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Davide Santon (now retired)

Guest taps01

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Guest neesy111

Needs time out of the team. Should've seen red n all.


Load of fucking rubbish.


He was, I agree.


He's been poor the last month.  But he's untouchable to slag off it seems, like Tiote was months ago.

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Guest neesy111

He was bad but lets be fair the whole back 4 was  :lol:


Colo has been crap this season while we are singling out poor form (tinhat on)


Colo has been poor, but we all know he's the one that has kept the defence together for 3 years now.  Needs some help around him now and it's not coming with the personnel we have currently.

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Needs time out of the team. Should've seen red n all.


Load of fucking rubbish.


He was, I agree.





Sorry that was flippant but come on man, he was fucking car crash today. He looks done in and a result I think he could with a rest. Unfortunately the options to bring someone in are more or less non-existant.

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Needs time out of the team. Should've seen red n all.


Load of fucking rubbish.


He was, I agree.





Sorry that was flippant but come on man, he was fucking car crash today. He looks done in and a result I think he could with a rest. Unfortunately the options to bring someone in are more or less non-existant.


I agree that he was awful today. But to give him a "rest"? Come on man, who's going to come in for him? We're in a middle of a horrendous run and it wouldn't make sense to drop a player, who's been pretty consistent this season, when there's certainly no one good enough to come in and replace  him.


The only option I could come-up with is maybe to move Perch to LB and Santon to RB.

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I get the feeling he's woefully dependent on having consistent performers around him, or at least someone in front of him that he's established some sort of cohesion with. As poor as Gutierrez has been, at least he's tracked back consistently, leaving Santon less exposed than Obertan has.

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Desperately, desperately poor today, seemed to forget the absolute basics.


Easy to forget he's a young lad, could do with a break if we had anything resembling decent cover.


Not the greatest protection from what was infront of him unfortunately. Should have done far better for the first goal. Been trying to make Cisse feel better in training too much.

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Guest bluegeordie

Desperately, desperately poor today, seemed to forget the absolute basics.


Easy to forget he's a young lad, could do with a break if we had anything resembling decent cover.


A crucial point that I feel way too many people are glossing over.


I continue to believe that he has great potential, and that he is already in the process of realising it. Imo, in many games this season he's been one of our most positive and creative players. His positioning and decision making need to be more consistent, but I believe that this will come with time. He had a shocker today, but looking forward I feel he's the least of our problems ... in fact, I regard him as a real strength and asset.

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Desperately, desperately poor today, seemed to forget the absolute basics.


Easy to forget he's a young lad, could do with a break if we had anything resembling decent cover.


His head definitely went down a bit today and he was badly at fault for two of the first three goals. The whole back four is suffering from the change to a passing style mid-season IMO. All this should have been worked on pre-season.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

His challenge on Giroud at the end was petulant......In another game that was littered with yellows, he could have quite easily have got a red which would have put us right up shit creek

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His challenge on Giroud at the end was petulant......In another game that was littered with yellows, he could have quite easily have got a red which would have put us right up s*** creek


Agreed although he did what I was feeling and showed he was one of the few in a black and white shirt that gave a shit.

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