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Sylvain Marveaux - arrested

Guest neesy111

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The talk when we signed Ba was of an incentive based contract. would imagine with marveaux's worries he has something similar so the weekly wage might not be astronomical.


Alternatively we took him from Liverpool's grasp with a better contract offer, as everyone (including a number of people on here) would have us believe. Considering the signings Liverpool have been making in recent times...


True, though a better contract may mean more years, or bigger signing on fee (which would fit with the info about how much we've spent on "agent's fees"). I get the impression that while Marveaux didn't fail his medical, that liverpool decided on making a worse offer than he'd expected due to the fitness issues.


if he is on big wages then at 5 years it does seem a bit stupid, i just can't see it based on who owns us and the way they've apparently acted with other players and even the manager.

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I still think he'll come good, even if we have to wait until next season.  I hope that the latest operation will sort him out because in the past he's had groin operations.  This time they've also operated on his hip so I just hope that the dodgy hip is causing his groin to go.

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I still think he'll come good, even if we have to wait until next season.  I hope that the latest operation will sort him out because in the past he's had groin operations.  This time they've also operated on his hip so I just hope that the dodgy hip is causing his groin to go.




Still going to give the lad a chance myself. I won't write him off just yet.

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Why do you think he'll come good?


He's shown some glimpses of good football when he has played and I hope after this injury, his injury problems will be behind him. Probably wishful thinking but we'll see.

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Why do you think he'll come good?


He's good on the ball and rarely loses or gives the ball away, his pass completion for us must be quite high.  He's a clever footballer who likes the team to retain possession, he looks to receive the ball and move it on.

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Fine. Just seemed like typical blind optimism.


Makes you wonder why he only started one league game and rarely came off the bench.


Aye, in the same way it makes you wonder why Obertan and Ryan Taylor get so many games.  The manager isn't always right.

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We gambled on both him and Ba, one has paid off, the other one hasn't.


we dont know that yet, like mick points out he is a good footballer alround, the lad has missed loads of football due to a shit injury..pardew said eh wanted to build him up before putting him on the pitch.  We just started using him and he picks up another crappy long term injury.  Hes been pretty unlucky really.


As for the contract none of us know the details of it, we know ashley and decker are tight as fuck...i bet soemthing is written into it about injuries.



We lose our centre backs and predictably lose the next two games due to lack of cover, everyone freaks out, all the players are shit now, the club is shit, pardew cant make a decision and so on.


Fuck off man, we all knew we had a thin squad to begin with and we all knew it was a a gamble until jan.


We've been a little caught out with one CB fucked all season and another with a slight strain who will hopefully be back in the next game.


A few weeks back some of you lot were banging on about finishing in europe and pardew is the best thing since sliced bread.  Oh how things change when peoples expectations dont get filled.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Am hoping the operation on his hip has cleared up the recurring trouble with his groin.


Will be a fantastic option to have.

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Guest Roger Kint

If true excellent news


So sometime between 4 games time and about 10(FA Cup/our medical staff permitting) hopefully asap as we need the competition on the flanks.

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