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Is this just like if there were any morals in the game Marlon King would / should be out of the game now.  Or Lee Hughes.  No matter what your crime is, football managers, squads and home fans have a very short memory depending if there is a place in the squad that needs to be filled.


In the world where all wrongs recieve a proper punishment the likes of Marlon King, Lee Hughes, Craig Thomson and has been insinuated from GMs inital post Joey Barton should have had no future in the game.  However, in the real world there has been somebody out there that will pick up the contract of a scum bag no matter what the crime so a club are reluctant to get rid of a sellable asset and hope it will be forgotten a few months down the line.

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Clubs should be able to sue players for their Market value should they do things like this, drugs, violent behaviour. I'm sure if such a thing was in place and we could have got £5m back off Barton we would have sacked him.


Unfortunately players aren't just employees they are the goods as well, but if they were held accountable for theirs actions I'm sure they'd start clearing up their acts.

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Guest Heneage

So am I right to assume he knew full well how old these girls were? I was of the understanding it was a case similar to Akon's where he had assumed they were older than claimed.

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Guest Slarth
  On 26/06/2011 at 23:33, Nixon said:

So am I right to assume he knew full well how old these girls were? I was of the understanding it was a case similar to Akon's where he had assumed they were older than claimed.


He knew the family for quite a few years according to the article, he knew how old she was.

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  On 26/06/2011 at 23:38, Slarth said:


So am I right to assume he knew full well how old these girls were? I was of the understanding it was a case similar to Akon's where he had assumed they were older than claimed.


He knew the family for quite a few years according to the article, he knew how old she was.


Aye it's not like he was duped by some slapper saying she was older, he groomed her, there is no excuse for his behaviour.


Grieved to fuk next season.

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Guest Heneage
  On 26/06/2011 at 23:38, Slarth said:


So am I right to assume he knew full well how old these girls were? I was of the understanding it was a case similar to Akon's where he had assumed they were older than claimed.


He knew the family for quite a few years according to the article, he knew how old she was.

Ah thanks.


In that case sack him and see who else picks him up, I'd imagine no one will.

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  On 26/06/2011 at 23:51, Nixon said:



So am I right to assume he knew full well how old these girls were? I was of the understanding it was a case similar to Akon's where he had assumed they were older than claimed.


He knew the family for quite a few years according to the article, he knew how old she was.

Ah thanks.


In that case sack him and see who else picks him up, I'd imagine no one will.


Reading between the lines he was on with the older sister and then tried moving on to the younger sister.


Personally, as the father of a girl I'd say hang him by his scrotum. And as many have said, in any other profession he' be fired - in fact if I committed such an act I'd be banned from my profession (teacher) for life.


It makes you wonder about Hearts' comments like "mitigating circumstances" and "possible wrong outside influence" (wtf?). The Hearts supporters spokesman said "more to the situation than meets the eye". So lets not all line up to execute him just yet. But the one side of the story that has been told is pretty fucking damning!

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If he keeps on playing, his life will be hell. Something bad will happen to him and it's only a matter of time. It probably isn't worth persisting with football - certainly in the UK.


You can't get much lower than paedophilia.

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They have another right back called Thomson too. You'd hope he doesn't get any abuse through mistaken identity.


Edit: Full on ginge actually, that should spare him. (although it wont stop him being ginger)

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12. :(


Most of us are idiots at 20 but to do that ???


They'd be better served quietly sending him off on loan to Icelend or Sweden or something for a while if they're not going to sack him.  Keeping him in Edinburgh will just mean things get worse for the lad, he'll probably go off the rails.


As a father of a girl myself part of me says cut his fucking dick off or put him in clink to be someone's bitch but yeah he probably needs help. 


Problem is it sounds like he'd have acted given the chance, so what's to say he hasn't done anything dodgy elsewhere?  Guess that'll come out quick if so.

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Initiall my thoughts were, he is out of order but he's is only 20, perhaps the girls involved looked and pretended to be older than they were so he maybe deserves a chance. This opinion would have been different had he been older.


However on reading that article he knew fine well what he was doing and the age of the girls. He deserves severe punishment.

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Jesus H Christ! No argument whatsoever, I would string the dirty piec e of shitt by the neck until dead TBH, knew exactly what he was doing and also the ages of the girls. Scum...end of!


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  On 27/06/2011 at 00:37, Sewelly said:

They have another right back called Thomson too. You'd hope he doesn't get any abuse through mistaken identity.


Edit: Full on ginge actually, that should spare him. (although it wont stop him being ginger)


Probably wouldn't notice any change in abuse.

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  On 27/06/2011 at 03:13, LucaAltieri said:

Nah, the guy needs help. Sacking him doesn't make him any less of a nonce. Just makes him a nonce with more free time and some added alienation.


I agree with this. If he was working in Burger King would anyone have found out ? I don`t understand the sacking thing ? Are the people saying he should be sacked saying that he should sign on for the rest of his life ? Or is it ok for him to get a different job ? and when ?

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  On 27/06/2011 at 08:34, Rebellious said:


Nah, the guy needs help. Sacking him doesn't make him any less of a nonce. Just makes him a nonce with more free time and some added alienation.


I agree with this. If he was working in Burger King would anyone have found out ? I don`t understand the sacking thing ? Are the people saying he should be sacked saying that he should sign on for the rest of his life ? Or is it ok for him to get a different job ? and when ?


isn't the point that you or i would almost certainly be sacked by our employers for the same deeds?


don't think anyone's saying he should never work again but the fact he's a footballer and has financial value as an asset to his employer (which the rest of us don't) is a heavy influence on matters

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Can I just point out, regardless of right or wrong, that that article is as one-sided as can be. The accused hasn't been given a voice in it. The mother tells her story, and it's unpleasant reading no doubt, but how many times have we discovered later that people have cried 'wolf' or 'rape' when there was no such thing.


Just suggesting I wouldn't be in such a rush to condemn when I don't know all the facts of the matter. (And I'm a father too.)

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