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Wolves vs Newcastle United pre-match thread - 01/10/11 @ 3pm


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or be 5mins late for work perhaps ?


Can't be, very strict times.

can be, stand up for yourself man, they are employers not owners.


It's not about me standing up for myself, i've always done it and i still do mate. I just started at a new place and im on trial at this moment and the place  i've been stationed (sp?) at by my employer have extremely high demands. This will only last for a couple of months until im back to normal terms and be able to be a little bit late again :)

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or be 5mins late for work perhaps ?


Can't be, very strict times.

can be, stand up for yourself man, they are employers not owners.


It's not about me standing up for myself, i've always done it and i still do mate. I just started at a new place and im on trial at this moment and the place  i've been stationed (sp?) at by my employer have extremely high demands. This will only last for a couple of months until im back to normal terms and be able to be a little bit late again :)

better be. i'll be checking.
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or be 5mins late for work perhaps ?


Can't be, very strict times.

can be, stand up for yourself man, they are employers not owners.


It's not about me standing up for myself, i've always done it and i still do mate. I just started at a new place and im on trial at this moment and the place  i've been stationed (sp?) at by my employer have extremely high demands. This will only last for a couple of months until im back to normal terms and be able to be a little bit late again :)

better be. i'll be checking.

:lol: good



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Work for me at 5pm, so i'll have to watch the last 5min in my car  :lol:







Can't believe we're 2/1 to win this like.  We have a far better team and they've lost their last 2 home matches convincingly.


Weve not won in fifteen attempts to be fair, so I'm fully expecting the wheels to fall off and us to get soundly thrashed.


In fact I've put money on it.




/because if anything is going to get us a win, it's not the players, it's me lobbing a £2 fortune on the opposite result.

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Guest Rey Mysterio

If we go behind in the game then we should be happy to take the draw but before the game, no way. We're a good enough side to go and beat these bottom half teams. QPR showed what going there happy for a draw does, very lucky to escape with it.

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1. Who do you think NUFC Should worry the most about on Saturday and why?

Mick McCarthy. If he gets it right after the last 3 games, you'll be in for a miserable afternoon.

2. Who should we least worry about and why?

Nenad Milijas. Hammill, Foley and Zubar. They probably won't be playing. But if they do get selected...

3. What player do you think will cause you most problems and why?

Demba Ba, Best. Ba's getting dangerous and Best seems to be starting to score goals.

4. Which player do you see causing you the least and why?

Not familiar enough with your squad to answer that.

5. Where do you see yourselves finishing this year?

Hopefully above you guys, but if we don't, 13th or 14th.

6. And where can you see NUFC Finishing.

See 5.

7. Wolves have recently been linked to James McFadden. Would you like him in your team?

At the moment no, but he might prove useful as a squad player. Depending on the result on Saturday, this answer may change.

8. What do you think of Newcastle's current manager Alan Pardew?

Don't really like him, he's not $#@!e, but I never really warmed to him. Really didn't like the way he came into your club, but that's probably more down to that $#@! Ashley. Having said that, he seems to have got you guys off to a decent start.

9. Obviously, Joey Barton has left NUFC. But he still managed to reignite animosity with your captain playing for his new club. We have our thoughts on the player, what are yours?

I actually rate him as a footballer, I think he has genuine footballing skills, probably enough to call him talented, but he's such an unlikeable $#@!, a hooligan, a thug and a racist. As a footballer, I think he'd get into most teams in the Prem. As a person, he should have been flushed down the toilet when he was still a piece of snot.

10. Where is the best place for away fans to have a pre match drink or bite to eat?

Newcastle probably... I live in Ireland. See the next few posts from guys who live locally. I've seen and gone in a few that have signs oiutside saying 'Home Fans Only'. And the cops have video cameras!

11. Finally, what are your predictions and scorers?[/b]

3-1 or 3-2 for us. We're stinging from an appalling no show against QPR and against Liverpool (2nd half) we were a lot better. If we play like that on Saturday, we could turn Molineux into a place of pain for you. Fletcher, Doyle, O'Hara, Hunt.... choose 2 or 3 from about 5.

Many thanks again for your time and looking forward to the game Saturday.




1. Who do you think NUFC Should worry the most about on Saturday and why? Fletcher because he is our main goalscoring threat and i would say Jarvis because he hasn't really torn apart a full back yet so is due.


2. Who should we least worry about and why? Not sure how to answer this, if you are talking in terms of scoring i would say Berra, 50 pence head comes to mind.


3. What player do you think will cause you most problems and why? Can't really just pick one, always liked Ba and will score goals in this league as he has shown already, Cabaye looks like a quality player. Gutierrez aswell just because he runs at players and tore us apart at your ground last year.


4. Which player do you see causing you the least and why? Obertan if he plays, never rated him. Could probably chuck danny simpson in with him aswell, quite like the rest of your squad(first 11 for the blackburn game) and think they are good premier league players who are a danger to any team.


