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Newcastle Utd vs Wigan Athletic pre-match thread (22/10/11 @ 3pm)


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Santon/Raylor Saylor Colo Santon/Raylor

Marv Cabaye Tiote Jonas




Not sure its fair on Best, but this is a game to introduce Barfa, and Simpson & Alienhead needs to give space for Santon and Marv.

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Santon/Raylor Saylor Colo Santon/Raylor

Marv Cabaye Tiote Jonas




Not sure its fair on Best, but this is a game to introduce Barfa, and Simpson & Alienhead needs to give space for Santon and Marv.


This is what i'd like to see as well inho.

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Simpson Taylor Colo Santon

          Tiote      Cabaye

Marveux    Ben Arfa    Jonas



Which, funnily enough, is what I wanted for todays game, and injuries permitting, what I see as our best starting eleven.


Same here.

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Simpson Taylor Colo Santon

          Tiote      Cabaye

Marveux    Ben Arfa    Jonas



Which, funnily enough, is what I wanted for todays game, and injuries permitting, what I see as our best starting eleven.


Same here.

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Would like to see





Santon      Saylor          Colo      Raylor


                  Tiote        Cabaye   


      Marveaux        HBA        Guti




Seems the squad we've been building towards, and had enough time now. Best didn't put in his best shift last game, so willing to drop him for HBA.


Exactly what id like to see aswell, surely we gotta win this and i believe we will.....


3-0 to the Toon imo, the best thing about that line up is no Obertan and Simpson  :smitten:

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Can't decide if I want Simpson or Raylor to play, but I want this:




Simpson/Raylor - Colo - Saylor - Santon


    Marveaux - Cabaye - Tiote - Jonas


                            Ben Arfa




Obertan was clearly the weak link yesterday. And Simpson wasn't great either. Marveaux and Santon HAS to start against a poor Wigan side. Also Ben Arfa in for Best (wasn't at his best yday). I think two strikers with our set of players is a waste, when someone like Ben Arfa can play instead, and when he starts to pull the strings for real, we will all :fwap: away the idea that 4-4-2 was supposed to be better than 4-5-1.


Btw, we should win this game 5-0 or something (Løvenkrands x 5). Perfect game to build a decent goal difference.

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Same team as yesterday but with HBA and Santon on the right. Then give Marv a solid 30 minutes, and let him start against Blackburn. Then hopefully he will be ready to start against Stoke.

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it think its obvious what wigan will do.  Put 9 men in defense.  There last game was a relegation 6 pt game where they had to try and go for a win.  Against us they will play for a draw.


3-1 win


The good thing about this season for me at home, are the Fulham & Blackburn games. Fulham tried to play football, and after a slow first 30 minutes we picked them off and played well for 50 minutes and got the win, Blackburn came and tried to defend, we dominated. Contrast that to some of last season's home results.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Absolute 100% faith we'll win this :laugh:


No doubt down to Pardew's fantastic way of organising and preparing us for games, no way can I see one of our old performances against 'winnable teams'.

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I don't know why people think Best was bad yesterday, he won everything in the air and held the ball up tremendously, don't think he gave it away at all, drew defenders out wide quite a bit and was a real thorn in their sides...

The only real change I would risk would be Obertan. He lost the ball quite a lot yesterday and a few times he was in a great position and he hesitated letting them regroup and eventually losing the ball. Marveaux would be the sensible like for like replacement.

Ben Arfa took too many risks for my liking, lost the ball in dangerous positions and we were nearly punished twice in the 20 mins that he was on the pitch. if anything bring him on again after 60 ot 70 mins but with instructions not to try and take the whole world on by himself...

Raylor is undroppable at the moment, since QPR he has got better and better, his passing from the back is great aswell, didn't lose any balls yesterday and doesn't panick.

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I can`t understand why most are desparate to put the new players on at the start. When they came on for 20mins they were clearly not up to match sharpness or the Premiership speed of things. Hatem got caught with the ball 3 times and Santon got out muscled and left for dead once. Obviously once they are ready they will be better but at the moment they are not. Jonas was invaluable yesterday second best player after Toite. So Marve can wait. Best won every header from balls lumped up field which bought us vital seconds of time just as important as scoring imo. Ba scored. Raylors free kicks were spot on everytime. Simpson is more settled than Santon. Ober caught up with Bale and made a tackle a few times which was needed. Before kick off I was a bit worried that our main eleven were not going to be able to hold there own against a better team after the Wolves game but they did step up.

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We'll be on a high for this one i can see Wigan taking a bit of beating. A convincing 3-1 win.


Santon surely has to start instead of Simpson now and one or both of Marveaux or Ben Arfa too instead of Obertan and or Best.


Lets really take it to them and force them back. Cabaye to get further forward again with Ben Arfa in this one like Cabaye did at Villa. Same with Jonas and Marveaux. Tiote just to destroy anything they try to put together within his considerable range.

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expecting to see




santon      colo    s.taylor    r.taylor


obertan    cabaye    tiote    jonas


                          ben arfa





want to see




santon            colo    s.taylor    r.taylor


      cabaye      tiote      jonas


    marveaux    ben arfa



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Guest ykmkmdd

I think there's a very good chance we'll be unchanged again, although Santon for Simpson looks a possibility. Think Ben Arfa will be sub again, and lined up for a start at Blackburn.

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I wouldn't expect any changes in the team TBH, they're even less likely now we did well against Spurs. I don't mind that TBH, better not risk the team spirit by dropping players who are getting results.


Santon and HBA will get their chances. Would like to see more of Marveaux as well, he looks class.

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Worth giving anyone a rest?


Wigan are probably the worst side in the league at the moment.



Santon Saylor Colo Raylor

            Tiote Cabaye

Marveaux  HBA  Jonas











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