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Realistic Transfer Targets Summer 2011


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Guest NewBoyPeetah

Although I would like him here (Bendtner) how realistic do we think he is as a signing? I mean he'd obviously get more than just our offer and from teams that are "bigger" than ours. Also are we likely to meet his wage expectations?

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Yeah. At Arsenal they have tests inwhich they measure a player's confidence. Apparently it helps Wenger decide whether to loan players out etc, and Bendtner actually scored off the scale in percieved self confidence :lol:




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Yeah. At Arsenal they have tests inwhich they measure a player's confidence. Apparently it helps Wenger decide whether to loan players out etc, and Bendtner actually scored off the scale in percieved self confidence :lol:





“When Bendtner misses a chance, he is always genuinely convinced that it wasn’t his fault. You might say that’s a problem, and to a certain degree it can be."




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