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Newcastle 1 - 3 Man City - 26/12/2010 - Post-Match Reaction From Page 15


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People blaming Taylor for our goals? f***ing hell.


Dont know about the first 2, but the third certainly was.

No it f***ing wasn't. He tried to close down Johnson. Simpson let Tevez shoot.



Yep youre correct, just saw the replay.

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A case of not our day, as well as being let down by poor defending. The defence is being a cause for concern because due to the suspensions of Wliiamson and Colo, we have been unable to get a settled DC pairing and when Taylor and Campbell have come in, they've hardly set the world alight. Nolan misses for Spurs on Tuesday, due to picking up a 5th booking of the season. It's gonna be a season of results like this - all that matters though is getting to that 40points total asap.


I'd also look to replace Jonas down the left because he offers us f**k all.



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People blaming Taylor for our goals? f***ing hell.


Dont know about the first 2, but the third certainly was.

No it f***ing wasn't. He tried to close down Johnson. Simpson let Tevez shoot.



Yep youre correct, just saw the replay.


Taylor didn't close down anyone! He just ran like a headless chicken! First goal...totally mistimed challenge/block for the ball which allowed Tevez to play it through to Barry. 2nd...didn't mark Tevel when he clearly saw that Colo had lost him behind his back and there wasn't anyone else for Taylor to mark. 3rd....Taylor just ran past Tevez and the ball and blocked Krul totally(he's just trying too hard and is outplayed all the time) while Simpson at least tried to mark Tevez.


If Taylor just calm down a bit and think before he acts. His gfame is based too much on instinct which is toatlly screwed in the first place. Mark your man and let him do the initiative

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I dunno, too much negativity here. For me we played better than we did against Liverpool, yet lost 3-1. Man Shitty got lucky agian against us, we self destructed for the first goal, second was one of those that you just have to take your hat off to the other team, 3rd when we were desperately chasing the game was unfortunate, but that happens.


Man Shitty should be shitting all over us, considering the money they've spent but the game was a lot closer than the scoreline shows.


Loved their application today under adversity, we just didn't get the breaks in the penalty area like they did, happens sometimes.

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Well, that was the definition of annoying. Desperate to see NUFC play for what feels like weeks and we're 2-0 down at home in four minutes.


Appraisal of team selection: We'll never know how good a selection that would have been because of another two gifts of goals at home (cf. Blackburn game) early on. ManCinti changed their attitude and sat back.


The team Pardew picked did create lots of chances and Carroll especially was formidable. Barton continued to provide and Jose worked hard to attack/come forward/gamble since we were chasing the game - and run back for last-ditch defending.


It felt like nothing seemed to be falling for us and we were unlucky, but I'd put that largely down to Nolan being picked up/marked out. When we switched to 4-4-2, Nolan had plenty more chances (which he was profligate with, admittedly). I really don't see the argument for a 4-5-1 formation with our style of attack. Not in the slightest. (Nolan isn't a striker btw - he just plain isn't!).


Routledge, to his credit, played really well in the opening half hour but began to fade quite quickly. He was helped by Man City being content to sit back/absorb pressure, naturally otherwise I think he really would have struggled.


Balotelli and Johnson confirmed themselves as twats, and City have just stormed to the top of my most hated list driving me to such extremes as hoping Bolton or Spurs get a CL spot ahead of them. :( Sad times.


Really quite flabbergasted we have so little reward for our games against City this season, but this is life, we have to be less puerile and move on. It's a shame we had to chase this game so hard too and for so long. In this congested fixture list, we could really see some tired second half legs at WHL.


Gutted but positive looking forward.


Krul 3

Simpson 6

Taylor 4

Colo 7

Enrique 8

Routledge 6.5

Barton 7.5

Tiote 5.5

Jonas 6.5

Nolan 5

Carroll 8



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Krul 3

Simpson 6

Taylor 4

Colo 7

Enrique 8

Routledge 6.5

Barton 7.5

Tiote 5.5

Jonas 6.5

Nolan 5

Carroll 8




Isn't that 3 for Krul a bit harsh? Lost the ball for the first goal but couldn't do much for the next 2 goals

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How was Routledge? Heard he did well.


Think he did ok(rate 6.5/7 cant decide). Tried to challenge their defenders a lot of time and it worked. Think he needs to work at his crossing then he would be very good for us, he is always trying a weak chip into the box which is very easy to defend and very difficult for the striker to head in.

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Disappointing but lots of positives. Tiote below his usual standards but a fair few decent performances in there. Mistakes happen and have cost us the game, the difference really was that they were more clinical than us. Carroll MOTM once again, even including City players imo. Won every header.

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Why the hell did Coloccini keep following Tevez out of defence at the start of the game?  People can predictably slag of Taylor all day long but Coloccini allowed himself to be dragged out of position a few times in the first ten minutes and their players were just running into the space behind.


Coloccini redeemed himself by putting in some good tackles but its pathetic to single Taylor out for the bad defending.  Once you have a scapegoat though...

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Was Nolan that invisible?


As a striker he just about was, but it wasn't through a lack of effort. He got into the right positions, as usual, and had the odd half-chance - but Man City coped with him pretty easily.

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