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John Carver

Guest neesy111

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Guest Roger Kint

He obviously wants to stay up, but I don't think one relegation would be enough for him to suddenly sell up if he isn't planning to already. And even then he needs a buyer.


Yeah except BB didnt say once, i agree that one wouldnt make him suddenly decide to give up on future fortunes.

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Honestly, what is everyone's problem with John Carver?

Im getting sick of all the negative talk about him, hes doing the best job he can with what's available, we've got about 600 injuries and haven't really had a full squad all season. It doesn't matter who was in charge

Im sure if Frank De Boer came here and had a bad start the abuse would start flowing again

Support your club and stop whinging about everything that goes on

- Shaneo



https://www.facebook.com/banter.4.nufc?fref=nf :kinnear: :kinnear:

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Honestly, what is everyone's problem with John Carver?

Im getting sick of all the negative talk about him, hes doing the best job he can with what's available, we've got about 600 injuries and haven't really had a full squad all season. It doesn't matter who was in charge

Im sure if Frank De Boer came here and had a bad start the abuse would start flowing again

Support your club and stop whinging about everything that goes on

- Shaneo



https://www.facebook.com/banter.4.nufc?fref=nf :kinnear: :kinnear:


Man ... I thought that was your post.


The amount of abuse I was about to rain down on your skull. I swear.

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Honestly, what is everyone's problem with John Carver?

Im getting sick of all the negative talk about him, hes doing the best job he can with what's available, we've got about 600 injuries and haven't really had a full squad all season. It doesn't matter who was in charge

Im sure if Frank De Boer came here and had a bad start the abuse would start flowing again

Support your club and stop whinging about everything that goes on

- Shaneo



https://www.facebook.com/banter.4.nufc?fref=nf :kinnear: :kinnear:


Man ... I thought that was your post.


The amount of abuse I was about to rain down on your skull. I swear.


They should have a "fucking idiot" filter on FB to prevent you hhaving to read shit like this. Not good for the blood pressure. Surely a mackem or a WUM though.

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"I think Manchester United had more pressing issues to sort out [during the summer]," he added. "Van Gaal would have had his priorities.


"Let's not forget, when he came in he was talking about playing with three centre-backs. Even as a wing back, Daryl would have fitted into their system nicely."


:lol: Couldn't be more obvious. Giving Charnley a hand with the summer sale there.

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Talking up the assets now as well - f***ing hell he really is the boards wet dream isn't he?


I hope the c*** suffers a stroke.


This is really really worrying IMO.


The fact he is doing that makes me think he will be getting the job.


:lol: Of course he's getting the job man. As good as done.

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In honesty I now want us to lose more than ever. Relegation seems to be the only end to this f***ing torture.


Will it be better in the Championship?


Don't know but I'm up for anything, this is nothing. It seemingly needs to burn down before it can be rebuilt.

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Yup, I'm at breaking point. I'll take relegation now, and I never thought I'd feel that way.


The thought of starting next season with Carver is so utterly revolting, I can't tell you.

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Talking up the assets now as well - f***ing hell he really is the boards wet dream isn't he?


I hope the c*** suffers a stroke.


This is really really worrying IMO.


The fact he is doing that makes me think he will be getting the job.




As I said earlier, I have a feeling that the campaign from The Chronic isn't to do with them trying to get him the job, it's them building the fans up to the announcement that he has got the job. Keith thingy will be behind it.


As far as relegation goes, it's embarrassing that Rangers can force them out yet over half of our lot sit on their hands.

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Yup, I'm at breaking point. I'll take relegation now, and I never thought I'd feel that way.


The thought of starting next season with Carver is so utterly revolting, I can't tell you.


This is the problem, it's all well and good shrugging the shoulders and saying he won't last long in the job, but it'll be another season wasted until the next knacker comes in. With the options available this summer we need to get it right now.

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I'm 50/50 as to whether we have a manager in place at the end of the season, or we are just auditioning carver to see if he has enough about him to keep us safe year on year. We all know the obvious answer to whether he has enough, but maybe the board at too thick skulled to realise it and appoint him. Even if this happens he won't be here the following season, he will have us down in his first attempt. Carver, regardless of their thinking is short term, shame he thinks differently.

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Reads like a fucking QVC pitch.


"And the good thing about the Janmaatt is it's just super versatile! Is your squad cluttered up with all these different types of player?  If you're a Man United, and one say you need a wingback - slips right on in there."


"Wow, easy as that?  That's great for elderly relatives, or Dutchmen who have difficulties selecting the right team."


"I know, right?  It's so simple, evem David Moyes could utilise him.  But that's not all!  Bid now and we'll throw in your pick of promising academy players at no extra cost."

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