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Leon Best


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Would I be incorrect in saying Best stopped scoring around the same time Ba started (and can't stop)?


I am surprised at how a few have turned on him though so quickly. saw someone on Toontastic saying he isn't even a decent championship player :lol:


You would not be incorrect. Such a shame he didn't get a goal or two when he was playing well. Oh well.


For Liverpool, I'd rest him. I'd like to see us line up with something a little bit more difficult to defend against with more moving parts and unpredictability.


  Cabaye      Tiote      Jonas


        Ben Arfa        Vuckic



Off the ball, defensive responsibility would have to revert something more conventional though.

[/cloud cuckoo land]



giving vuckic his second start away to liverpool would be madness.


...and why drop Obertan after one of his best games for us.

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Leone Best has caught the Andy Carroll disease


Best doesn't have half the ability Carroll has.  He's just a decent, hard working player who went through a purple patch whereas Carroll genuinely looked like one of the best strikers the country has produced in years.


Want to see Best stay at the club as backup, but he's not an option for a long term starter.

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I like them both, think they both do a decent/good job when needed. Neither would be first choice in the long term though, just reliable back up.


yeah fair do's. i've got more faith in Williamson though


Both are average Premier League players with limitations.


One's more consistent, imo.

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Wait till Best's had a few games as the main man again before making that judgement. He'll get them when Demba goes to Africa.


Best on the shoulder with Hatem off him might function well for us.


Would go along with this. :thup:

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he was excellent vs swansea, got subbed as he clearly wasnt fully fit,  He also had a good game vs brom first half, faded quickly in the second half, lack of fitness and got subbed


lets not forget he's been out for a while, these footballers are athletes, not cyborgs.


Best was poor in both games.

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Wait till Best's had a few games as the main man again before making that judgement. He'll get them when Demba goes to Africa.


Best on the shoulder with Hatem off him might function well for us.


Like I said in my post on the previous page, there might actually be some substance in this theory that Best will thrive being the "main man". Have to wait and see I guess.

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Guest neesy111

Do you ever give up, Mick? That seems to be all you've posted for the last week.


Was he poor in both games?


1st half v Swansea he was alright.  Since then he's been awful.

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Wait till Best's had a few games as the main man again before making that judgement. He'll get them when Demba goes to Africa.


Best on the shoulder with Hatem off him might function well for us.


It's more likely that a longer run will just expose Best's shortcomings which Tooj summed up quite nicely there. Like Ryan Taylor, Leon might come off over the odd run of games, but over an extended period of time it's not likely with the lack of intelligence and movement that we've become used to with a class forward like Ba. Maybe if you had a natural goal poacher alongside it could work, but Ben Arfa looks more the type of player who plays slightly deeper so I'm not sure we'll see goals from the partnership.

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Anyone catch his interview on BBC Newcastle? It was on Total Sport last night.


He basically said he has a great understanding with Demba and he has just been unlucky in front of goal. Not sure about luck, he should have buried that header at Bolton.

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I'm glad the two seem to have an understanding, but it's not looked like they have in the past 3 games. As I've said a few times, it's not Best's fault that Pardew is utilising him as a target man, but doing that has resulted in destroying any effective link-up between the two.


HBA and Ba, by contrast, seem far more clued up on one another's game, and we've seen them work up some good moves in recent weeks, but this may just be down to them not accepting long punts upfield and trying to play on the deck.


Saying that, Best looked more dangerous vs Bolton than he had in the previous two games coming back from injury - he tried to be more direct and more of a creative or scoring threat instead of sacrificing himself for the team, it's just that none of his attempts at scoring, crafting chances or creating for others came off. it was actually quite embarrassing to watch as you could tell it just wasn't going to be his day.


If he is that bit sharper for this game then maybe one of those attempts will come off. still needs to establish more of a real relationship with Ba though, his knock-downs and knock-ons are pretty crap and it's only due to Ba's superb movement and agility in the box that we fashion anything from such poor service.

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