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Guest palnese

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Arsenal buying Giroud :anguish:


Plans for a front three with Pod and RVP!




Not sure i believe that tbh..... Gervinho, Walcott, Chamberlain etc etc would never play lol.


Indeed. I reckon RvP is off, though. Has been coming out with the usual guff that tends to come from players once they've decided to go. Sure there was an article on him saying he'll 'never sign for City....always a Gunner, blah, blah, blah' on SSN last week. Can't see them accommodating all three.

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Arsenal buying Giroud :anguish:


Plans for a front three with Pod and RVP!




Not sure i believe that tbh..... Gervinho, Walcott, Chamberlain etc etc would never play lol.


Indeed. I reckon RvP is off, though. Has been coming out with the usual guff that tends to come from players once they've decided to go. Sure there was an article on him saying he'll 'never sign for City....always a Gunner, blah, blah, blah' on SSN last week. Can't see them accommodating all three.


For all we know, relieving the goalscoring burden previously imposed on RvP, might be one of the conditions he has dictated to the club as a condition of him staying.

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If Giroud does go there, that pretty much confirms RvP is gone tbh. No way can you keep RvP, Podolski, Giroud, Gervinho, Walcott and The Ox happy. There's also Miyaichi, Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh and Park.

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If Giroud does go there, that pretty much confirms RvP is gone tbh. No way can you keep RvP, Podolski, Giroud, Gervinho, Walcott and The Ox happy. There's also Miyaichi, Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh and Park.


:yao: Like they'll still be around

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If Giroud does go there, that pretty much confirms RvP is gone tbh. No way can you keep RvP, Podolski, Giroud, Gervinho, Walcott and The Ox happy. There's also Miyaichi, Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh and Park.


:yao: Like they'll still be around


They'll have trouble shifting that deadwood though.

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It'll be;


Walcott - Giroud - Podolski


Meaning that cunt Van Persie is off.


No way all three of them can play together, they would just get in the way of each other plus Wenger seems to favour Walcott on the right for his pace and can rotate him with Gervinho if needed.

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Arsenal buying Giroud :anguish:


Plans for a front three with Pod and RVP!




Not sure i believe that tbh..... Gervinho, Walcott, Chamberlain etc etc would never play lol.


Indeed. I reckon RvP is off, though. Has been coming out with the usual guff that tends to come from players once they've decided to go. Sure there was an article on him saying he'll 'never sign for City....always a Gunner, blah, blah, blah' on SSN last week. Can't see them accommodating all three.


For all we know, relieving the goalscoring burden previously imposed on RvP, might be one of the conditions he has dictated to the club as a condition of him staying.


Does'nt Podolski relieve the burden? in any case it just doesnt make sense for the balance of the team.... 3 forwards that all thier best work in the penalty area or in and around it and dont offer the greatest defensive ability.


Not to mention the fact that Giroud is a 9 he cant play nowhere else, which means RVP will be forced to be play as an AM or outwide 2 roles i dont see him doing to fit in Giroud.


Also Giroud has already rejected Bayern because he wouldnt play 2nd fiddle to Gomez no way is he joining Arsenal to play second fiddle to RVP.


Personally think Giroud is joining Arsenal to be the Main man..... means 1 of 2 things either RVP will play outwide or deeper to accommodate Giroud or RVP is leaving.


I reckon RVP is off tbh, fair play to Arsenal for sorting out a replacement before hand instead of letting it drag like they did with Cesc and Nasri.

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It'll be;


Walcott - Giroud - Podolski


Meaning that cunt Van Persie is off.


No way all three of them can play together, they would just get in the way of each other plus Wenger seems to favour Walcott on the right for his pace and can rotate him with Gervinho if needed.

could have RVP playing behind Giroud with Arteta and (if they sign him) M'Villa sitting deep

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It'll be;


Walcott - Giroud - Podolski


Meaning that c*** Van Persie is off.


No way all three of them can play together, they would just get in the way of each other plus Wenger seems to favour Walcott on the right for his pace and can rotate him with Gervinho if needed.

could have RVP playing behind Giroud with Arteta and (if they sign him) M'Villa sitting deep


No Alex " I create the majority of RVP's goals" Song? and no Wilshere? what ever system that can be thought of theres going to be atleast 3 players left out which Wenger wont leave out to fit the Giroud, Podolski and RVP idea.


I cant see an outcome where RVP and Giroud can be fitted in and still have all the players Wenger will want in the line up.


All signs point to RVP leaving and Giroud coming in and perhaps a goalscoring attacking midfielder like Dzageov.



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It'll be;


Walcott - Giroud - Podolski


Meaning that cunt Van Persie is off.


No way all three of them can play together, they would just get in the way of each other plus Wenger seems to favour Walcott on the right for his pace and can rotate him with Gervinho if needed.

could have RVP playing behind Giroud with Arteta and (if they sign him) M'Villa sitting deep


:lol: Why not just go the whole hog and get rid of midfield all together?

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It'll be;


Walcott - Giroud - Podolski


Meaning that c*** Van Persie is off.


No way all three of them can play together, they would just get in the way of each other plus Wenger seems to favour Walcott on the right for his pace and can rotate him with Gervinho if needed.

could have RVP playing behind Giroud with Arteta and (if they sign him) M'Villa sitting deep


No Alex " I create the majority of RVP's goals" Song? and no Wilshere? what ever system that can be thought of theres going to be atleast 3 players left out which Wenger wont leave out to fit the Giroud, Podolski and RVP idea.


I cant see an outcome where RVP and Giroud can be fitted in and still have all the players Wenger will want in the line up.


All signs point to RVP leaving and Giroud coming in and perhaps a goalscoring attacking midfielder like Dzageov.













With Wilshere (initially), Gervinho, Ramsey, Ox, Rosicky, and Park off the bench?




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If Giroud does go there, that pretty much confirms RvP is gone tbh. No way can you keep RvP, Podolski, Giroud, Gervinho, Walcott and The Ox happy. There's also Miyaichi, Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh and Park.


:yao: Like they'll still be around


They'll have trouble shifting that deadwood though.


They'll have little trouble shifting Vela, he's done great in La Liga this season. Real Sociedad are reportedly in talks to retain him.

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If Giroud does go there, that pretty much confirms RvP is gone tbh. No way can you keep RvP, Podolski, Giroud, Gervinho, Walcott and The Ox happy. There's also Miyaichi, Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh and Park.


:yao: Like they'll still be around


They'll have trouble shifting that deadwood though.


They'll have little trouble shifting Vela, he's done great in La Liga this season. Real Sociedad are reportedly in talks to retain him.


Only bid £1m I heard, he'll be on relatively daft wages too as most Arsenal squad players are rumoured to be.

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