that needed putting out of it's misery

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I didn't enjoy the football either, but we still should have been refraining from the more extreme Pardew bashing IMO. We had played 2/3 of the season, you don't stay around the top 6 that long if you don't deserve it. And as for the style of football, we only had the luxury of worrying about that because the league position was so good.


Doesn't matter now like, fingers crossed we keep going like against WBA.


In reality the extreme bashing was coming from a very,very small minority.

This thread was bumped by Dave this afternoon, in what I assume was his amusement at someone out there thinking there is a Pardew out campaign going on on here. Some of the discussion may make it appear that way, but any observer should look at the above poll, which by N-O standards is big and therefore probably quite representative.

1.6% think he's terrible, 71.8% think he's Good or Brilliant, 92.6% think he's OK, Good or Brilliant. Hardly a Pardew out campaign methinks.

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Some of it was way over the top, but I can understand the criticism of the style to an extent.


I just wish people would also factor in the fact that he had got a formula that was collecting us points on a regular basis, and maybe didn't want to risk it until we had cemented our position.


What I will say is that at this point of the season character is more important than style, and if Pardew has known that all along then fair dos. You only have to see how Man City, Spurs and Liverpool are faltering to see the truth in that.

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who called him a cunt? :lol:


remember some right ott stuff mind, still here's hoping he saw the light on sunday...to be honest how could he not, watching us huff and puff in the games vs. sunderland and wolves and scrape results was like watching something that needed putting out of it's misery



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I didn't enjoy the football either, but we still should have been refraining from the more extreme Pardew bashing IMO. We had played 2/3 of the season, you don't stay around the top 6 that long if you don't deserve it. And as for the style of football, we only had the luxury of worrying about that because the league position was so good.


Doesn't matter now like, fingers crossed we keep going like against WBA.


Ian man as I've said many times it's not solely the style of football. It was the fact that our players were not suited to the style of football, a very basic element in management I'd imagine is playing to your players strengths.


Please stop this notion that people have some sort of Barca-like ideology and are upset that it's not being implemented :lol: It's simple not the case, not for anyone on this board as far as I can tell.


I never once complained about a long ball under Hughton as he set us up perfectly, reflecting the players we had at the time.

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I didn't enjoy the football either, but we still should have been refraining from the more extreme Pardew bashing IMO. We had played 2/3 of the season, you don't stay around the top 6 that long if you don't deserve it. And as for the style of football, we only had the luxury of worrying about that because the league position was so good.


Doesn't matter now like, fingers crossed we keep going like against WBA.


Ian man as I've said many times it's not solely the style of football. It was the fact that our players were not suited to the style of football, a very basic element in management I'd imagine is playing to your players strengths.


Please stop this notion that people have some sort of Barca-like ideology and are upset that it's not being implemented :lol: It's simple not the case, not for anyone on this board as far as I can tell.


I never once complained about a long ball under Hughton as he set us up perfectly, reflecting the players we had at the time.


Fair enough, I didn't actually intend to imply all that stuff you mentioned.


We've been through this loads of times anyway, I just think that he hit on a system (when HBA was injured as well) that was picking up a lot of points, and I can understand why he was slow to change it.


Onwards and upwards now though.

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I didn't enjoy the football either, but we still should have been refraining from the more extreme Pardew bashing IMO. We had played 2/3 of the season, you don't stay around the top 6 that long if you don't deserve it. And as for the style of football, we only had the luxury of worrying about that because the league position was so good.


Doesn't matter now like, fingers crossed we keep going like against WBA.


Ian man as I've said many times it's not solely the style of football. It was the fact that our players were not suited to the style of football, a very basic element in management I'd imagine is playing to your players strengths.


Please stop this notion that people have some sort of Barca-like ideology and are upset that it's not being implemented :lol: It's simple not the case, not for anyone on this board as far as I can tell.


I never once complained about a long ball under Hughton as he set us up perfectly, reflecting the players we had at the time.


Absolutely spot on.


Anyway as Ian said, onwards and upwards. We have Euro spot in our grasp so enough of the quibbling.

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Yep I wasn't happy with the man's apparent ability, and to be honest it has still taken him this long to attempt what to most of us seems a very obvious square pegs to square holes solution. That he chose to do this in an away game was a bit baffling, but hey I'm a lot happier now that he has seemed to have grown a pair in finally taking that decision. This is a new side to Alan Pardew and I'm happy to see how he develops, he's showing something now that he hasn't shown before.


I honestly think he or someone close to him reads what is written about him, because I've noticed several times when a few people are chiming with the same chords on here, there seems to be a reaction on the pitch. For what it's worth, I still don't think based on evidence so far that he's going to be as successful as Sir Bobby or KK; he is limited and is being flattered by the personal available to him. That said, he isn't royally screwing it up, and we could do with a bit of stability right now and a couple of seasons challenging in and around 6th I think is exactly what we need.


Happy to bide time with him and see what happens, if this new side to Alan Pardew progresses.

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