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Football's greatest - where does Lionel Messi rank?


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Stats definitely don't tell the story with someone like him, I personally think this is the best season of his career but the stats won't suggest that.


The decision making in particular took a big leap than any other previous season IMO.

Fair point. As I've said elsewhere as well that's what's set Suarez apart and made them tick for me too. Neymar is basically the selfish cunt of the three and the other two are more than willing to set him up on a plate when they can. Would like to see Neymars assists vs the other two for the season.


Two less assists than Suarez with a dozen or so more goals, I think.

I'm honestly shocked by the assists stat like, but then stats is stats.

Suarez missed about three months of the season

Well yes there's that.

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Tbf I don't think Neymar is selfish, his assists numbers are far greater for Brazil than it is for Barca and I think there's a reason for that.


I think his role is just diminished in terms of general play because if they all hogged the ball it wouldn't work as there's only one ball to share around :lol:


Suarez and Messi are just much better playmakers so they handle that responsibility more which leads to more assists, where as Neymar seems to me is using his pace and movement more and doesn't get involved in the build up as much.


He had a lot more assists last season and I think there's a reason for that, mainly because Suarez is there now he doesn't need to be much more than a goalscorer who can dribble extremely well.


Reckon if all 3 of them tried to be the guy it would all fall flat on its face as I expected it would, as of right now it all fits perfectly and all 3 have adapted in different ways to make it like that.

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Also I realise the irony of me defending Neymar with a Neymar avatar.


I blame flip tbh.




Neymar has been instructed to be more selfish. Last year he was always looking for Messi and it didn't work.


He still has a problem with that though, when he's 2 on 1 with Suarez he'll go for the finish himself but when he's with Messi he'll look for Messi. He still looks for Messi a bit too much even when Suarez is in a much better position. He'll get his fair share of assists when he starts doing that.

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Stats definitely don't tell the story with someone like him, I personally think this is the best season of his career but the stats won't suggest that.


The decision making in particular took a big leap than any other previous season IMO.

Fair point. As I've said elsewhere as well that's what's set Suarez apart and made them tick for me too. Neymar is basically the selfish c*** of the three and the other two are more than willing to set him up on a plate when they can. Would like to see Neymars assists vs the other two for the season.



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Guest firetotheworks

How many goals did NUFC score in total this season? Just as a depressing comparison.


11 less than Neymar 1 more than Neymar, 18 less than Messi :lol:



We only conceded 6 more than Messi scored as well. :lol:

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How many goals did NUFC score in total this season? Just as a depressing comparison.


11 less than Neymar 1 more than Neymar, 18 less than Messi :lol:



We only conceded 6 more than Messi scored as well. :lol:

Imagine having an 18-goal a season striker. :okay:

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31 f***ing assists man.


Responsible for 89 goals. :lol:


That's without mentioning the million and one times he'd slip someone through who would then assist the goal or something like that.


First goal against Juve was like that, Iniesta did great but his pass was the one that opened it all up. He probably has a hand in everything they do. :lol:

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I'm gonna hate it so much when he becomes shit/retires. Football won't be the same. It will be like being in your forties and happily married with children, yet unable to forget the time you dated the most beautiful girl in the world.

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Guest firetotheworks

There's always Youtube VI. I wouldn't start thinking about it ending now either like, even when he slows down he'll never ever be shit. We've still got another up to another 8 years of watching him imo.

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Stats definitely don't tell the story with someone like him, I personally think this is the best season of his career but the stats won't suggest that.


The decision making in particular took a big leap than any other previous season IMO.

Fair point. As I've said elsewhere as well that's what's set Suarez apart and made them tick for me too. Neymar is basically the selfish c*** of the three and the other two are more than willing to set him up on a plate when they can. Would like to see Neymars assists vs the other two for the season.




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31 f***ing assists man.


Responsible for 89 goals. :lol:


That's without mentioning the million and one times he'd slip someone through who would then assist the goal or something like that.


First goal against Juve was like that, Iniesta did great but his pass was the one that opened it all up. He probably has a hand in everything they do. :lol:


Neymars pass man. ;)

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I'm gonna hate it so much when he becomes shit/retires. Football won't be the same. It will be like being in your forties and happily married with children, yet unable to forget the time you dated the most beautiful girl in the world.


Yeah y'all are definitely in for some dark times when Messi eventually hangs em up. Nothing but the memory of all those trophies to console you as you challenge for more trophies. :lol:

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How many goals did NUFC score in total this season? Just as a depressing comparison.


11 less than Neymar 1 more than Neymar, 18 less than Messi :lol:



We only conceded 6 more than Messi scored as well. :lol:



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I'm gonna hate it so much when he becomes shit/retires. Football won't be the same. It will be like being in your forties and happily married with children, yet unable to forget the time you dated the most beautiful girl in the world.


Yeah y'all are definitely in for some dark times when Messi eventually hangs em up. Nothing but the memory of all those trophies to console you as you challenge for more trophies. :lol:


:lol: Or whatever 8 year old they have in the system that will be just as good.


:lol: Get the fuck outta here, VI.

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Interview with him up at Short List.




Do you wish you’d have played senior football in Argentina before moving to Barcelona?


Barcelona gave me everything, they took a chance on me when nobody else would. I never have any desire to play for anybody else, I will be here for as long as they want me.



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