5. Where do you see yourselves finishing this year? Hopefully around 14th but we shall see.


6. And where can you see NUFC Finishing. Around 8th or 9th.


7. Wolves have recently been linked to James McFadden. Would you like him in your team? Not really, looked on teh decline for Birmingham before his injury and signing players who have been out for a year with cruciate ligament injuries doesn't really sound like the greatest signing.


8. What do you think of Newcastle's current manager Alan Pardew? Likes to talk and i didn't think he was that great a manager but he is doing a great job at Newcastle, maybe it's just that he's found the right club for him and the right players.


9. Obviously, Joey Barton has left NUFC. But he still managed to reignite animosity with your captain playing for his new club. We have our thoughts on the player, what are yours? We had quite a debate on here about Barton and while i agree he has been and continues to be a right dick but he is a quality footballer and sometimes gets more stick than he should purely based on his past actions when others do similar things and nothing is said.


10. Where is the best place for away fans to have a pre match drink or bite to eat? Not 100% sure but i think the main away pub in the city would be the Walkabout, other will be able to confirm whether that is right.


11. Finally, what are your predictions and scorers? Well i think we have to get back to winning ways soon and i keep changing my mind about how this game will go but at this moment i will say 2-1 to us. Fletcher and Jarvis for us and Ba for you.


1. Who do you think NUFC Should worry the most about on Saturday and why?

Hopefully Jamie O Hara , he'll no doubt dictate a lot of the Wolves play in the midfield.


2. Who should we least worry about and why?

Steven Fletcher. I really wouldnt bother putting a man on him. He's useless loike.


3. What player do you think will cause you most problems and why?

Gutierez generally rips us a new arse hole, unless he shaves off his beard and loses all his energy


4. Which player do you see causing you the least and why?

Hopefully all of them in a black and white top..


5. Where do you see yourselves finishing this year?

Down the bottom again but this season comfortably away from the relegation zone on the last day


6. And where can you see NUFC Finishing.

Could you suffer a Hull, Blackpool. Not sure you have more of a team unit and strong defending wise. Midtable most probably


7. Wolves have recently been linked to James McFadden. Would you like him in your team?

No, unless Fletch, Doyle and SEB are all injured


8. What do you think of Newcastle's current manager Alan Pardew?

Goes about his job pretty quietly, has always struggled in the transfer market for me.


9. Obviously, Joey Barton has left NUFC. But he still managed to reignite animosity with your captain playing for his new club. We have our thoughts on the player, what are yours?

He's a cvvunt


10. Where is the best place for away fans to have a pre match drink or bite to eat?

Walkabout is one of the away pubs thats half decent. Not many designated away pubs in Wolves really.


11. Finally, what are your predictions and scorers?

I have no idea. Hopefully a Wolves win.


1. Who do you think NUFC Should worry the most about on Saturday and why?

Fletcher is as good a goalscorer as there is outside the top six.


2. Who should we least worry about and why?

Adlène Guedioura. A cause célébre on here for reasons I don't fully understand. Brilliant at thumping shots from 40 yards nowhere near the goal. $#@! at everything else.


3. What player do you think will cause you most problems and why?

If we give Cabaye too much space, he has the ability to dictate the game.


4. Which player do you see causing you the least and why?

Don't think much of any of your keepers.


5. Where do you see yourselves finishing this year?

Anywhere between 10th and 17th.


6. And where can you see NUFC Finishing.



7. Wolves have recently been linked to James McFadden. Would you like him in your team?

No, he's $#@!.


8. What do you think of Newcastle's current manager Alan Pardew?

He's a smarmy $#@! and he was incredibly bitter when we beat his Reading team in the playoffs. Done well with you though in testing circumstances.


9. Obviously, Joey Barton has left NUFC. But he still managed to reignite animosity with your captain playing for his new club. We have our thoughts on the player, what are yours?

Good footballer. Abortion of a human being.


10. Where is the best place for away fans to have a pre match drink or bite to eat?

Walkabout is generally the designated away pub. It's ok, nothing special. You'll struggle to get in to most city centre pubs.


11. Finally, what are your predictions and scorers?

2-0 Wolves, Fletcher and Jarvis to score.



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Just read their usual right back is knackered so some youth is filling in for him.


Also, Wolves have quite a high opinion of their team. Dunno if we're just overly pessimistic or if these guys are just mega optimists. Any defence containing George Elokobi should be a worry.

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I'd normally be predicting our downfall, but i honestly think we'll build on the blackburn performance. And our centre midfield will look even better.


Somebody qoute this so i can't delete it at half time tomorrow when i look a right tit.

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How come nobody ever comes on here and gives us some questions to answer :(

1) so NO'ers what do you think the score will be between our teams ?


a) cabaye is shaggable


2) err OK...who do you see is the major threat we have to watch out for ?


a) herp derp


3) right...where do you think we'll respectivly end the season ?


a) neesy or colocho ?


4) Hmm.....is your team missing barton, carroll, enrique and nolan ?


a) i lie awake at night wondering what mimifrench looks like


5) who...err....ehm...which of our players do you think carries most threat ?


a) heres a picture of mackems celebrating.


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