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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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Apparently he's back.


He's due in training on Monday so I wouldn't be surprised if he is. Hopefully back for Fulham all being well. Would be a big boost as if Debuchy is out for any length of time then we can switch Mapou to right-back (would need to do that in the Europa anyway).

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Going off recent form (only) Taylor is our best CB. I certainly wouldn't be putting Colo back in at the expense of him.




It'll most likely be Colo coming in for Yanga-Mbiwa. Experience and the fact Colo's our captain being the main reasons.

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Going off recent form (only) Taylor is our best CB. I certainly wouldn't be putting Colo back in at the expense of him.




It'll most likely be Colo coming in for Yanga-Mbiwa. Experience and the fact Colo's our captain being the main reasons.


Yeah I think that as well. However Taylor plying every game will only end up going one way, injuries. So I suppose there is room and reason for a bit of rotation. Probably see all 3 against Benfica.

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Guest palnese

I would give Cabaye the captaincy straight away. Colo can hardly complain can he? and it's not like Cabaye is unpopular with the rest of the squad.


Harsh to strip him of the captaincy.


Why? He doesn't want to be here. He's clearly not fit to be our captain.

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I would give Cabaye the captaincy straight away. Colo can hardly complain can he? and it's not like Cabaye is unpopular with the rest of the squad.


Harsh to strip him of the captaincy.


Why? He doesn't want to be here. He's clearly not fit to be our captain.




don't agree with giving wantaways the captainship. I still have a lot of love for Colo and can believe personal issues he wants to keep out the public eye may be the main reason behind this but his heart's not in it (even if he'll surely be professional on the pitch still), and shouldn't be our captain

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I would give Cabaye the captaincy straight away. Colo can hardly complain can he? and it's not like Cabaye is unpopular with the rest of the squad.


Harsh to strip him of the captaincy.


Imo he hasn't been much of a captain since the whole San Larenzo thing came out. Seems like we had to beg him to stay, he left the fans in the lurch then finally made a statement which was along the lines of "Okay I will stay until the summer!", apologised to the poor clubs fans who tried to tap him up and as soon as he had the chance he fucked off back to Argentina to support that team whilst his team were trying to progress in Europe and fight to stay in the league.


It's not so much stripping him of the captaincy, just giving it to someone who wants the responsibility.

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I would give Cabaye the captaincy straight away. Colo can hardly complain can he? and it's not like Cabaye is unpopular with the rest of the squad.


Harsh to strip him of the captaincy.


Is this serious?


Cabaye can communicate with the rest of the team, leads by better example and doesn't want to sod off to play for some Mickey Mouse team in Argentina.

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Would be a sour note and a bit of a dampener on his time here. If he goes in the summer, give Cabaye the armband. Not now though.




I can see that too. I don't like him being captain while not wanting to be here but I do think he deserves a positive send off too. Hmm

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Given he was never a rabble rousing captain he hasn't actually done anything different.


He hasn't been in a situation where he could have tried to convince a player to stay against the overtures of another club, only it was his father and despite bleating to the press on numerous occasions about how his son should join his club Colo clearly never told him to stop being such a disrespectful prick and shut his mouth (or something to that effect that was a little more respectful).


As Toons Taylor has said, there is no defending what went on in the summer.


Coloccini had plenty of opportunities to diffuse the situation but didn't take any, in fact he just made it worse.

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