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Guest palnese

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Song will be replaced by Sahin who is a much better player ( inb4 Song is a DM )


Van Persie was replaced by 3 players.


Thank you. Don't understand why people find it so hard to grasp this!


Arsenal will be better this year than last. No doubt about it.


Unless the players they have bought in fail to settle.


I don´t think that. There new players doesn´t look that impressive if you compare to the one thats left.

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Song can be better than Yaya Toure if he fixes his defensive errors out; £15m is a steal imo. Sahin is no replacement.

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Arsenal all round as a team has improved, the only area they have weakened although it is big is centre forward.


I suppose they are hoping with the added quality of Podolski, Cazorla, Sahin and even Wilshere when he comes back will create more chances and thus they don't need a top class striker to win games.


Cazorla is better than Ramsey, Sahin is better than Song and Podolski is better than anyone they played on the left last year.


They clearly have improved in those areas but Giroud is a big drop down from RVP, difference is this year they have more players who can make things happen last year it was RVP and RVP alone.


Also Sahin was considered the best young playmaker in world football at Dortmund, it seems his time at Madrid where he hasn't been given at chance has made people forget that.

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As I've mentioned on here and other forums recently they'll achieve nothing unless they sort out their pressing off the ball. They have no urgency at all when losing it and the players don't seem that bothered to win it back, if they sort this out then there's no reason as to why Wenger can't bring back success to Arsenal.

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As I've mentioned on here and other forums recently they'll achieve nothing unless they sort out their pressing off the ball. They have no urgency at all when losing it and the players don't seem that bothered to win it back, if they sort this out then there's no reason as to why Wenger can't bring back success to Arsenal.


Yeah i agree, but that's been happening for years and nothings changed. Said a few times Arsenal's problems are system based not personnel based no amount of signings would make them champions.


It's vital for them to be successful to actually improve in defensive organisation and pressing.

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I hope they're not pinning their hopes on Diaby to provide that midfield presence, good footballer but can't string 2 games together. I like the way Arsenal are shaping up to be honest, Giroud's a good player and with the sheer amount of creativity behind him he'll bag quite a few IMO. I'm less sure about Podolski, he'll do fine as a wide forward but he was played centrally on Saturday which just doesn't suit him at all.

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You heard it, did you? You're absolutely sure you didn't just read it on the internet, but you heard it?


I read it first in telegraph who don't normally print too much bollocks, I said Heard because that implies it's not based on too much. It could well be bollocks and didn't mean to pretend I was claiming it was a sure thing or anything.  :rolleyes:

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Overall Arsenal are a better team, I think Song is slightly overrated because he had a great season last year. The questions is whether they can replace the sheer goals that RVP delivered.

I wouldn't say he's overrated at all. I'd say he was more instrumental than RvP last season and is a far bigger loss to Arsenal. How many of RvP's goals were tap-ins? Giroud would have easily been able to fill RvP's boot had Song stayed.
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I hope they're not pinning their hopes on Diaby to provide that midfield presence, good footballer but can't string 2 games together. I like the way Arsenal are shaping up to be honest, Giroud's a good player and with the sheer amount of creativity behind him he'll bag quite a few IMO. I'm less sure about Podolski, he'll do fine as a wide forward but he was played centrally on Saturday which just doesn't suit him at all.


I think Podolski will be more of a support player than an actual goal scorer, he will probably get 10 league goals or something but i think he will be more important for link up play and creating chances for Giroud.

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Overall Arsenal are a better team, I think Song is slightly overrated because he had a great season last year. The questions is whether they can replace the sheer goals that RVP delivered.

I wouldn't say he's overrated at all. I'd say he was more instrumental than RvP last season and is a far bigger loss to Arsenal. How many of RvP's goals were tap-ins? Giroud would have easily been able to fill RvP's boot had Song stayed.




Absolute drivel.

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Overall Arsenal are a better team, I think Song is slightly overrated because he had a great season last year. The questions is whether they can replace the sheer goals that RVP delivered.

I wouldn't say he's overrated at all. I'd say he was more instrumental than RvP last season and is a far bigger loss to Arsenal. How many of RvP's goals were tap-ins? Giroud would have easily been able to fill RvP's boot had Song stayed.




Absolute drivel.

I considered posting something about RVP ensuring them more than 20 points single-handedly. Didn't bother

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I think Arsenal really need to offload all their pointless wingers with no end product. Walcott is fast losing everyones patience I expect. It's an odd case they have loads of wingers and none that really impress. Gervinho may improve I suppose.

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Podolski is a player who is made to look good by other players. It's no coincidence he looked unstoppable playing for Germany.

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Overall Arsenal are a better team, I think Song is slightly overrated because he had a great season last year. The questions is whether they can replace the sheer goals that RVP delivered.

I wouldn't say he's overrated at all. I'd say he was more instrumental than RvP last season and is a far bigger loss to Arsenal. How many of RvP's goals were tap-ins? Giroud would have easily been able to fill RvP's boot had Song stayed.




Absolute drivel.

Look at his shot-to-goal ratio. It's not exactly prolific. Cisse would be in triple figures if he had 140 chances on goal.
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Fair enough but they came in flurries, not sure he can be trusted week in week out.


They tend to come when he has an actual RB behind him which i understand it's difficult to perform when your RB is Djourou and contributing absolutely nothing to the attack.


One of the reasons its so important we get a RB who contribute going forward.


He has end product though, in fact he's one of Arsenal's more important players the pace and width he adds to the team is underestimated a lot like with Lennon and Spurs actually.

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I don't get this 'but, they've replaced RVP with 3 players'. Surely it's just quantity over quality? As far as I see it they've not replaced a man who scored 37 goals for them last season and who they were utterly reliant on. Carzola looks a decent buy, but he's just another on their stockpile of attacking mids and I don't see how he counts as one of RVP's replacements, regardless of how good he is he's not going to be relied on for goalscoring. Podolski seems doomed to flop, I think he's an underwhelming 'major' signing for any club with aspirations of being at the top. Then there's Giroud, he could go either way, but regardless of whether he succeeds or flops I can't see him being so successful that he completely fills the void left by Van Persie.


Put it this way, would you find space for Podolski and Giroud in our starting 11? I wouldn't.

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Walcott was directly responsible for over 20 of Arsenal goals last year, the theory he has no end product is an utter myth.

Walcott is a attacking winger/striker. Song is a box-to-box/defensive midfielder.
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