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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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Guest firetotheworks

Is it a red if your thought process changes? As in you intend to snap someone with a rush of blood and then realise it's stupid and then intend to make no contact and then actually make no contact?


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I still cannot get that side on replay of him 'stamping' towards Suarez's heel out of my head like :lol:


Will have to see it again but looked like clear intent at the time.

there is an angle where it does look like that, then another where it most certainly doesn't. don't blame the ref for the red card but if he sees the other angle he may well have second thoughts (and then deny them for fear of admitting to a mistake)


Pretty much this.

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Am I the only one who thought he was actually brilliant overall last night? Nothing he could have done about the goal, and one-on-one Suarez can do even the best defender in the world. The fact that we kept giving Suarez the space to operate and run at our center is what exposed Coloccini, but I wouldn't say he was taken to the cleaners etc..


His leadership was spot on as usual, as were some of his interceptions and reading of the play. How I wish he would have scored or set up a goal when running the entire length of the pitch after making a beautiful interception.


Was not a red card in a million years.

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Am I the only one who thought he was actually brilliant overall last night? Nothing he could have done about the goal, and one-on-one Suarez can do even the best defender in the world. The fact that we kept giving Suarez the space to operate and run at our center is what exposed Coloccini, but I wouldn't say he was taken to the cleaners etc..


His leadership was spot on as usual, as were some of his interceptions and reading of the play. How I wish he would have scored or set up a goal when running the entire length of the pitch after making a beautiful interception.


Was not a red card in a million years.


Yeah I thought at times he was excellent but Saurez is so good he's always going to get the better of Defenders throughout the game.


As for the Red, no complaints from me.

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One of those shitty facebook NUFC pages has just posted an article with quotes from Pards saying he'll consider an appeal. Hope so.


At least an appeal to reduce the 3 match ban seeing as there was no contact? Does this shit ever happen?


And to think De Jong got nothing for breaking HBA. The standard of officiating in the Premier League is just wonderful.

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One of those shitty facebook NUFC pages has just posted an article with quotes from Pards saying he'll consider an appeal. Hope so.


At least an appeal to reduce the 3 match ban seeing as there was no contact? Does this s*** ever happen?


And to think De Jong got nothing for breaking HBA. The standard of officiating in the Premier League is just wonderful.


Doesnt sound like he'll appeal??


“Part of me knows there was no intent with Colo, but looking at the video, I don’t really think we’ve got anywhere to go. So my gut feeling is we won’t (appeal), but I want to discuss it some more.


“I know Coloccini is a real top guy. I didn’t want to make a big issue about the referee because I think the morale of referees must be very low.


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Guest bimpy474

That was never a red card. He never touched him with anything other than his arms in his back.


Yellow at worst.



Irrelevent, if in the Ref's or Linesman's opinion there was intent and they thought it was a dangerous/excessive force type of challenge then they are entitled to give it red.


Dont agree with but thats the law as you ref a game.

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Guest bimpy474

My main gripe is that Sterling gets off scot free for his appalling tackle on Cisse and then his lash out at Simpson and Colo gets a straight red.


What's worse is, Suarez rakes down the back of Distin last week and only gets yellow. Same type of challenge-ish.

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Guest pintofscottsellers

My main gripe is that Sterling gets off scot free for his appalling tackle on Cisse and then his lash out at Simpson and Colo gets a straight red.


What's worse is, Suarez rakes down the back of Distin last week and only gets yellow. Same type of challenge-ish.


Theres no consistency, still can't believe Sterling didn't get booked yesterday.

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I like Colo but his defending for their goal was very poor. Why didn't he just head the bloody ball away? Was too busy watching the man and not the ball. If Simpson, Taylor or Willo had done the same thing they'd be getting absolutely hammered.


It is a red under the letter of the law but he's a little unlucky here. I don't think there was intent to hurt him, he is trying to stop himself and the media typically sensationalise everything and show the worst possible angle. I'd like to see photo's at other angles. Anyway i don't think we'll appeal going off AP's comments.

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My main gripe is that Sterling gets off scot free for his appalling tackle on Cisse and then his lash out at Simpson and Colo gets a straight red.


What's worse is, Suarez rakes down the back of Distin last week and only gets yellow. Same type of challenge-ish.


Forgot about that, didn't even see the Sterling challenge wasn't shown on MOTD was it?

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Colo is a class player but in stereotypical South American style he can play dirty if things aren't going well. The Bolton / Elmander game a couple of years back springs to mind. Whether he changed his mind at the last moment in the red card incident on Sunday or he just missed him, there was intent and malice there and it was a red card in my view. Don't know if they have history as Colo was gunning for him all game.


Either that or he just wanted to play some Europa games.

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Guest bimpy474

My main gripe is that Sterling gets off scot free for his appalling tackle on Cisse and then his lash out at Simpson and Colo gets a straight red.


What's worse is, Suarez rakes down the back of Distin last week and only gets yellow. Same type of challenge-ish.


Forgot about that, didn't even see the Sterling challenge wasn't shown on MOTD was it?


Nope and Sky never mentioned it...........but i thought Liverpool never get a decision or fair deal.

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Guest bimpy474

Was it the Sheff Utd game in the Championship where he was unlucky not to be sent off as well?


Aye, he kicked Henderson up the bollocks.......funny that one was :lol:.

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